for USS Tuscaloosa
November 1945

After the Japanese surrender, Tuscaloosa provided an American presence at numerous ports in the Far East.  In early November 1945, Tuscaloosa visited Shanghai, China, and embarked several hundred GIs for return to the United States.  The following is a transcription of the document provided to sailors going on liberty in Shanghai on about 8 November 1945.

LIBERTY NOTES FOR SHANGHAI Liberty Personnel One-half the crew each day, by watches, commencing with the Starboard watch on Thursday, 8 November, 1945. Liberty Hours Non-rated men from 1300 to 2230 daily Petty Officers from 1300 to 2400 daily Liberty Uniform Enlisted men - Dress Blue "B" CPOs, Cooks, and Stewards - Optional, Dress Blue "B", Khaki, or Gray. Liberty parties will be inspected prior to departure, for neatness of appearance and correct uniform. Special attention will be given to hair cuts, shaves, and neckerchiefs. Field shoes and jackets will not be worn ashore. Conduct ashore. Men on liberty will conduct themselves in such a manner as to reflect credit upon the United States. Men going ashore will at all times be friendly and respectful in their relations with the Chinese. The Chinese do not like to be touched, and they have no respect for a man who becomes intoxicated. Men should travel in pairs while ashore. Men ashore will avoid all contact with Japanese. Due to danger from drowning, men too drunk to navigate without help will be cared for by the shore patrols overnight, or properly escorted back to their ships. Restricted Areas. The area north of Sochow Creek is filled with Japanese, and is out of bounds at all times. The Old Chinese City is out of bounds after 1800. All brothels are out of bounds. The Cathay Hotel is restricted to officers only. Personnel on liberty will no go beyond the city limits of Sanitary. Liberty Landing. All personnel will be landed at the Customs Jetty. Ships will have boats at the landing when liberty expires. Men will not use sampans for transportation to and from ships. Men will remain off the pontoons until their boat is called alongside. Visiting General visiting is not permitted. Bona fide guests of officers and men may be permitted on board and will be furnished appropriate identifications. Curfew orders of Chinese and U.S. authorities will be rigidly enforced. Firecrackers will not be lighted after 1900. Shanghai is under martial law. Personnel must halt when directed by Chinese Sentries. Diseases There are a number of diseases prevalent in Shanghai, and include Bacillary Dysentery Amoebic Dysentery Schistosomiasis Kala-Azar Cholera Malaria All venereal diseases Food and drink Many of the diseases mentioned above are contracted by drinking contaminated water and milk, or by eating uncooked food. Personnel ashore should drink only water which has been boiled. Personnel should not eat ice cream, or drink milk. Personnel should not eat fruits and vegetables. Liquor in Shanghai is bad. Liquor obtained from other than accredited bars and cafes is likely to be poisonous. Don't think that it is good because the bottle has a standard label. Swimming Wading, swimming or washing in fresh water streams or pools is forbidden. Blood and liver flukes are prevalent. Currency Exchange There are two types of currency in general use in Shanghai (a) Central Bank of China. This money is issued by the Chinese Nationalist Government. Current rate of exchange is about 1500 to 1. (b) Central Reserve Bank of China. This money was issued by the Japanese puppet government, and is rapidly depreciating in value. Current rate of exchange is about 160,000 to 1. Men going ashore should exchange only enough money for their immediate daily needs. There are many money changers near the liberty landing. Keep your money in an inside pocket. Shopping The best shops are located on Nanking Road. Prices are high. It is customary for the shopkeeper to ask considerably more than an article is worth. As a general rule, do a little bargaining, and pay about one-half to two-thirds of what is asked. Above all, keep good humored throughout the transaction. Do not grow heated over a purchase, as this will lead to trouble. Navy Enlisted Men's Club. A Navy enlisted men's club is opening today at 722 Bubbling Well Road. The Foreign YMCA, Bubbling Well Road, is available to enlisted men. The Navy YMCA, Kiangse and Peking Road, is also available to enlisted men. General The Wangpoo is a treacherous river. Keep inside the boat. Don't crowd on landings. Obey the orders of the beach guard and boat officers. The chances are against you if you fall overboard. Enjoy the liberty, but don't let it get you into trouble. Don't argue with the shore patrol. Don't bring liquor or firecrackers back to the ship.

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