Welcome to Vixen History! A place where my imagination can run free and I can write and write till my hands hurt. Incase you didn't know, I love to write.

Hi, I'm Nayru and this is my cyberpet registry. When I adopt things from the internet, I like to write stories for them. Since they are usually quite long, I made this site for them. If you want to read a story, simply click on a link below. Most are finished, but some are not. You can even visit my adoption agency if you'd like. That's here. Which ever option you choose, enjoy!

~*Books You See*~

Niri- Kaii + Waii
A Taddidrake All My Own
Dusk Land (Egyptis)
Jesse's Stallion
Lional Hills
The Naishougoto
Star Light, Star Bright
Takeru & Santarn
A Cornfield Of Dreams
An Underwater Citadel
The Fly Of Knight
Dalex's Time

~* Specials *~
Lyrra School

Now Playing: Dragon Rider from Chrono Square
Background: A photo I took