The Meanings of my Lyrics

These are the meanings behind my lyrics...just so you know what the fuck I am talkin' about

Beast Within - This song is all about insanity...plain and simple, to go deeper into it, it's about a lunitic that hears voices in his head that he thinks is someone who cares about him in an uncaring world..makes him do things he doesn't want to do and in the end is the one who has to pay for it.
Madman - This is a song that I wrote when I was upset at a girlfirend of mine in PA, I just wrote how I felt at the moment in time, I felt like a madman that had no emotion, so I put it on paper and here it is.
Messenger of Misery - This is a song about "The Reaper" and his views on death, it's like it's his job and nothing else, about how everyone fears him, but there is really no reason to.
The Dark Lords - This is a song about four of my favorite characters, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalpyse, the title comes from a radio station I listened to in PA (98 ROCK) when they were talkin' about Metallica as "The Dark Lords of Metal"..and it just made me write in my car at break at work.
Done Wrong - The beginning of my writing career, I wrote this song after I read an e-mail from my girlfriend of the time to her "faggot" internet buddy in Canada (you know who you are) about how much she wanted him and that she couldn't stand another night without him and all that bullshit..these are the most powerful lyrics I ever wrote, because I thought about them.
I Don't Care - Stu basically wrote this song for me when we were gonna start hookin' up, but he said I could keep them for mine, I kinda helped but I let him go for broke.
No Point To Fight - Another one Stu wrote as we sat at my kitchen table in PA one warm October night, I only helped with the last verse, basically it's about pickin' up a hooker and gettin' A.I.D.S's like a "Safe Sex" song.
F.I.A. - The title stands for "Fuck it All" which is how I felt at the time I wrote it, I hated everyone around me, everything that was going on in my life and my general feeling about life itself.
Venom - This is a song I started when I lived in PA, but finally finished here in Idaho, it's about a junkie from start to pitiful end, needing the fix, gettin' hooked and all that.
Victims - This one's about domestic abuse, about people who think they can get away with beating their kids, spouse, or who ever, and how the innocent victims have to pay for the abusers anger for no good reason.
Imprisoned - I started writing this one while I was sitting in my closet and how I felt like I was in jail for someone else's pleasure.
See My Pain - I read through some old letters from an ex of mine and read the "I Love You"'s and "I'll Make You So Happy"'s and "I'll NEVER Hurt You"'s in these letters and realized that they were just bullshit, so I got really upset about it and wrote this song.
No One's Son - This is a song about growing up in a screwed up home, looking for compassion from parents that were too busy in a whiskey bottle or out all hours of the night working to know how their child was feeling, and growing up to be an adult and the feelings one has about when the pendulium comes full circle and the parents need the child to help them, and the child shows the parents the same "love" that was shown to them.
One Man's Life - It's kinda fucked up how I wrote this all started when a necklace my sister gave me broke and one of my Metallica videos got eaten by my VCR...I know you're askin' "But Raven...what the fuck does that have to do with this song?" Well my wondering fiend, I felt like I can't have anything in my life that has some importance, then it reminded me of all my relationships, how I was happy in the beginning then someone came along and threw a wrench in the machine. Most of this song is some poetry that I wrote...actually the first two lines are the only lines I never wrote before. I also wanted to stay away from rhyming in this because I feel that it's hard to get real feelings when you're restricted to having to rhyme every line, or every other line.

This is all for now, but I am still writing more songs, so if a new song gets posted then the reasoning behind it will also be posted as soon as I get it done

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