Courts-martial in California *
* The interroblast (made on a manual typewriter by backspacing and typing-over the question mark) signifies either surprised outrage or outraged surprise. An example is, "What?!", roughly translating: "The Heck you say?!"

A legal analysis of the
quasi- or pseudo- military courts
currently claiming jurisdiction
over civilians in California.

Have you ever seen this flag in a Government building?

Want to know why?

If you need more information about Civilian display of the flag, go to:
Title 36, United States Code, sections 170 and following.

"The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no such duty [to submit his books and papers for an examination] to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land [Common Law] long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights."
Hale v. Henkel (1905), 201 U.S. 43, 47.

Notice and Disclaimer:
I present this information for educational and informational purposes only under my Right to publish, and your Right to receive, controversial information, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America.
I do NOT offer nor pretend-to-offer "Legal Advice" [whatever that is].
I am not arrogant enough to claim or pretend-to-claim to "Practice Law" [whatever that is].

Having been to 'court' once as a defendant and having found it a mostly unpleasant and unproductive experience totally unrelated to Justice, I have done intensive legal research for my own use. You may find it interesting.

The United States appellate courts have held (since about 1990) that the gold-fringed flags currently displayed in their courtrooms do NOT represent an Admiralty jurisdiction. I believe that they may be telling at least part of the truth [in a strictly limited technical sense] to the extent that the flags that are displayed may not be Navy [Admiralty] flags, but might be Army [Martial Law] flags instead.

[The principle is that of hide-in-plain-sight:
Since almost everyone has become accustomed to seeing these flags, but few people have the specific information or knowledge of what they represent, no one will know enough to object. In 'court', if you do not Object, the 'court' merrily Presumes that you have waived any Objection and/or have consented.]

Information on seeing what you are looking at:
Army Regulation 840-10. Heraldic Activities: Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates.

These flags seem to be a no-longer-authorized remnant of World War II.
I believe that we are currently being 'governed' in some totally unjustifiable quasi- [nt: as if it were] or pseudo- [nt: fake, de facto] military 'jurisdiction'.
Of course, I would hope that if these 'courts-martial' were actually displaying the Flag of Great Britain, of Spain, of France, or even of the United Nations, that every loyal American Citizen would refuse to patronize them and/or would immediately walk out of such a 'court' in disgust!

I believe the principles set out here are sound; I have "Shepardized" the cases to 1998; whether anyone could ever get one of these 'courts' to hear the argument is questionable given the current 'policically correct' agenda of the Government.

I believe for this approach to be effective, one MUST: (1) Enter the concepts of the Declaration into the Record (in writing, addressed to both the court and the opposing party, and sent to each by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested (or by Registered Mail) at least ten (10) days before the first time one physically goes to court to 'appear' for 'arraignment'.
(2) NEVER voluntarily physically pass through the dividing railing [the bar] in the courtroom.
(3) NEVER 'enter a plea' or allow anyone, even the 'judge', to 'enter a plea' on one's behalf.]
(4) NEVER plead 'not guilty'; if one is Innocent of the charges, first plead in Abatement; then Demur; only as an absolute last resort, plead 'Innocent'.

The information to support my contentions is incorporated into this model Declaration:

Here are some other people's views on the same subject:

A Military Flag:

Another flag article:

Another flag article:

The Major Premise [about martial rule]:

An article on Admiralty:

Admiralty in Colorado?:

An explanation of Admiralty:

An Article on Hidden Contracts:

[I don't know who or where "Michele" is, but I included her article (copied from an E-mail) here:]
Martial Law:

Lincoln's Executive Order 100: The Lieber Code

There is an entire body of law having to do with post-Civil War "Reconstruction" (treating the Southern states as 'conquered' territory) which is not incorporated into West's UNITED STATES CODE ANNOTATED, but seems to be still law in The United States.


Reconstruction Proclamation.
Act of July 8, 1864, No. 18, 13 Stat.[U. S. Statutes at Large] 744.

Reconstruction Acts
Act of March 2, 1867, ch. 152, 14 Stat. 428.
Act of March 23, 1867, ch. 6, 15 Stat. 2 (The Reconstruction Act).
Act of July 19, 1867, ch. 30, 15 Stat. 14 [amends 15 Stat. 2] (The Reconstruction Act, as amended).
Act of March 11, 1868, ch. 25, 15 Stat. 41.
Act of December 22, 1869, ch. 3, 16 Stat. 59.

[Relevant cases, according to SHEPARD'S UNITED STATES STATUTES CITATOR (1994)]:

Mississippi v. Johnson (1867), 4 Wall. 475, 18 L.Ed. 440.

Georgia v. Stanton (1867), 73 U.S. (6 Wall.) 50, 18 L.Ed. 723.

United States v. Florida (1960), 363 U.S. 121, 4 L.Ed.2d 1098.

Baker v. Carr (1962), 369 U.S. 186, 7 L.Ed.2d 690.

[All of the above is interesting, but it simply does not explain how we got quasi- or pseudo- military courts within the 30+ States of the Union which never seceded nor were 'in insurrection' nor 'in rebellion' between 1865 and today.
So we must be looking for a 'law' or 'statute' after 1865 which would legitimately apply the same or similar scheme of 'Reconstruction' to the loyal States of the Union.
I don't believe we will find such a law.
All that is left is what is usually called, 'Sedition', 'Usurpation', 'Oppression', or 'Treason'.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck; it's probably a duck.

[Something seems to have happened on the 'Federal' level in about 1893 concerning adoption of a Bankruptcy Code, but I do not yet know what.]
[Then, of course, there are Franklin D. Roosevelt's related "National Emergency" and "Banking Holiday" scams in 1933.]
[And then there is The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1934-35 scam, which is still with us.]
{And The Agricultural Marketing Act of 1937 scam, which is still with us.] [And the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION scam of 1935-37, which is also still with us.]
And the 'Income Tax' scam which seems to literally date from the Civil War.

The Timeline of The Reconstruction:


There is a growing body of cases which about 1987 started to 'vanish' or 'get lost' from SHEPARD'S UNITED STATES CITATIONS, LAWYERS' EDITION and U.S. SUPREME COURT CASE NAMES CITATOR supplemental volumes. They have not been officially Vacated or Overruled or Overturned or Superseded by the Supreme Court; they are either not being cited by Attorneys [maybe the dumbing-down of Attorneys IS working], or maybe are just being ignored by the courts.
The majority of these cases deal in some way with the legitimacy, jurisdiction, validity, or authority of military courts, territorial courts, or provisional courts before, during, and after the Civil War.
I could not find any of these cases on the Internet, so I have transcribed them and placed them there. Be warned: most of these cases are extremely BORING until you reach a certain intellectual 'critical mass'.

Chisholm v. Georgia (1793), 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) 419, 1 L.Ed 440.

Fleming v. Page (1850), 50 U.S. 603, 13 L.Ed 276.

Dynes v. Hoover (1858), 61 U.S. 65, 15 L.Ed 838.

Leitensdorfer v. Webb (1858), 61 U.S. (20 How.) 176, 15 L.Ed 891.

United States v. Cooke (The Venice) (1865), 69 U.S. (2 Wall.) 258, 17 L.Ed 866.

Ex Parte Milligan (1866), 71 U.S. 2, 18 L.Ed 281.

The Grapeshot v. Wallerstein (1870), 76 U.S. 129, 19 L.Ed 651.

White v. Hart (1871), (13 Wall.) 246, 20 L.Ed 685.

The Mechanics' & Traders' Bank v. The Union Bank of Louisiana (1875), 89 U.S. 276, 22 L.Ed 871.

U.S. owes refund of money paid by innocent party.
United States v. The State National Bank of Boston (1878).

De Lima v. Bidwell (1901), 182 U.S. 1, 45 L.Ed 1041, 21 S.Ct. 743.

This is an interesting and different look at Civil War history:
America's Caesar: Abraham Lincoln and the Birth of a Modern Empire, by Greg Loren Durand.

Some references about Abatement which I found interesting:

"Abatement" definitions from Bouvier's Law Dictionary:

Abatement used against the I.R.S.:

Christian Non-statutory Abatement:

Non-statutory Abatement:

Sample Plea in Abatement from Scott v. Sanford (the Dred Scott decision):

Left-over sections from the Declaration above.

Assume, just for argument, that every 'court' currently believes it is a court-martial and that this information does apply to you.
Does this information read any differently now?

West's Ann.Cal.Mil. & Veterans Code (1998), Section 460 reads:

Each military court shall have the power of a superior court of this State to compel by subpena, subpena duces tecum, and attachment, the attendance of witnesses, both civilian and military, and the production of books, papers, and documents, and to punish for contempt a witness duly subpenaed for nonattendance or for refusal to be sworn or testify or to produce books, papers, and documents. Military courts may also take by commission the testimony of witnesses who cannot reasonably be produced at the trial in the same manner as a superior court.
West's Ann.Cal.Mil. & Veterans Code (1998), Section 463 reads:
Military courts may issue all process and mandates, including writs and warrants, necessary and proper to carry into full effect the powers vested in such courts. Such process or mandates may be directed to the sheriff of any county, any peace officer, the police of any city and the constables and marshals of any town or city, or to any officer or enlisted man appointed by the court to serve or execute the same. All officers to whom process or mandates are directed shall execute such process or mandates and make return of their acts thereunder according to the requirements thereof.
West's Ann.Cal.Mil. & Veterans Code (1998), Section 464 reads:
The keepers or warden of any jail shall receive the bodies of persons committed by the process or mandate of a military court and confine them in the manner prescribed by law. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this division, no fees or charges of any nature shall be demanded or required to be paid by the State, or any military court or member thereof, or by the person executing, or returning such process, or by any public officer for receiving, executing, or returning any such process or mandate, or for any service in connection therewith, or for receiving or confining the person in jail or custody thereunder. Minors shall be confined in a detention home or equivalent place of confinement, and shall not be confined in a jail with other persons. Persons committed by process or mandate of a military court shall not be photographed or fingerprinted unless such process or mandate expressly so directs.


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