Caddo River

Caddo River map

Flowing out of the Ouachita Mountains in west central Arkansas is one of the state's most unappreciated streams -the Caddo River. Those that know it, however, describe the Caddo as among the best "family outing" type streams in the state.

It begins in southwestern Montgomery County, and flows near or through the communities of Black Springs, Norman, Caddo Gap, Glenwood, and Amity before entering the backwaters of DeGray Lake. In fact, throughout this 40-mile journey, the Caddo is never very far from civilization. Railroad tracks parallel the stream for several miles, a few houses can be spotted from the river, and cattle frequently gaze down at passing floaters. This surrounding landscape may not be original wilderness, but it sure is peaceful.

The Caddo itself is also peaceful - at least in most places. But to prevent paddlers from becoming too complacent, a handful of faster rapids (class I/ class II) have been strategically placed in the stream. The river also features some top-notch gravel bars, ideal places to stop, lean back, and contemplate the mysteries of moving water.


Source to DeGray Lake, a stretch about 40 miles in length.


While the Caddo River is "floatable" above Norman (the water has to be high, and it's a very fast float), most trips on the stream's upper reaches begin at the southwest edge of this small town. The eight-mile float down to Caddo Gap is scenic, but is possible only after extended periods of rainfall.

Probably the most popular Caddo River float is the six-mile journey from Caddo Gap to Glenwood. One highlight is a swinging footbridge over the river at the put-in (the low-water bridge west of the Caddo Gap community) which, for safety's sake, should be appreciated from below. Rock gardens are common along this stretch and can cause consternation when the water's low. The actual ''gap" for the Caddo occurs about a mile and a half into the trip (just above the Arkansas 240 bridge). At this point the river passes through a narrow opening between the ridges, and so do Arkansas 8 and the railroad - all three bunched closely together. The gap is also the site of a geological oddity: some hot springs bubble up into the stream bed here (for those wishing to experience these thermal waters, here are some rough directions: go upstream 200-300 yards from the old low-water bridge; springs will be on the west bank, and are usually at or below the river's surface; barefoot waders will have no trouble recogniz- ing the spot!). Two and a half miles later, the Caddo's South Fork enters from the west. Small rapids, long gravel bars, and an occasional willow thicket characterize the stream as it approaches Glenwood.

The float from Glenwood to Amity is a slower version of the upper sections. Pools are longer, and the rapids lose some of their intensity. Yet it's a fine float, perfectly suited for those wishing to gain encouraging experience in a canoe.


Like most of Arkansas's canoeing streams, the Caddo usually gets too low in the summer and early fall for good floating. The best months for a successful trip are March through June.


The Caddo River is an easy stream to get to. Access points are numerous, and the shuttle routes are almost always along paved roads. Traditional put-in and take-out points include: the bridge immediately west of Norman; the lowwater bridge west of Caddo Gap; the old low-water bridge on Arkansas 182 north of Amity; and the Arkansas 84 bridge northeast of Amity.


The Caddo may lack dramatic views, but it has plenty of good scenery. The floater often travels next to forested hillsides and past rocky outcrops. In several places the stream flows under a green canopy of overhanging hardwoods.


The Caddo is one of the most underrated and overlooked cold-water fishing streams in Arkansas. That's unfortunate, for this small river offers excellent fishing in a peaceful setting that's ideal for a weekend family "getaway.''

Smallmouth and spotted bass are the most notable sportfishes inhabiting the Caddo. The most productive bass angling begins near Caddo Gap and ends below Amity. During low water periods, portions from Caddo Gap to Glenwood can be floated. Longear and green sunfish are often caught in this stretch as well.

This is one of the few cold-water streams where white bass are an important species. These scrappy fighters migrate upstream from DeGray Lake during their spring spawning runs and are taken by boaters and bank fishermen alike using live minnows, jigs, spinners and minnow-replica crank-baits. Hybrid bass and walleyes are also occasionally taken during their spring spawning runs.


Most of the communities along the Caddo River include gas stations and grocery stores. Glenwood, by far the largest town along the route, also features several restaurants and at least three motels, one of them within sight of the river.


Because nearly every acre along the Caddo is privately owned, floaters need to be particularly careful not to aggravate local landowners. Camping sites are available at the Crystal Recreation Area north of Norman off Forest Road 177.



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