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Shane is a ranch-hand at a ranch in Wyoming. Shane's younger brother Tommy is a cadet at Chamberlain-Hunt Military Academy. Shane is a good friend of Don's and spends a lot of time in New Orleans. Shane has a small apartment in the French Quarter.

His nemesis is Luke because Shane defeated Luke for the title, "King of the Cowboys," and took away Luke's cowboy hat. Afterwards, Luke ran away to a ranch in New Mexico.

Character Profile for Shane:

Nick name: rodeo_wrestler

Career: Cowboy

Roommate: In New Orleans, Don. In Wyoming, shares bunkhouse with other cowboys.

Age: 20

Hgt: 6' 1 1/2"

Wgt: 195

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Arms: 18 Chest: 49

8 1/2 L X 6 R

Funny. Energetic. Hot-tempered but hides it.

Turn ons:
g-punching, c-fighting, t-twisting. Leglocks.

Fantasy match:
No-Holds-Barred with Jason.

Character traits: Faithful friend. Honest. Dependable. Showoff.

Port of New Orleans

Wrestling Stories featuring Shane, aka rodeo_wrestler:

Luke vs Shane, Message # 1165-1168 by Don

RJ vs Shane, Message # 628,329,632,638 by Don, C-fight

Don / Shane vs Jake / Joey, Message # 387 - 389 by Don
(More like 2 on 1.. Until)

Don vs Shane, Message # 290,292-295 by Don, C-fight

Josh vs Shane, Message # 219-223 by Don, C-fight

Jason vs Shane, Message # 181-185 by Don, C-fight

Don / Shane vs Jake / Josh, Message # 161 - 167 by Don

Josh vs Shane, Message # 140-144 by Don

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