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My Heart felt thank you for this beautiful Award! I am truely honored.
Bring them Home!!!


"Hopes & Dreams"

Beneath the darkness of the clouds, in a POW's dream.

Beneath the silence broken now, in an agonizing scream.

Resides the letters of imprisoned Soldiers, brave hearts..but not alone.

Continuing to hold the lasting hope, of someday coming Home.

They went to War when they were called, a Patriotic deed.

Their wives, sweethearts, and families here, holding on with continuing need.

To run to them with open arms, their tear streaked faces cry.

You were not forgotten because of us,

Who wouldn't let you die.

So welcome home my brother, or my husband, or my son.

It's not a dream...my Soldier..,Your life is now begun.

Oh!..to make that possible, to have Freedom ever ring!

Turn the pages of the Web,

To a Rosebud in
The spring!

Dave/11bravovet 3 15, 1998

My Adopted POW/MIA


Name: Bunyan Durant Price, Jr.
Rank/Branch: E4/US Army
Unit: HHC, 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor, 25th Infantry Division
Date of Birth: 09 February 1950 (Monroe NC)
Home City of Record: Belmont NC
Date of Loss: 02 May 1970
Country of Loss: Cambodia
Loss Coordinates: 114512N 1060827E (XU243013)
Status (in 1973): Prisoner of War
Category: 1
Acft/Vehicle/Ground: UH1H

Other Personnel In Incident: Michael Varnado; Robert M. Young; Rodney L. Griffin; Dale W. Richardson (all missing); Frederick H. Crowson; Daniel F. Maslowski (returned POWs); - Tommy Karreci (evaded and escaped)

Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project with the assistance of one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Date Compiled: 01 January 1990. Updated by the P.O.W. NETWORK.


SYNOPSIS: On May 2, 1970 a UH1H helicopter from Company B, 229th Aviation Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division flown by WO1 Michael B. Varnado was hit by ground fire and forced to land just over the border of South Vietnam near the city of Memot, Cambodia. The aircraft was transporting members of HHC, 34th Armor, 25th Infantry Division, SP4 Rodney L. Griffin; SP4 Bunyan D. Price, Jr.; WO1 Daniel F. Maslowski; Capt. Dale W. Richardson; and Capt. Robert M. Young. Also aboard were Tommy Karreci, SP4 Frederick H. Crowson, and CW2 Daniel F. Maslowski, crew members of the aircraft.

The men were part of an attempt to stop North Vietnamese forces from gaining strongholds in Cambodia. President Nixon announced the request by Cambodia for American assistance on April 30. Had we not assisted, the North Vietnamese, in addition to having an effective sanctuary to which they could retreat without retaliation, would also have South Vietnam completely outflanked.

The crew all survived the crash, and had only 30-40 seconds on the ground to decide what to do. They all attempted to evade, each in different directions. Only 18-year-old Karreci managed to make it back to U.S. lines in 2 or 3 days. Crowson, Maslowski, Varnado and Young went in one direction and were all captured by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces. Price, according to Defense Department records, was also captured. Griffin and Richardson took off in another direction and were never seen again.

Crowson and Maslowski were released in 1973 and in their debriefings stated that WO1 Varnado and Capt. Young had died in captivity, while detained in Cambodia. The Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam (PRG) officially acknowledged their deaths, listing Varnado's death as 21 September 1970, and Young's death as 17 November 1972.

According to Dan Maslowski, Bob Young died of illness in Dan's arms in the fall of 1972. Maslowski saw Varnado about two months after capture. "Vito" had been shot in the leg and in the side when he was captured, and according to Dan, "looked like hell". His side wound had healed, but the wound in his leg, in the kneecap, was badly infected. He could not walk, and told Maslowski that the Viet Cong had been transporting him in a hammock. The Viet Cong had told Varnado that he was to be taken to a hospital to have his leg taken care of. The Vietnamese state that he died two months after Dan saw him in camp (about 4 months after capture).

On August 1, 1989, it was announced that the Vietnamese had "discovered" the remains of Michael Varnado, returned them to the U.S. His remains were positively identified, much to the relief of family and surviving comrades, and Michael Varnado could finally be buried with the honor he deserved. The remains identification did not contradict that Vietnamese' statement that Varnado died four months after capture.

The fate of Price is uncertain. Maslowski always believed Price had been captured, but never saw him in camps he was held in. One report from escaped ARVN POWs stated that he was captured by the Khmer and because the ethnic groups normally did not cooperate, the Khmer would not likely have given Price over to the Vietnamese, who had captured the other four.

Since 1973, nearly 10,000 reports have been given to the U.S. Government regarding Americans still missing in Southeast Asia. Some, according to U.S. State Department sources, have withstood the "closest scrutiny" possible, and cannot be disputed. There is very strong reason to believe that Americans are still held captive in Southeast Asia today, yet President after President has failed to would bring them home.

The POW/MIA Data & Bios provided by the POW/MIA Freedom Fighters have been supplied by the P.O.W. NETWORK Skidmore, MO. USA

-- POW/MIA Freedom Fighters http://www.powmiaff.com/ Together we are FIGHTING for our POW/MIA's FREEDOM!!

** Proud Supporter of the POW/MIA Balloon Launch http://www.oocities.org/Pentagon/Quarters/2436

** Honor Our POW/MIA's; Gain A Full-Accounting of Our POW/MIA's; Educate the Public about POW/MIA's; Ensure This Never Happens Again!


"Operation Just Cause"


I accept this Award in Honor of your "Hero"..Douglas Frank Strait..I cherish it highly. My heartfelt Thanks,
Dave 11bravovet



Graphics byRon Fleischer


When you look up tonight and see the stars, please ask yourselves just why?

We have the technology to send Men there,

But ..let a P.O.W. die?

Surely just to find a Man, and bring him home to Peace.

Has to be #1 on the roster, Please make Their agony cease!

Console their Children and Families here?, with untruth and with lies?

Hopefully there's a President soon, With Compassion in their eyes.

We'll understand and might forgive, mistakes that have been done.

And as you look for Answers..Sir, a suggestion..here is one.

Have the Guts to state a Fact..Have the Will to Try!

Please understand we're waiting still.

Don't let Another Die!

Sincerely, Dave/11bravovet..1-09-1998


Think tonight...as you snuggle warm, on a soft and pillowed bed.

Think tonight...and turn those thoughts, slowly in your head.

Are You so comfortable, secure, and safe?, that you have not a single care?

You've amassed a fortune, or so you think,

But there is a Soldier there.

Hidden for Years in a rotting cell, closed off from his wife.

Thin and sick, and cold, and weak, clinging to his Life.

Forgotten?...hardly...At least not so by Me.

I feel his Pain, and taste his Tears, that stream and fall you see.

So rise up from that down-filled Dream, and grab a Pen to write.

And draft a Letter to President Clinton,

We Have To Make This Right!


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