Don't hunt what you can't kill

Jean-Claude Van Damme as Chance Boudreaux
Lance Hendriksen as Mr. Fouchon
Yancy Butler as Natasha Binder
Arnold Vosloo as Van Cleaf
Wilford Brimley as Uncle Duvee

a JOHN WOO film

Written by
Chuck Pfarrer

Directed by
John Woo

The movie starts out from the point-of-view of Douglas Binder, a homeless man. Right now, we aren't sure why he is running but it seems there are some men chasing him, trying to kill him. We find it is kind of a game to the men, by that I mean when the man in the car (who seems to be running the operation) says "If he makes it to the river he's won. We can't let that happen." Well, Douglas was almost there when he was finally put to rest (he was shot in the heart with a big arrow). Now we meet Natasha Binder, Douglas Binder's daughter, who is trying to aquire the where-abouts of her estranged father (Natasha's parent got a divorce 20 years back and Douglas moved away from the family). She goes around to different places but comes out empty-handed. Tough break.

Now we meet Chance, who is having a kind of crappy meal in a restaraunt/cafe when Natasha comes in to use the pay-phone. She goes to the counter to get change and while doing so she whips out her wallet full of cash. Well, some poor folk see this and think "Hey! Why don't we rob the shit out of her?" Chance sees the other folks in the restaraunt hatching a plan to rob her and decides to keep an eye on Natahsa. When she finishes her phone call and gets back to her car, those poor-folk start hassling her for her money (and maybe a little extra if you smell what the Rohrk is cookin') but Chance shows up. Well, about 2 or 3 minutes later they are all on the ground (knocked out) or have taken off and Natasha is safe (for the time being). All Chance does is reply "You know, it's a shame. This used to be such nice part of town," and walks away.

Natasha decides to go to the police station and file a missing-persons report on her father, but finds that the clerk says that in order to be considered missing you have to have someplace to be missing from. So Natasha decides to find Chance and ask him if he can't help find her father. But Chance is at the docks getting a job on a ship heading out of the country. Natasha confronts him and proposes herself but is graciously declined by Chance. That is until Chance finds that he owes some dues and cannot ship out until he pays it off. So he is forced to take the job proposed by Natasha. They get better aquainted on the ride to varies homeless shelters, but they still don't have much luck. But they did find some belongings of Douglas'. Among his belongings is a stack of flyers for an adult chatting service. So, they decide to give this place a visit.

The guy who works there, named Randal, says he doesn't know who Douglas Binder is, but the can tell he's lying. Just when Chance is about to really get serious, a man named Van Cleaf walks in. That is when they hit the boot. Downstairs, Chance and Natasha are confronted by a police officer who says that her father's body has been found. It "appears" that Douglas Binder was burned to death in a fire in an abandoned building (but we all know that isn't what happen). Natasha gets all this gulit built up and says stuff like "Oh, it's all my fault. I was too late." and stuff like that, but Chance is trying to calm her down by telling her it is hard to ask for help when you are a homeless person. That you fell like you are resulting to the lowest common denominator.

Now, the guys who killed Binder find out Chance is on the case and decide send some guys to rough him up. Chance goes to the place where Binder was allegedly burned and look for more clues. Bingo, he finds exactly what he needs when he gets his clock cleaned by the people sent to lay the smack down on him. Then Chance gets arrested for willfully crossing the police tape to get into the burned building. That is where he gives the evidence of a homicide and another autopsy is ordered. Now, finding out Binder was murdered, Chance decides to pay Randal another visit where he names Van Cleaf. Now Van Cleaf and his boss, Mr. Fouchon, are very concerned and decide to go after Chance and Natasha. Running for their lives, Chance and Natasha go to Chance's uncle Duvee's place, a farm-type place way out in the country. When they get there, Chance and his uncle do a little greeting and Chance introduces Natasha. Then Chance explains the situation to Duvee who is willing to help, but Fouchon and Van Cleaf and their pack of men aren't too far behind. So Chance, armed with a shotgun, rides a horse away from Duvee's place hoping to lead Fouchon and his men away from Duvee and Natasha. Eventually he leads them to an old abandoned circus-prop factory. One by one, Chance takes then out until it is only him and Fouchon. But then Duvee and Natasha show up. To make a long story short, Chance lays some serious smack down on Fouchon (with a granade) and Chance, Natasha, and Duvee are relatively uninjured.