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About The Umbrella Club

The Umbrella Club is a group of friends based on the ex Birmingham University Walking Club (The Wayfarers) We presently are mainly based on those members from 1980 to 1990

The operation of the Club is very simple - there is a list of names of club members and a quarterly news letter.  The "organised" trips are sometimes just the name of the campsite we will use.  If we are using cottages then one person will act as organisor.  You can join in these organised trips or use the names list to keep in contact with your friends and orgainse your own trips. There is always more going on than in the news letter.

The experience, skills, and abilities in the club are as wide as the normal population.  We have skillful rock climbers and people with serious alpine ascents under their belt.  We also have people who just want a local ramble. Usually there is something for everyone.  Over the years someone somewhere has had a go at one sport or another so the activities on a trip can vary considerably.  The following list is by no means complete.  Walking, Rock Climbing, Ice Climbing, Treking, Rambling, racing push chairs with or without the babys in them, Sailing, Sail Cruising, Surfing, Windsurfing, Diving, Caving, cycling, Eating and drinking.    

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