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(home) Life Condo VACATIONS Southwest Adventures

Nov+Dec COLORADO - more visits
Jun ST. JOHN - a vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Apr COLORADO - visiting friends
Mar TUCSON - springtime in the lushest desert
Nov WORLD SERIES - we had a blast at Game 6 (NYY 2 - PHX 15)
Aug+Nov COLORADO - more fun in our old home state
Jun NIAGARA FALLS - they're world-famous
Feb SAN DIEGO - just a quick trip
Jan YUCCA MOUNTAIN PROJECT - a tour of the nearby proposed nuclear-waste dump
Nov COLORADO - a Ft. Collins feast, and some Summit County photos
Jun AMES, IOWA - down-home family fun
SAN DIEGO - we walked the Rock 'N' Roll Marathon
May KAUA'I, HAWAI'I - it's a tropical wonderland
Oct CARIBBEAN CRUISE - we visited the Yucatan and Roatan with two dozen other Sno Jets
Jan JACKSON HOLE - a quick ski trip to meet our Sno Jets buddies
Oct PUERTO VALLARTA - the trip to and from hell (we never made it past Denver)
May+Jun EUROPE - three weeks in France, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, and Portugal
Mar+Apr AUSTRALIA - three weeks in Melbourne, Sydney, Brampton Island, Cairns

The Vacation Channel

This is the part of the website where you WILL find "under construction" signs. Some of the oldest and newest vacations -- well, I just haven't gotten around to digging out the photos and scanning them. And you will find a [near] 360 degree panoramic composite photo or animation, that look kinda clunky. But they still provide a basic overview of the area. Keep in mind that I often have additional photos at home that aren't posted here. If you're interested in more, just email me.

I moved all our vacation pictures for National and State Parks in the Southwest to their own area on another website.

And the adventures wit' da boys also have been relocated.

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