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The Lore

The Lore

There are many legends surrounding the Sloss Furnace. They all have one thing in comman though, and that is that they all invlove the paranormal. Sloss Furnace is considered to be one of the most haunted locations in the United States. Many ghost documentaries have featured Sloss, and every one of them conclude that there is defintely something strange about the furnace.

One of the more famous tales is of Theopholus Calvin Jowers, a worker of Sloss. One day while at work, he was walking along a catwalk of Sloss's tallest iron stack Alice No. One, or by its nickname 'Big Alice'. While working Jowers lost his footing and fell into the iron stack, where he was unfortunalty burnt alive instantly. Today there have been multiple sightings of Jowers, and other workers of the past.

Continue on to read my frightful expiernce I encountered at Sloss.
The Lore