Welcome to

Redwall Abbey

You are visitor to my dwelling since March 9, 1998.

Important Note:
Please read the "What's New?" section for important news regarding Javelin's Dwelling.

"Harr, welcome t' my dwelling. M' name's Javelin th' Otter, th' lone survivor o' th' good ship, Otterwake, which was destroyed by an evil band o' vermin lead by a weasel with a huge battlesword named Garrath th' Fierce. Hurr, I retreated to th' forest after being held prisoner, an' then ran into a kind group o' Forest Dwellers livin' in an underground Haven. This 'ere's my room in th' Haven. Hope y' enjoy yer stay."

This is yet another webpage celebrating Brian Jacques beloved novel series: Redwall. On this page you can read book reviews by me and others about the awesome Redwall stories, look at pictures of great Redwall art from all around, or read my novel based on the Redwall tradition: Javelin. I will even let you link your pages to here so that Redwall on the 'Net can be spread all over. Have fun and look around.

Note: If you are wondering where Greg's Home disappeared to, click here.

What's New?

This is updated every time I work on my page. The 5-10 latest entries will be shown.

March 18, 2003: Important information about Javelin's Dwelling
First of all, I'd like to apologize to anyone who has sent me an e-mail regarding Javelin's Dwelling and has gotten no reply. My e-mail has changed a few times since I last updated this site. And regarding updating, I am sorry I have not updated in so long (about five years now). I have instead been putting my efforts into Dragon Films, a site devoted to a Microsoft program called 3D Movie Maker. Also, for your reference, I now and attend Case Western Reserve University where I study computer science and Japanese (just in case you were wondering why the "Who Am I?" page has had me at 15 years old for the longest time!).
I am aware that Javelin's Dwelling is quite behind the times... the last time I updated was when the Long Patrol was just coming out. I am still an avid follower of Brian Jacques, and still collect all the new books. I would very much like to update this page sometime in the future, along with Javelin (more on that in a moment), with a fresh, new, streamlined look, updated information, and perhaps other interactive stuff. I don't know if I will ever get around to it, but if I do, you'll notice.
Which brings me to Javelin. This novel has been hovering around Chapter 22 for several years now, as I have instead been writing Final Fantasy... the Ultimate Epic. However, sometime in the future I may reopen the Javelin tome and continue work on it, this time with some changes. First of all, I will have to essentially start from the beginning and rewrite everything; my writing these days is much better than it was five or six years ago, and there is a lot I would like to do to the novel (everything from changing some storyline points to general gold-plating). Additionally, a recent visitor to Javelin's Dwelling brought the idea of "request appearances" to my attention, which I think is a very good idea. If I do rewrite Javelin, there would be many opportunities for Redwall fans to land a spot in the story: main characters, secondary characters, tertiary characters, extras, and so on. It all depends on how the story proceeds and how many people wish to participate. It's a very interesting idea I think!
Now, all this will only happen if I get around to updating this page. I cannot make any promises, and there is a chance I may never follow through with any of this. But the desire is still there, so don't be surprised if someday you open the old, dusty door to Javelin's Dwelling and find a clean, lively, jubilant site awaiting your arrival.

December 10, 1999: Finally? Where have I been??
Hello again... it's been awhile since I've typed anything on this page. Sorry about that... really. I've been so busy with Dragon Films that I've really neglected this page. So just so you know, many of the things on this page are WAY outdated, so don't think I'm giving out false info or anything. I will try to work on this page sometime if I can get the chance... but until then, sorry again!

Main Menu

Where'd Greg's Home go?

Greg's Home, my original webpage at this address, wasn't moved, screwed up, or lost for that matter. It doesn't exist on the 'Net anymore, but I have it safe and locked up on my computer, just in case this page totally bombs out. If you want any of the midis or movies from it, e-mail me. I was hoping to find a way to spiff up my page, and I think this is it. So, there's your answer.

Questions? Comments? Complains? Errors? Ideas? Send me mail!


Oh yeah, and this page is

The last time I updated this was May '98.

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'Construction' picture from The mAJOR eRROR Correction Lab.
The 'book' and 'Redwall Art' pictures are from Holly Tree-Jumper's Redwall Page.
The 'stack of books' picture is from Microsoft Bookshelf '95
Any other picture, unless said otherwise, is from The Official Brian Jacques Homepage.