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Budget Index
Last Updated 2/20/03

On Budget Policy

Time for a New Day

Remarks Before the ADA’s 2006 Conference and Convention
June 23, 2006

Let Me Hear Your Voice

Remarks Before the National Association of
Developmental Disabilities Councils
July 23, 2002

An Education Budget from the Town of Bedrock

Remarks Before the Committee on Education Funding
Legislative Conference
September 13, 1999

Toto, I've a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore

Remarks Before the National Board of
Americans for Democratic Action
September 28, 1997

A Budget Must Have Vision

Statement Before the
American Federation of
State, County, and Municipal Employees
School Employee Advisory Committee
June 4, 1997

Liberals Are the Real Fiscal Conservatives

Remarks Before the Concord Coalition
February 24,1997


Remarks Before the Governors' Representatives
February 10, 1997

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Budget

Remarks Before the Forty-Ninth Annual
Institute on Federal Taxation
University of Southern California Law School
January 14, 1997

Stupid Budget Laws

Remarks Before the American Association of Law Schools
January 5, 1997

The Election Is Over. Where Do We Go From Here?

Remarks Before the American Association for
Budget and Program Analysis
November 7, 1996

Where Do We Go From Here?

Remarks Before the Committee for a
Responsible Federal Budget
February 9, 1996