Because I'm easily bored, and think Firelizards are pretty nifty, I've made a webpage listing all the firelizards I have. Most names are Japanese words, or at least based on some kind of inspiration. I've also created a page for a clutch I did. Oh, and another, as well. ^^

Gold Firelizards

Meaning -
golden sands
Belongs to - Halsian Impressed
Though she is as gracefull and beautiful as most other golds, this young firelizard is still just as, if not more strong- inside and out- as most bronzes. From afar her coloring appears to be solid gold, though a closer look reveals that her hide is more speckled and grainy, like a golden beach when Rukbat's afternoon light hits it just right. Her hide could also be compared to a painting, the yellow and gold speckles resembling the pointillistic style of Seurat. Kousa is quite headstrong, even for one so young. She's sure of everything she wants, and she gets it, too.. /Always/.

Bronze Firelizards

Meaning -
Belongs to - M'ko Impressed
A shade of bronze which borders on orange, this larger-than-life hatchling is handsome, and oh, how well he knows it! Glistening hide covers a powerful frame, the orangey-bronze deepening to a hue close to brown over his muzzle, and paling only in the slightest over his underbelly. His neck-ridges are shaped with military precision, and his elegant wings, perhaps a quarter-length longer than might be expected, are tipped with copper wingspars. Every movement he makes is quick and decisive, and he has no difficulty taking charge of any situation that presents itself.

Meaning -
keep cool
Belongs to - J'dan Impressed
Burnished bronze hide covers the slender form of this far too cool firelizard.

Brown Firelizards

Meaning -
brown coal
Belongs to - C'den Impressed
Broad of bone, sparse of flesh, dusty brown of hide: only this firelizard's eyes are liquid, jewel-precious pools whose facets fairly glisten within their shelter of abruptly hooked eyeridges. Even the undertones of richness that deepen chest and belly stall out in the steep climb up ribs to the arid stalks of yellowed wingspars. Those wings carve out a blunt, narrow span of mainsails, translucent but for the powdery chaff that flecks ailerons into denser, unexpected opacity.

Meaning -
loyalty, sincerity
Belongs to - J'kan Won (OOCly)
So light and creamy a brown he is almost a frosty white. That is not the only light thing about him! His frail looking body is all skin, bones, and sinew. His wingsails are semi-see through and his long tail could be mistaken for thin rope. He looks as if he does not weigh but an once or two. His large head with overly large eyes looks almost out of place attached to his small body. But a heart of pure gold is hiding beneath that frail seeming frame, for this gentle fellow will grow strong with care and love from that *special* person. His gratitude will show itself as a fierce loyalty, and perhaps a tad bit of jealousy, to the one who catches his eye.

Meaning -
bungler, greenhorn, clumsy, poor hand
Belongs to - J'kan Won (OOCly)
A medium-sized brown firelizard a handsome shade of carmine-brown without a single flaw or imperfection in his color. His wings are solidly the same color as his body, and head and tail match one another as if he'd been painted to perfection. His tiny jewel-eyes always whirl brightly against his ruddy complexion, making him a remarkable little fellow to gaze upon. However, as soon as he moves itbecomes apparent all isn't right in his world. He can't seem to trundle about on all fours without stumbling and landing smack on his snoot, or fly without seeming in serious danger of slamming into a wall, or worse! His misfortune is not without compensation, however, for he loves his person with all his tiny firelizard heart, and doesn't want to be parted from them ever. Mostly, because the longer he clings to them, the less time he has to be clumsy.

Meaning -
(Inspired by Rokka from Yuugen Kaisha
Belongs to - J'kan Won (OOCly)
His hide is a soft, coppery bronze, and yet it also seems that the shadowed parts are a bronze tinged with green. But yet again when he steps into the light he is again a coppery bronze. His voice fills the air as he walks around, his large body moving with grace and fluid motion. He seems almost mellow, and his mere presence seems soothing somehow, even when his deep 'voice' is still. Even more amazing is the underlaying base tone of this fellow's hide, for indeed, he is truely a brown firelizard, not a bronze, for all his color.

Meaning -
brown sugar
Belongs to - J'kan Won (OOCly)
Limpid gold puddles over a tan background, running into the shape of a firelizard seemingly cast from rushing water. Shoulders widen in slim muscles, only to dwindle into a thin waist and little dribbly drops of tail. Soft trickles of skiny brown are his legs, ending in wide flat puddle-feet. A noble amount of pure white foam piles up in the form of headknobs and eyeridges, topping off a face of flat pale copper, too liquid to be metal. Fury sparks not in the shades of his hide, nor does light make him its plaything: he is plain, broad of feature and flat, not fleet, of foot, and not even his size sets him apart from other browns.

Blue Firelizards

Meaning -
lament, elegy, dirge, sad song
Belongs to - J'kan Impressed
Purple-Shadowed Blue Hatchling
Blue washes across the tiny body like sparkling wine, tiny lighter markings covering him like bubbles rising like a fountain before the eyes. Fewer of the bubbles grace the blue's feet, the number increasing as they spill upward over his rounded belly and back, wings, neck, and at last his narrow head. Each crease of elbow, knee, underside of arm or wing, and chin is shadowed a deeper purple which ripples like a glassful of clearest violet-blue liquid stirred, then left to settle partially, water-echoes that remain. His movements are liquid: he pours himself through the air or runs along the ground like a bead of rain on a windowpane.

Meaning -
Belongs to - C'den Impressed
(No Desc)

Meaning -
blue sky
Belongs to - Halsian Impressed
Shaking, shivering.. holding still for more than a second or two is far too much of a chore for this one. His urge is to always see the new, to dance, to frolick in the rain, and chase the curious scurryings of trundlebugs and vtols. Not the brightest of the bunch, to be certain, but loving nonetheless, he will follow with determined optimism down even the darkest paths. Though his temperment might suggest slimness, the strength of nervous energy, in fact his belly is plumply rounded and curved wedge of head is adorned with enormous eyes and wide-set headknobs. All over, from tip to tip and snout to tail, periwinkle dusted with the occasional splattering of baby blue works its magic, a darker cornflower shading of muzzle the only breaking.

Meaning -
magnificant sight
Belongs to -
Jerekan Impressed
(No Desc)

Meaning -
strong and fierce
Belongs to -
J'dan Impressed
A small, frail blue firelizard.

Meaning -
deep blue, ghastly pale
Belongs to - J'kan Won (OOCly)
Sky High Blue Hatchling
This hatchling looks to have been dipped into the palest blue that lingers in the sky upon the rising of the sun. His wings are so pale a blue that when the light hits htem they seem to be like pure silver. Faint traces of rich, verdant green trace along his forelimbs, and a stream of copper trails down his back ridges, pooling at the tip of his tail, like the sun rising high, indeed this fellow looks ready to fly high, his body lean and lithe with muscle even newly hatched as he is.

Meaning -
Belongs to -
J'kan Won (OOCly)
Aquarian Ice Blue Hatchling
He really is the right name for this young firelizard, he really is the right name for this young firelizard. His body is of the palest blue, reminding of High Reaches' ice. When he remains still, he could almost pass for an ice sculpture, if it weren't for his forever whirling eyes. Neat in shape and form, wings exactly the right length for his body, he is very well proportioned. He looks like quite a shy fellow, never far from his humanpet, his only protection from a world that is just...too much.

Meaning -
Belongs to - J'kan Impressed
Paternal Blue Hatchling
Small, even for a blue is this fellow, healthy, though at least. His hide is the purest of blue, blue like the sky on a beautifully clear day, cloudless, fogless.

Green Firelizards

Meaning -
(Named after Jerk's Weyrmate..Awww)
Belongs to -
J'kan Impressed
Her coloring is a rich, leafy-green that sparkles all 'round, even on her spars and belly. Even those sharp claws seem to sparkle like diamonds...

Meaning -
pretty, clean, nice, tidy
Belongs to -
M'ko Given (OOCly)
A slender young firelizard with deep ivy green hide, though the color pales into a paler tea-green shade along her spars and sails.

Meaning -
Belongs to -
J'dan Won
Green. Like the dewdrop on a leaf in the dawn of a new day. She's beautiful. She's breathtaking. Her hide sparkles like nothing else on Pern. She moves with a grace like no other. She knows she's the center of attention and she revels in it.
