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Admission Essays Page #11

Here is the eleventh page of the Admission Essay Section. Under each person's essay or short statement is a link back to thier profile. If you would liek to comment on thier work e-mail us. You can also E-mail us at to add your own essay.

Question 1

University of Chicago is ideal. In my mind, I picture a campus full of smiling students of different colours, each with a fascinating story to tell. They share with me an interest in pursuing a very rigorous undergraduate experience, but our differences would keep us exciting and inspiring each other. Some students are continuing discussions from the previous class, some heading for a coffee break in the nearest café, and a few pondering on the great mysteries of life. In my imagination, renowned scholars are ready to teach and inspire. Not to mention, my questions would find their answers or raise even more questions in this community of intellectuality. In terms of studies, I would be able to pursue courses that would satisfy my wide range of interests, from music to photography, from writing to philosophy. Outside the classroom, I would enjoy myself in a range of activities, especially those ending in performance. On top of everything, studying at Chicago would mean living in one of the greatest cities in the world, with all the attractions of downtown Chicago nearby to keep my hunger for concerts and exhibitions satisfied.
Indeed, there might be a possibility that my imagination could be giving a too-good-to-be-true picture of what the University of Chicago is in reality. However, I would not know unless I am granted the opportunity to see for myself.

By: Jasmine Kwong

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Question 2

"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is by far my favorite book. It is a simple, yet imaginative story. Who is not fond of the little fellow who loves a rose so much that he gives his life away to return to it? The story reminds me of what is important in life. As I grow, I hope that I would never lack the concern for matters of real consequence, that I would be interested in more than figures and that I would never stop asking questions, just like the Little Prince. The story might be written in simple language and has a straightforward message, but to be able to understand it and apply it at the same time is one of my challenges and goals.
All kinds of music interest me, from the classical style of Mozart and Haydn that is structured and organized, giving a sense of order and security, to the expressive, emotional music of Chopin and Brahms, where dynamics and textures are explored to the full. I also adore the relaxation, mood, and atmosphere that jazz music could create. The prominent feature of improvisation mystifies each performance, giving it unique qualities of its own each time.
Recently, my favorite movie is "Amelie de Montmartre" (the true list is too much to print here). The characters are exaggerated in their roles, each with interesting, even weird, personalities. After all, who goes around collecting disposed pictures at photograph booths? Above all, a love story is told, so sweet and touching, and most admirable due to the absence of typical, lustful scenes.

By: Jasmine Kwong

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Sibling Essay

Kevin and Sueanne are my siblings, 5 and 7 years younger than me respectively. I had been an only child until Kevin was born, but my memory fails to convince me, clutching only few vague memories of those early years. However, it was different with my sister?s case. I vividly remember seeing Mom blown up in that flowery dress. I anticipated the birth of a live doll that would have silky, black hair for me to brush.
Like most things, there are good and bad sides to it. Being my parent's first child, I had the unfortunate luck of experiencing their virgin try at parenting. I could not call them fast learners and received numerous beatings and much scolding. My "rules" were learnt the harsh way and I often feel jealous since my siblings do not share the same treatment. Without a choice, I became a role model to my siblings. I had to be extra careful with my behavior since I have to set a good example. Suddenly, I had more influence than I wanted. I was blamed for fights, accused of all wrong doings (or so it felt), and asked to be generous and forgiving. Then came the unasked for responsibility. My mom asked me to tutor my siblings... an impossible task. My siblings were not willing to be patronized by their sister. I did not have the authority. It took a long time for us to treat each other respectfully and we are still working at it.
Apart from being a sister, I feel like I am Mom to my siblings at times, especially when my parents are away at work in China on weekdays. The situation forces me into even a tougher position. I have to be even more mature now with a duty including making sure that they do their homework, that all school notices are read, and that I go along to parent consultations. Worst of all, they seem to resent me sometimes and I only understand why too well, for I myself do not like to be ordered around and told off. Though it is occasionally a pressure, I feel honored to be able to act older than my age.
Fortunately, there are many good points of being an elder sister. I had privileges along with responsibilities. I always got the biggest room and am granted most time on the computer. When we are not fighting, my siblings and I make good company. I treasure the memories of us bathing and sleeping together when we were younger. Our age difference was not a problem. We went biking, played Monopoly, and watched the same cartoons. As I am gradually growing into an adult, it is getting increasingly harder. We used to play teacher and student as a game, but now it is for real. And sometimes, I am at the learning end.
The greatest part of being the eldest around is getting the trust from my parents. It feels so satisfying to be relied on and be able to meaningfully contribute. Had my mom not asked me to tutor Kevin, I would not be able to feel the satisfaction of helping him discover his passion for reading. Had my dad had more spare time, I would not hold the joyful memory of teaching my sister ride on two wheels and then seeing her succeed after endless trials.
Indeed, I would sometimes wonder what life would be like to be an only child, but I would never exchange my siblings, along with all the joy and lessons they bring, for anything. They make me feel important and mature and make me a better person. And I am still learning from them. The future holds prospects of meeting people and situations that would require maturity and responsibility, so I am grateful that I am that much more prepared.

By: Jasmine Kwong

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