Symbol of the Church of Seandac
The House of Seandac
Seandac -

(Shindak)- Major Deity

Deity of: Righteousness, lawful morality, government, honor, knights, military, war, hierarchy and revenge. Also rules over deities of the above categories.

Form: A stern, foul-tempered knight in shining armor. His hair and beard is black and emits electric charges. He carries the white Shield of Righteousness and the black Sword of the Leveler.

Colours: white and black

Cardinal Direction: North-East. The warlike associations of this church bring the instability and misery associated with the north.  The eastern association stems from Seandac's inability to control his temper and his lust for vengence.

Alignment: Lawful Good.  Seandac is clearly more lawful in tone than good.  His obsession with honor and righteousness tips the scales strongly towards good, but his vengeful side pulls the the other way.  Order is highly prized amongst followers of Seandac, and many followers are in the business of upholding law in their lands.

Church and Following: This deity and his churches bear the flaws of The Split (see Mythology). In essence, Seandac is more righteous than good. His intentions, honor, and sense of righteousness make this church by and large good. Unfortunately, the revenge and war aspects of this church make it less than pure. It is not unknown for followers of this church to get a little overzealous in the application of righteous order...
The church of Seandac is always a powerful one. Knights and officers of the army will have a strong attraction to this church. As knights and soldiers make up the power base of a government, rulers usually heed the opinions of the church of Seandac. While this church is the most likely to assume outright control of a government, it isn't standard. All other churches fear the power of Seandac and almost always are able to block an outright government takeover by Seandac's followers. Merchant classes outright distrust the church of Seandac's intentions. The marginalized of society dislike the strict enforcement of hierarchy and the chaotic don't like anything to do with Seandac.
During wartime, support for the church of Seandac booms. The church will often become the primary church of a warring area. It is during wartime or during a military coup that the church of Seandac becomes the law of the land. Sometimes, a victorious Seandac-led state will continue to rule in peacetime. The life expectancy of such a state is good. 'Evil' churches find themselves brutally suppressed. The churches of Anacor and Jivanor are taxed into obscurity. Seandac-ruled governments are hard to beat militarily or on moral grounds. The biggest weakness of this church is usually financial ineptitude.
The rule of law and righteousness governs the actions of the followers of Seandac. They are honorable but implacable enemies. They tend toward stern and stubborn behavior, making them difficult to reason with. The followers of Seandac often resemble Christians of the fundamentalist, crusading sort.
Because of the power and wealth this church attracts, its priests are many. Sons of knights and lords are often trained in the priesthood of Seandac. They are tireless in their search for glory and honor for their church. Their favorite targets are the rabble of the underworld, infidels, followers of 'evil' deities and evil beasts.

Church and State:  See above.

Relations within the Pantheon:  See above.

Seandac and Priests: This church is one of the best for a combat priest. Priests of Seandac are encouraged to choose from a wider list of close quarters weapons than other priests. The other weapons include: the lance (all forms), the long sword and the halberd. Priests of Cancirar are outright banned from the use of missile weapons and must always opt for melee weapons. Other churches in the house of Seandac may discourage the use of missile weapons as 'cowardly' (consult GM for local dictates).

Scalek -

Minor Deity, House of Seandac

Deity of: Application of justice.

Form: A scowling myopic man in dirty white robes. Holds the scales of justice (always askew) and the Scythe of the Enforcer.

Colours: White and black (pattern differentiates these priests from those of the main church of Seandac).

Church and Following: For obvious reasons judges and guards are the primary devotees of Scalek. Others visiting the church include those hoping to win court cases or those hoping to get the law off their backs.
This church almost never controls national governments (but often local ones) as the hierarchical nature of the House of Seandac insists on Seandac always ranking above Scalek. Local governments are often encouraged to follow Scalek when the national government is openly declared as following Seandac.
Often this church is called upon to act as arbitrator between conflicting parties. This is usually the case in areas where the government does not provide this service, or when it is too corrupt or inefficient to be of use. Priests of Scalek never take bribes (except in very extraordinary circumstances) and often do attempt to be fair, even when it conflicts with the Church of Seandac's interests (see mythology for more details on conflict of interest). Usually, however, the Scalek and Seandac followers are in accord. It should be noted that judges are not always priests and are subject to corruption.
This is a powerful church in its own right. In some areas Scalek may have churches established outside of the Seandac church grounds.
The common people are often suspicious of the fairness of this church, usually because of less-than-perfect followers or in mistakes made by the church itself. The application of justice is hardly a clear-cut art and its failings tend to be more well known that its successes.

Scalek and Priests: All start with the skill [Magistracy].

Cancirar -

Minor Deity, House of Seandac

Deity of: Heroics and male vanity. Chivalry of the courteous sort.

Form: Cancirar is a knight or warrior in gleaming armor with intricate designs and plumage. His face is sickeningly handsome and slightly vacuous. He is, of course, tall and well built and in Caucasian areas, usually blond.

Colours: White, black and red.

Church and Following: This church is fairly self-explanatory. Its followers are not noted for intelligence, strategy, discipline or longevity. It usually lacks power in its own right.
The bravery of the Cancirar's priests is legendary. Their prowess with women is also famed and they tend to make great party guests. Their charm, courtesy, immaculate dress and willingness to discuss their exploits make them quite popular. In a serious position of responsibility they are almost always hopeless (exceptions do exist, but they are few and far between).
As builders of fame and legend they are without peer. Stories and myths abound with tales of love and heroism involving these gleaming wonder-boys. Wise commanders use them purely for morale and publicity reasons.

Priests and Cancirar: Not only do priests of this church gain the benefits given to the entire House of Seandac, these priests get yet more! Priests of Cancirar may fight as if at full strength until they are unconscious.
The price for all this is high, they must follow the knights code of honour (barring a few obvious rules, such as those relating to armour). This alone causes a large percent of the combat priests to die young in contests to the death.

Mastoag -

Minor Deity, House of Seandac

Deity of: Ruling and commanding.

Form: A ruler or commander of the local style.

Colours: White, black and grey.

Church and Following: Military commanders form the bulk of Mastoag church membership. Rulers of kingdoms always pay their respects here but must pay homage to Mastoag's ruler, Seandac.
The primary theme is of balance of different elements to produce a strong and capable ruler. Patience, discipline, firmness, strategy, justice, compassion are just a few of the elements needed to form an effective ruler. On occasion evil is done in the name of good. Effectiveness and just order are always the ultimate aim, however.
Priests of this church undergo training in many areas to give them the proper abilities to rule. They are capable in many areas, but rarely true masters in any one discipline.
It should be noted that this church has some overlap with the church of Graal. The primary difference is the ultimate aim of each church. Here, it is effectiveness and just order. In the church of Graal it is the preservation of power and privilege, as well as tradition and patriotism.

Kell -

Minor Deity, House of Seandac

Deity of: Righteousness and revenge.

Form: A one-armed warrior with one huge guantleted fist. Wears the Gauntlet of the Wronged. Very serious with eyes of steel.
Church and Following: Maniacal and mean, but righteous and pious. These men (and they always are) mean business and will stop at very little to achieve their ends.
Sometimes this bunch operates secret police and informant networks for oppressive states. Their goal is a righteous state with no living enemies and to right injustices against the wronged. No mercy, no end to the vigilance.
This vigilance is almost always lawful in tone and they sincerely do care about protecting the downtrodden. Sometimes, in periods of chaos, this church plays an essential role in defending the peasantry from depredations. In peacetime, they may consider revolutionaries and 'free-thinkers' as committing a wrong against the people, and may take the lead in crushing them. The popularity of this church varies widely, depending on circumstances.
In practice, political factors keep this lot from running amok. Most rightly fear allowing this church and its followers' influence. Kell's tendency to make enemies also ensures a solid opposition.

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