Hello, and thanks for stopping by! This webpage is for anyone who is considering or has had Weight Loss Surgery (WLS).  Included on these pages are information I learned about different surgical procedures, risks, results, supplements, etc. while I was researching for my own surgery.  I had my surgery on March 6, 2003 with Dr. James K. Weber at Stevens Hospital in Edmonds, Washington.  What made me decide to have surgery?   Well look here to find..........
My WLS Journey.
Ok, so what IS Weight Loss Surgery? Is there more than one?  Click here to find out!
One of the best sources of information and support for WLS on the internet is at ObesityHelp.com.  My personal profile is here - Gregg's Profile
Should you wear a medic alert bracelet after surgery?  As far as I know it isn't required, but hey, its a good idea.  You don't want to end up in an accident someday with a medic trying to run a tube down to your stomach that is no longer connected!

BUT, medic alert bracelets are SO damn ugly! (in my ever so humble opinion).  Here are some links I found to buy medic alert bracelets that are a little different and more attractive.

About Me Jewelry - cute bracelets for children and adults
Green House Jewelry - Lots of stylish bracelets that come with medic alert tags
Lauren's Hope - Medic alert bracelets with fashion sense
American Medical ID - Classic bracelets in gold, silver, and stainless
N-Style ID - Sports bands, leather bands, bracelets, etc.
Have you ever wondered what you'd look like 100 pounds lighter? How about with red hair?  Here's a fun way to take a look at a model of yourself -
Virtual Model
Ok, so you know the idea behind the surgery, so what exactly are they doing in there? Here are the actual procedures.
WARNING - These are very graphic slides and videos of actual surgical procedures.

Dr Champion's Laproscopic Slideshow

University Hospital Open RNY surgery video
Ok, one of the toughest things post-op is to keep up with your supplements, such as protein, calcium, vitamin B12, etc.  Check out the following links for your supplement shopping convenience!
Vitalady.com! A great source for your post op shopping needs.
Pinson's Fitness - Good prices on protein powders.
Sugarless shop - For those of you with a sweet tooth that don't want to load up on sugar.
Vitacost.com - Great prices on Calcium Citrate - Check the site for other deals.
Vista vitamins - Supplements designed for gastric bypass patients.
Save on Supplements - The name says it all. 
WLS success - Supplements for WLS patients.
Mr. Protein - What do you think is here? Protein? YES, Mr. Protein sells protein.. :)
Bariatric Advantage - Vitamins and minerals made with the Bariatric patient in mind.
Here are a few more links that may help you in your research of Weight Loss Surgery options.
American Obesity Association

ASBS - American Society for Bariatric Surgery

Duodonal Switch - Duodonal Switch Information Zone

NIH Statement - Stand of the National Institute of Health on Obesity.

Obesity Law - A center to help fight insurance denials

Weight Matters - A great source for pre and post op info.

WLS Center - A wealth of info on WLS

OHTOBETHIN - The website of Dr. Ki Oh in Washington State.  Plenty of information available and great friendly folks to deal with.
Now of course, the ever popular disclaimer:

I am not a doctor, nor have I ever played one on TV.  Please consult your personal health care professional before you make any decisions that could affect your life and your future. 
Everything you find on this site is free, but remember, you get what you pay for!
By Popular demand.... ok, my Mom asked me to post them... here are my BEFORE AND AFTER PICS!
Ya know what I say to Jared from Subway?
EAT ME, I'm low in Carbs too!!
Any idea what you might want to ask your surgeon at your consultation?  Here are a few suggestions -

And if that isn't enough, here's a few more!

That oughta leave his head spinning and make him swear you off the internet forever!
Ok, here's a pic of me pre op... ain't I adorable?  Ok, maybe not.... Run your mouse over the pic for a pic of me 6 months post op.  Is there any difference yet??
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