Medallion of the Church of Venalena
The House of Venalena

Venalena -

(Venelena, Vanalene, Vanelina)- Major Deity

Deity of: The family, family love, traditional womanly virtue and motherhood. She also rules over the deities of children, female fertility and marriage. She is also well known for promoting peace, pre-marital virtue and altruism.

Form: Venalena appears as a loving mother with large sympathetic eyes. Clothing will always be white and gold in color and soft of feature. Her features are always beautiful, warm and pure although racial features and body weight may vary radically by culture.

Colours: white and yellow

Cardinal Direction:


Church and Following: Representing the family and the female half of the human race, the church of Venalena is viewed kindly by most. Warmth and kindness emanate from the worship halls and church grounds.
But this masks a church of steel. While usually not concerned with politics, when aroused this church wields considerable might and influence. In most societies in this era (but not all - consult your GM), women are not widely heeded or hold much power, unless that is, they are priestesses of Venalena.
Backed by the might of the Kendrish faith and bearing immense reserves of virtue, a priestess of Venalena is almost never disrespected in any circumstance, including in the halls of power. There have been times when churches of Venalena have brought governments to their knees.
But to command such respect and power, it must be used sparingly. On most issues, this church will solidly support the state irregardless of circumstance. With peace very highly prized by this church, it is rarely considered wise to rock the boat, especially as it would only serve to weaken the voice of this church when it did find an issue dear to its heart. It is very easy to call most political battles and issues 'men's business' and leave them alone, preserving the moral high ground for use when it is felt to be truly necessary.
The issues that call this church to action are those that challenge the Kendrish faith, threaten the family structure, harm women or unduly hurt the poor. On most other issues, this church will primarily defer to the church of Seandac (and sometimes Graal).
The defence of the interests of women by this church is very important historically. In most cases, Venalena accepts as proper that men should in most cases dominate political and monetary society. But women are expected to dominate the homes and families. This position has allowed most societies to continue to be politically controlled by males, but almost no government in a Kendrish society would dare to attempt to make laws allowing serious violence, restrictions of movement, bodily mutilation (bound feet, etc.), oppressive dress codes and the like against women. Most Kendrish kingdoms give women considerable legal power on issues that directly affect the home or family. Additionally, in the absence of a 'man of the house', the Church of Venalena will push for the legal and property rights of the eldest female in the family.
Most of the priestesses of Venalena are women. Some have been placed there by powerful families (sometimes wise politically). Many others are so-called 'unclaimed’ (IE unmarried) women, those that are too strong willed to marry, converted prostitutes, the not too attractive, etc. No matter what class or background a priestess arises from, all give that priestess great respect and automatically assume great virtue on her part. In such manner, many women of unsavoury past have been given a new lease on life.
This is not to suggest that anyone may join this church and become a priestess. The training is long and arduous. Any that cannot withstand its rigor are given lesser positions outside of the formal clergy. Once a woman is ordained, however, it is almost certain that her virtue and upstanding character will be almost impeccable. The training also provides much steel to their character, so that in spite of the kindness and warmth that is usually so present in a priestess of Venalena, it is not wise to cross one!
The duties that this church performs are many. Most people pass through the gates of a church of Venalena at least once in their lifetime. Mid-wifery, family counseling (including sexual, if within the bounds of marriage), aiding in conception and fertility, advice on child rearing, blessings on families or children, charity to the poor and sick and teaching young women on proper behaviour are the most widely known activities. No less important, but not widely known by males, are the words of advice and medicinal aid for many health problems that uniquely affect women (problems with the menstrual cycle for example). There is also much support given to women that may have problems with their husbands. In serious cases of repeated abuse, the church may actively intervene. When the church priestesses form a group of five and march to a man's house, all know he is dangerous and his reputation will be badly damaged. In rare cases, the church will ask the town guard to intervene.
Sometimes men may become involved in this church, usually in the aftermath of war. Knights sometimes raise the banner of Venalena, though rarely for extended periods. The virtue and family values inherent in this church do have considerable male support and often they will rally around the church if it is threatened. Male priests exist, but are rare.
It should be noted that this is primarily a conservative church and will defend the status quo, including hierarchy and rigid application of social class (although not within this church itself) in society. Slavery is usually frowned on but rarely openly opposed by this church if it is already well established in society.

Church and State:

Relations within the Pantheon:

Venalena and Priests: Priests of Venalena may opt to bias their Blest point totals towards the Life blest symbol (Að). If it is so desired, the priest must state this decision at the end of their training. Many spells are specifically supported by this church (see spell descriptions).

Tareania -

Minor Deity, House of Venalena

Deity of: Children and the raising of good children.

Form: A warm mother with apron. Wears white and gold.

Colours: White, yellow and pale green.

Church and following: Tareania usually occupies an area of the church or grounds of Venalena. Anxious mothers form the bulk of the prayers to Tareania.

Moranseal -

Minor Deity, House of Venalena

Deity of: Female purity. Pre-marital virtue.

Form: Beautiful, pure young woman of exceptional innocence. Usually holding flowers. Wears chaste clothing of white and gold.

Colours: White, yellow and pink.

Church and Following: Most prayers to this deity are from young ladies that fear they have abused their purity or mothers that fear for their daughters. Usually housed in the church of Venalena.

Sensareal -

Minor Deity, House of Venalena

Deity of: Female fertility, birthing and cycles.

Form: Beautiful, full-figured and sensual woman dressed in chaste clothing of white and gold.

Colours: White, yellow and red.

Church and Following: Couples hoping for children and a safe delivery make up the most well-known segment of visitors to Sensareal's shrines. The largest segment is actually women with irregular periods or acute menstrual pain.

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