Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts

Have visited the Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts Home Page since July 27, 1998.

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Membership Profiles

We here at AGSMA recognize that pictures take an eternity to load.
So we provide you with our member profiles to keep you occupied while the pictures are loading.
But. If we see you at a convention and find out that you are able to recite all of our statistics,
We will immediately restrain you, throw you in shackles and send you directly to an institution.
Go directly to the institution, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
(Don't worry, we all know the way to the institution by heart)

Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Member Profile:

Rank Triumvirate
Weapon of Choice Cuteness
Vehicle of Choice 1998 VW Bug
Special Attack Spatula Splat
Final Attack Front of 11th Grade Classroom Humiliation
AKA (Also Known As) Alita
Birthday October 19
Place of Birth San Diego
Height 5'
Shoe Size 8
Blood Type Liquid
Horoscope Sign Libra
Relationship Status Attached
Likes Cute Things and Quiet Attentive Students
Dislikes Loud, Disobedient, Obnoxious Students
Favorite Food BBQ Duck Fried Rice
Least Favorite Food Bamboo
Favorite Drink Orange Freeze
Favorite Restaurant Extraordinary Desserts
Hobbies Costumes, Drawing, Painting,
Staring at Italians Dressed as Superman
Bad Habits Being Late
Favorite Color Blue
Favorite Animal Cute Dogs
Favorite Weather Cloudy and Cool
Favorite Quote "Thank God, it's Over" / "Whatever!"
Strongest Subject English Lit, Art
Weakest Subject Math
Favorite Sport Volleyball
Favorite Board Game Outburst
Favorite Video Game Bust A Move, Darkstalkers, Gran Turismo
Favorite RPG Resident Evil
Favorite Video Game Character Sakura
Favorite Convention San Diego Comic Convention
Favorite Anime Battle Angel Alita, Ranma 1/2, Tenchi Muyo
Favorite Anime Characters Alita, Ukyo, Girl from Ghost In The Shell
Favorite OAV Akane's Sisters
Favorite Costumes (Own) Alita, Ukyo, Renaissance Dresses, Mrs. Cartman
Favorite Costumes (Others) Courtesan, Giant Robo
Favorite TV Show X Files
Favorite Music Ska, Swing
Favorite Bands No Doubt, Save Ferris, Beatles
Favorite Music Artist Sting, Peter Gabriel
Favorite Songs In Your Eyes
Favorite Music Video I'm Slightly Mad
Favorite Album Soul Cages
Favorite Lyric "In your eyes, the light, the heat, in your eyes, I am complete." Peter Gabriel
Favorite Dance Dance Of Joy
Favorite Movies Beetlejuice, Sleepless in Seattle, Star Wars Trilogy, Hackers
Favorite Movie Quote "I have no response to that" - Meg Ryan, in Joe vs. the Volcano
Favorite Actor/Actress Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan
-Is it because they act? Yes, Yes, Yes
Favorite Household Appliance Telephone
Favorite Natural Disaster L.A. Riots of 1992
Pet Peeve Stupid People Who Ask Stupid Questions
Little Known Fact Orangina is Delightfully Refreshing!

Special Powers:
Arriving Hours After Scheduled Time +2
Bargain Hunter +2
Capcom Arcade Fighting Games +1
Cooking +1
Costume Design +2
Deciphering Practical Jokes +1
Dirty Jokes -1
Driving +3
Losing Items in Black Hole of Trunk +2
Martial Arts +1
Money Maker +4
Observational Skills -1
Parking -2
Promotion of Lechery Among Others +1
Teacher +2
Script Editing +1
Seamstress +3
Voice of Reason +1
Add +3 to Impulsive Purchases when can't get what she wants
Add -1 to all skills when in arcade except
Add -4 to Age when hair in Ponytails

Starring Roles
Click here for wardrobe listing

Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ©.
The Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) and all content, including pictures, on this page (unless otherwise noted) is copyright to AGSMA, and cannot be used without prior permission.
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