SouthBeach Tutor

Welcome to the SouthBeach Tutor! Before exploring the rest of the site, we recommend that you first go through the introduction. Below are the different tutorials and articles we offer. Should you find it difficult to find the tutorial you want from the menu below, we have prepared a list of frequently asked questions with links to the said tutorials. Enjoy!

To non-GeoCities members: Please keep in mind that these tutorials were designed specifically for GeoCities members. That's why we believe that the tutorials in the basics section will not interest you. However, the tutorials and articles in the intermediate, advanced and specials sections will benefit you.

Main Menu


Creating HTML Pages
Copying Files
Deleting Files
Downloading Files
Editing HTML Pages
Joining GeoCities/SouthBeach
Moving In
Renaming Files
Uploading Files



Information given in the Basics section will not be repeated in this set of tutorials.

Adding Images
Adding Background Images
Adding Links
Adding Sounds / Videos


Adding SouthBeach Webrings

Need More Help or Resources ?

Should you have any comments and suggestions, please e-mail the site administrator. Be advised that GeoCities-related questions will not be entertained in the aforementioned e-mail address. Please direct such questions to SouthBeach Community Leaders.

Site Administrator is Wilson
Graphics by DJ
Background by JadeRyan
Last updated: March 11, 2000