As unbelievable as it sounds, the Union Pacific Railroad and the "Law" seem to think a cow deserves more consideration than a Human being!

If a cow is killed by a train, the Owner is not only re-imbursed for the loss of the cow, but also for the offspring it
COULD have produced over its' life span, too!!  As an example, if a cow could produce ten calves under normal circumstances and it was killed after producing only one, then the Owner is paid for the other nine, even though there is no guarantee the cow in question really could have produced that number of healthy offspring.  That's great for the Cow's Owner, but why isn't the same logic applied to a human being killed by the same Railroad?

I mean a cow, after it is killed and processed, can bring a smile to a humans' face by providing a great steak or hamburger.  Doesn't that pale in comparison to what a human can do?  A human could write or produce the next "big" movie, write a new play, invent the the next computer operating system, write the next hit song, find the cure for what ails you, etc, etc, etc.  Or maybe, like My Father, could bring a smile to Your face by His passion for playing the piano or His smile at seeing You which made you feel special and welcome.  Which would You rate as more important?

No, We dare not go there, because then We would have to admit that We could not place a monetary value upon His, or anyone else's life and the death of just one good human being would bankrupt the greedy and all Their lying, cheating and stealing, not to mention, manipulation, to gather all the glorious money would put them back to square one.

So, We, the people,let Those that control the money, rule over Us just about any way They want to, because, "We" feel there is nothing We can do about it.  Wrong!!  Just like Our forbearers, if enough of Us scream loud enough about what is wrong with 'Our' society, We
CAN change it for the better and believe it or not, it doesn't have to happen in a court of 'law' to be effective!

Time will tell whether or not my efforts will bare fruit, but at least I can now sleep at night knowing I tried My best to change some of the wrongs We are faced with.  Will You?
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