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Shadrach is the founder of the original Wrestling Stories. He is a freshman at Louisiana State University where he "became a little fish in a big pond instead of a big fish in a little pond."
Shadrach likes football and wrestling.
He is Jamie's first cousin (Their fathers are brothers, but Jamie's father has been on a mission overseas since the Reagan Administration).

Character Profile for Shadrach:

Nick name: shadrach_masterson

Career: Freshman, College

Roommate: Jonah

Age: 18

Hgt: 6'1"

Wgt: 210

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Gray

Arms: 18 Chest: 53

9 L X 7 R

Good fighter. Spirited. Tough. Determined.

Turn ons:
g-punching, c-fighting. Schoolboy pin. Leglocks. Bearhug. Sleeper.

Fantasy match:
None specified.

Character traits: Faithful Friend. Honest. Reliable.

Wrestling Stories featuring Shadrach Masterson:

Shadrach has never gotten personally involved in the fighting at Wrestling Stories.

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