My Place in the Woods

See? I do leave the house on occasion

House Pics etc.

For those of you back in NM, the tall, pointy green things are called trees. Swear to God lots of places have them...

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Snorp on the roof. It's called Peacock Hill for a reason.

Mom & Me out front.

Osa after gnawing through a log. Not sure if she needs more fiber or just got tired of climbing over it.

Osa & Mom out on the deck

Osa Mistress of her Domain.

Osa demonstrating stealth technology. Mere moments later she'd completely blended with the carpet so Rudi couldn't steal her bone.

Osa getting some shade and lurking ready to....ummmm...roll over or sumpin'...

Believe me it's NEVER this uncluttered. 5 minutes after the pic was taken you couldn't find the desktop.

This isn't even one of the tall trees.

Rudi leading the way through the backyard glade.

Rudi shortly after one of my genetic experiments gone horribly wrong. Sometimes science ain't pretty.

Bogie awake?? Yeah, I think it's a doctored photo too.

Another obviously doctored pic purporting to show Bogie not only upright but outside too.

How did Bogie get 50' up a tree? Let's just say Rudi didn't have an alibi for the moments leading up to the discovery...

Moi hard at work designing this drivel.

Rudi daring the rain to come closer.

Back Deck.

Back Garden.

View from front door.

Spring has sprung so more un NM like pics to come.

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