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Victoria before 1848
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© Say thanks to space Mary Abberton spaceA Ahern

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Mary Jane Adams wed Robert Muirhead in 1846 at Presbyterian Geelong
Mathew Adams, 39 hus of Eliza Labourer Buckinghamshire Prot both employed by Thomas Graham Saltwater River arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Eliza Adams, 26 wife of Mathew arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Mr Adams arrived 20 Sep 1839 from Greenock 6 Apr 1839 via Adelaide 9 Sep, Intermediate passenger on the Ariadne
Mr and Mrs Adams (2 on list) Steerage, came 26 Jul 1841 on the Brilliant
Mrs Adams and child Adams (Steerage) arrived Port Phillip 28 Aug 1841 on the, William
Mr Adams, Cabin arrived 26 Feb 1842 from Plymouth on the Himalaya
Oliver Adams came July 1836, household of 3 males Nov 1836 Census,
Oliver Adams wed Julia Lynch in 1843 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
O Adams The Port Phillip Herald Tue 27 Jun 1843 voted in election 20 June 1843, resident of Geelong Tue 27 Jun 1843 Geelong resident signed supporting William Lonsdale
Oliver Adams, voted in Geelong to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
Oliver Adams, qualifies by Freehold in Fyans St 4 miles from Geelong Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Oliver Adams Directory 1847 Owned Property Fyans St Geelong - Freehold Property, malster, Bellerine street, North Corio
Richard Adams, 37 hus of Betsey arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Betsy Adams, 37 wife of Richard arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
John Adams, 13, Mary Adams, 10 , Leah Adams, 8 , William Adams, 4 and Susanna Adams, 1 arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Richard Adams Directory 1847 farmer, Carlton Estate, County of Bourke,
Robert Adams, Partnership with Messrs Aitchison, Gardiner and Adams dissolved of Wardy Yallock, District of Portland. Source - Geelong Advertiser 22 Apr 1844
Robert Adams, Portland Bay District depasturing license for Aug 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 31 Oct 1844
Robert Adams, wed on 1 August at the residence of Dr Thomson in Geelong, by the Rev A Love, to Miss Anderson. Source - Geelong Advertiser 5 Aug 1844
Robert Adams and Jane Anderson christened John Dalrymple 1845, William Anderson 1846
Robert Adams, Licensed to depasture stock at Portland Bay District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
Robert Adams Correspondence sold Portland Bay Greenvale to Austin, James
Robert Adams Directory 1847 settler, Hopkins River,
Samuel Adams, believed killed in the bush, late of the Grange, from Bailie Boro, Ireland. deceased intestate, estate placed in charge of Deputy Registrar James Denham Pinnock, for collection. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 21 March 1845
Sarah Adams, 16 single woman House maid Prot reads London arrived 13 Jan 1842 from London and Cork on the Samuel Boddington
Sarah Adams, List 4, 30 Apr 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 7 May 1844
Sarah Adams Directory 1847 dressmaker, Lonsdale street,
Thomas Adams departed from Launceston for Portland on the schooner 'Minerva' 7 Mar 1843 - source Launceston Courier 13 Mar 1843
Thomas Adams 1812 died 1847 Male aged 35 at Bush
Titus Adams 20 came on the Joseph Somes in Sep 1847 with 306
Violet Adams wed John Bell in 1843 at Presbyterian Portland
She appears to be Violet died 1864 #2551 aged 36, dau of Bridget and James Kelly of Tasmania, leaving 8 chn
William Adams, male wed Caroline Hale 1842 #4643 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
William Thomas Adams, died 7d male Melbourne 1842 #3733 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
William Adams and Caroline Hale christened Emily 1847
William Adams The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 28 Apr 1843 New Licences granted for John Bull Lonsdale St
William Adams livery stable keeper The Port Phillip Herald Fri 6 Oct 1843 Insolvents Court liabilities 145 pounds, Assets 129, deficiency near 15 pounds
Adams The Port Phillip Herald Tue 12 Dec 1843 Insolvents Court 3rd meeting
William Adams, List 4, 30 Apr 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 7 May 1844
William Adam, Licensed to depasture stock at Portland Bay District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
William Adam, Geelong Post Office has an unclaimed letter. Source - Geelong Advertiser 28 May 1845
William Adams wed Ann Cosgrove in 1847 at Church of England Belfast (Now Port Fairy)
Alexander Adamson, No 7, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 5 Aug 1845
Mr Francis Adamson left 10 Oct 1843 barque clearing for London on the Dublin
H Adamson - Letter at Post-office unclaimed, 27th February, 1847,
Mr JJ Adamson left 10 Oct 1843 barque clearing for London on the Dublin
John Adamson - from Dictionary of Australian Artists, painter, sketcher and draughtsman, son of Frederick Adamson of the Clyde Company, Scotland, is said to have landed at Hobart Town in August 1835 off the wreck of the Leith ship Wallace but did not stay long. In October he arrived at Sydney as a settler aboard the schooner Maria. He subsequently went to Melbourne, where all his known sketches were drawn. Some were published as lithographs and engravings in 1839-40. His map of Melbourne surrounded by views of colonial life and scenery was described in the Port Phillip Gazette on 29 April 1840 in glowing terms.
On 6 October 1841, the Port Phillip Gazette noted:
A letter has been received by Mr. O. Gourlay of this town, announcing the death, on his passage home, of Mr. J. Adamson, a gentleman who was among the first to settle in this country, and whose eccentricities, while they rendered him remarkable, were accompanied by a power of mind which gained him at all times the esteem of his acquaintance. Mr. Adamson died suddenly on board the Helen Thompson, 5th May, 1841, in which vessel he was bound for Calcutta from Batavia, where he had last touched.
John Adamson 35 hus (1 family) Labourer Prot Both Fifeshire, came 22 Oct 1841 on the Grindlay
Margaret Adamson 25 wife of John (1 family), came 22 Oct 1841 on the Grindlay
John Adamson and Margaret Coupland christened Agnes 1847
Thomas Adamson and Ann Mary christened James Thomas 1845, George William 1847 ; Owned Property Gawler St Portland - House & Land
George Adderley 1820 - 1847 Male aged 27 died at Melbourne
John Addicots 32 hus (3 family) Carpenter Prot both Nottingham, came 17 July 1841 on the England
Ann Addicots 27 wife of John (3 family) Farm Servant Prot both Nottingham, came 17 July 1841 on the England
Mary Addicots 3 and Thomas Addicots 2 chn of John (3 family) Prot Nottingham, came 17 July 1841 on the England
Sarah Addicott, died J 2m female Collingwood 1842 #3794 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
John Addicots and Ann christened Susannah 1845 died, Frederick 1846
Directory 1847 carpenter, Collingwood,
Lieut RN Addis, with 147 men, was presented to Sir George Gipps at a Levee, Mon 25 Oct 1841 in his honour. Source - Port Phillip Herald, 26 Oct 1841
Mr and Mrs Addis came 20 Feb 1839 as coastal passengers on the 'Louisa Campbell'
EB Addis JP The Port Phillip Herald Tue 27 Jun 1843 voted in election 20 June 1843, resident of Geelong Tue 27 Jun 1843 Geelong resident signed supporting William Lonsdale
Edward Browne Addis, was sworn in as a magistrate of the territory. Source - Geelong Advertiser 25 Apr 1844
Edward Browne Addis, on Committee for Separation Society, District of Grant. Source - Port Phillip Herald 7 June 1844
Edward Brown Addis, qualifies by Freehold in Suburb, 1 mile from Geelong Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Edward Brown Addie - Addis Directory 1847 Owned Property Bank Geelong Branch Local Directors, R.N., J.P., C.C.L., Barwon Terrace, Chairman of the Bench. Geelong, 5tb April, 1847,, Yarra St. & district Geelong - Freehold Property
Mr Addison Cabin, came 24 Feb 1841 on the York
Henry Addison and Matilda christened Mary 1847
John E Addison came 2 Oct 1839 as coastal passenger on the 'Brazil Packet'
James Elliott Addison in 1839 settled at Dunrobin (north west of Casterton, 153,600 acres)
James Addison, of Melbourne, Wine Merchants, from Insolvencies, dated 20-Dec and 24-Dec 1842
James Addison, granted Insolvency Certificate of Relief, a new law passed in Sydney.. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 9 Nov 1844
Thomas Aden Directory 1847 shoemaker, Bourke street,
William Adeney, letter at Geelong Post Office 30 Dec 1843. Source - Geelong Advertiser 1 Jan 1844
William Adeney, List No 7, 31 July 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 6 Aug 1844
William Adeny, Licensed to depasture stock at Portland Bay District August 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 29 Sep 1845
William Adeney Directory 1847 settler, Chocolyn, Portland,
William Adeney, — Diary of a voyage to Van Diemen's Land on board Jane Frances and subsequent life at Port Phillip and the Western District, 1842–43. Presented by Mrs. J.F. Field to the Australian Manuscript and Historical Picture Collections, 1968. State Library of Victoria
Mr Adlum came 4 Apr 1839 as coastal passenger on the 'Henry'
James Adrian departed from Launceston for Portland on the schooner 'Minerva' 7 Mar 1843 - source Launceston Courier 13 Mar 1843
Alexander Afflick - Affleck and Janet/Jessie christened Christina Honeyman 1840, Elizabeth Hope 1845, Alexander 1846 died ;
Alexander Affleck, List 5, 31 May 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 4 June 1844
Alexander Afflick, No 7, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 5 Aug 1845
Directory 1847 butcher, Little Collins street,
Christina Honeyman Affleck wed William Maitland Atkinson in 1841 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Elizabeth Hope Affleck wed George Younger in 1841 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Jessie Affleck wed William Moffat in 1843 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
John Affleck Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Robert Affleck, 19 (m 1) Woolsorter Stirling Prot both, listed on the Himalaya arrived 30 Sep 1840
William Affleck, granted depasturing license for Portland Bay for March 1844. Source - Port Phillip Herald 23 Apr 1844
William Affleck, Licensed to depasture stock at Portland Bay District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
William Affleck Directory 1847 Correspondence settler, Glenelg River, Transferred from No 179 PB Dist 1845 20/167,
Miss Agan arrived at Port Phillip from Launceston on the brig 'Henry' 26 July 1840 - source Port Phillip Herald 28 July 1840
Alexander Agar 17 came on the Sir Thomas Arbuthnot in May 1847 with 338
Thomas Agar A came on the Sir Thomas Arbuthnot in May 1847 with 338
Annie Agnew wed Jared Graham in 1844 at Presbyterian Geelong
Eliza Agnew Page 197 Letters at Office, 30th June 1847,
Dr Agnew arrived 27 Aug 1840 from Sydney, listed on the William Woolley arrived 27 Aug 1840
Sir James Wilson Agnew left London Willmot - arrived Sydney 1839, Van Diemen's Land by 1839 on colonial medical establishment,
published paper 'Teeth and poison apparatus of the snakes in Tasmania'. Tas. J. Nat. Sci. in 1841
Death of wife (Louisa Mary Fisher) 10 March 1868 at age 40, Death of son (Louis Stewart) Melb 1878 aged 24
James Agnew 29 (2 single man) Labourer Prot both Belfast, came 30 Nov 1841 on the Marquis Of Bute
James Agnew ; Directory 1847 clerk, Little Bourke street,
John Agnew 37 hus (1 family) Labourer Prot both Tyrone, came 13 Apr 1841 on the Argyle
Catherine Agnew 29 wife of John (1 family) House servant reads Armagh, came 13 Apr 1841 on the Argyle
Anne Agnew 10 and William Agnew 7 chn of John (1 family), came 13 Apr 1841 on the Argyle
John Agnew, and Catherine Gillespie baptised female Eliza Jane at Presbyterian Geelong born at Geelong 1842 #701
John Agnew and Catharine Gillespie christened Francis 1844
John Agnew, qualifies by Freehold in Ashby Village 1 mile from Geelong Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Owned Property Ashby Village Geelong - Freehold Property
Mary Agnew 23 (1 single woman) Nurse Prot both Wigton, came 9 Jan 1841 on the Ariadne
© Say thanks to space Mary Abberton spaceA Ahern

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