Marklings get ready for some martial arts demos on Friday night in an extremely hot gymnasium, wondering to themselves, "Why are we here?" and "When do we eat?"
Happy, happy Marklings!
Hey, looky here! I made it into a picture. Hmmm, usually the lenses break....
Gluttons for punishment - we came back at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday to snag the best seats in the house.
Cora wonders how she ever got mixed up with this crazy bunch and vows to really think about it next time Cory says, "Hey, let's go to a martial arts tournament." But, James Lew made a new fan in Cora after she saw him drop into those splits!
Rae and Maddy, who came from the East Coast for this event, smile big Markling smiles for the camera.
Wushu Mostly Mark Sifu Al
Sparring 2 Martial Artist Marklings
James Lew Autographs Autographs 2
Group Pics
Dinner Fun 1 Dinner Fun 2