Evidence-Based Practice Module
From:- Wai-Ching Leung and colleagues wp102@yahoo.com
Restricted resources

This course generally
About this module
Preparation prior to the module
Effective search for evidence
Reading list
Online queries or comments
Useful tools
Glossary of EBP terms (Alternative site)
Useful links
Preparation before each session
Search etc
Therapy and Harm (RCT)
Therapy & Harm (SR)
Current and past students only information
Lecture notes
EBP calculator


EBP calculator

1. Diagnosis - Calculating post-test probability from sensitivity, specificity and pre-test probability

2. Calculating ARR and NNT adjusted for a specific patient


3. Calculating NNT from Odds Ratio and baseline risk
Warning:- This calculation does not necessarily give you the correct SIGN (i.e. whether positive i.e. NNT, or negative, i.e. NNH). You have to decide the sign for yourself - which should be easy if you understand the basic principles. For example, compare the results of
a) PEER = 0.5, OR=2
b) PEER = 0.5, OR=0.5
and decide what the signs should be.

If the above site is down, you can find appropriate information (but without online calculator) here.

4. Calculating the 95% confidence interval of a SIMPLE proportion

e.g. in prognosis (the proportion of patients who died within a certain time); sensitivity and specificity. We covered this in the prognosis session. Compare the result from this calculator with your calculations using methods taught in the session.

N.B. This is NOT appropriate for calculating other measures such as ARR (i.e. difference between two proportions) or relative risk (i.e. the ratio of two proportions).

Updated reading list

Assignment-related resources

Asynchronous Learning Network ALN Journal
Articles relating to the the role of asynchronous network in learning

Australian Journal of Educational Technology
Articles relating to the use of information technology in learning.

Evidence-based nursing

For those with nursing background, this free online journal contains many useful articles and reviews.

Examples of how EBP is used

The following brief reports from the BMJ illustrate how to give a case scenario, frame questions, document search strategy.

These reports also evaluate the evidence and applying it to the clinical scenario. However, these reports evaluate several studies but you are are asked to evaluate only ONE or TWO studies for your assignment. Also, these reports are very brief in the sections on evaluating validity and applicability but you need to give much more details.

Evidence based well child care

Evidence based management of childhood obesity

Evidence based management of seizures associated with fever

Evidence based management of nocturnal enuresis

Evidence based management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

This page is created and maintained by Wai-Ching Leung
e-mail:- wp102@yahoo.com
last modified January 2002