psych. kar. uk


Karate is a martial art by which body and mind are developed.
In that way karate is also very interesting from a science view.
Here two branches of science come together; anatomy (body) and psychology (mind).

If you show some interest in anatomy please have a look at:

The practice of karate results in different psychical changes/strengthening;

* individual development.

If you want to ripe in karate you have to make your own the techniques with set in and patient.
Hereby you walk along a "path" (do (= japanese)) to get right the techniques in perfection.
This walking process, by which you walk through different stages (examinations !), develops the person's insight ("why I am doing things in that way and why is it best done in that way ?" ("are there alternatives ?") think about the explanation of kata)), the way of living (the respect you have for your training partner during lessons (think about the greeting ceremonies) can be seen back in the person's social live) and skills (recognize situations and act rapidly but in a controlled way).

* standards/value notion & discipline: mental training.

Individual development leads to standards/valuenotion and acceptation and recognization of healthy discipline: mental development.

We recognize standards/value notion  in that the trained karateka uses all the power in the dojo (training room) and not abuses it outside. Unfortunately because of karate movies and negative articles in newspapers this negative association of karate with that shown in those movies and articles has become a stereotype.
In karate there is no difference in  social classes, religion, skin colour, education degree the dojo we are all each others equals.
We see discipline in the complete ceremony (when you enter/leave the dojo, greeting your training partner, line up at the start and the end of the lesson).

* self assurance.

Karate promotes self assurance.
Just simply by learning how to use your body in a skillful way makes you feel more comfortable.
I'm still surprised to see to what the human body is able to do.

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