The Shadowmantium Awaits...
Goat of Mendes

Draconis weaves His Shadowy web, infuses it with power.
Calls upon Infernal Friends to dwell there every hour.
The Door is open, welcome friend, the Aristocrat invites.
Taste the realm of Shadows that this Dark Abode insights!
Cast off your mortal cloak of fear and leave it at the door.
Once within, indulge and sin, engage the Spirits, dance and spin!
Cry out "Hail Satan!", Infernal Guest's, in this Shadow Realm alive!
A Timeless Place, this is, My friend, relax, enjoy, imbibe!
Let this Darkness feed your soul, taste it's wine go down,
Black Flame burns within you as you go forth in *your* town.
But never forget in your daylight journey there is for you a place!
For, in the wood the Dark House sits, the Shadowmantium awaits!

Hail Shadowmantium! Hail Draconis! Hail Satan! Hail The Dragon!

Going forth, Dark, unto My sleeping town,
cool, early Autumn winds stirring in the moonlight.
My eyes like windows peering out
from the lofty towers of that Dark House,
The Shadowmantium!

Wicked eyes, enchanted by the shadowy embraces,
descry what I truly Am, peering back at Me from fiendish faces.
Piercing eyes of Wolf and Bat, moon-filled and Deep
share My knowing that We are One with the Darkness of that Keep,
The Shadowmantium!

It beckons in My dreams each Necromantic Night!
Dancing in My Mind with Diabolical Delight!
It transforms mortal creature's into Children of the Night!
With Demonic fervor, I spread My wings for flight!
The Shadowmantium!

After the Feeding, with Nights remnant bleeding away,
the Hunger satiated, I allow them to sleep, until the coming of day.
Mad with Hellish Power, returning to That Infernal Abode!
For Hell's Asylum waits the return of Those It Chose!
The Shadowmantium!

Sometimes, I haunt the Library reading Grimiores in the Night.
Occasionally, My meddling, the Gallery insights!
Now and then,I prowl the Magic Chamber, and invite
The Devil's and the Demon's, Darkly clad in Ghoulish Light!
The Shadowmantium!

Predator of humans, of their essence partaking.
A Dark Gentleman, a Fiend in fact, Ritual Toast making!
Glass held high to Blackthorne, the Devil's Architect,
who laid the foundations of this Place upon the brackish Pit's!
The Shadowmantium!

Hail the Dragon!
Enter The Order of The Black Dragon

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