An open letter to everyone who dreams...

Our Alarming Future
Identifying a
in the making



          This letter is about an extreme disaster coming soon and unlike most messages of this sort, includes a timeframe and a book which details the event. It is not time to be alarmed, it is time to be aware and alert. It's a message showing the cautions required and how to confirm the validity of it. This is a warning, a 10 o'clock notification by a night watchman who has seen evidence of an enemy approaching in the distance. An hour or two later would be too late to respond as the enemy would lay waste to the people as they slept, unaware.
         The disaster is totally devastating and of global proportions. And there's little we can do if we don't know when, where and how... The who is us. The why is that natural disasters occur, as events we refer to as Acts of God.
         With a "sign from the heavens", the comet Hale-Bopp nearly forgotten this is an appropriate time to state this warning. We are delinquent in our efforts to protect ourselves from such marauders of the heavens.

          This letter is also about a different yet ancient way to look at dreams, a way giving us foresight. We all dream. Few people understand how dreams function. There has been much misinformation. Dreams allow a look at our daily life, prod us to behave appropriately, and give us frequent glimpses of foresight to our future (using scenes familiar to us and creations from which we need the WORDS). How far into the future we cannot be certain as we have seen prophets of scriptures tell of things thousands of years before their occurrence.
         Dreams stimulate our creativity repeatedly. Most of us fail to use what they offer us and seem to prefer to do things at the last moment, in a panic and blindly without having considered the alternatives properly. We don't do too badly by using rational logic but it would be an improvement to know of things we can respond to or take suitable action in advance. Foresight is not something you can buy your way into. Either you are born with the ability or like me you work regularly with it to develop and keep in touch with it. It requires modest amounts of time to write the dreams down, 15 to 30 minutes each morning is enough for most people. After that you have to learn how to use what you are seeing. It isn't enough that you have foresight, we all can foresee to some degree. A few of us have learned to do it well. Very few have learned to act often not really understanding what cautionary information has been given for us to act on! We have the ability to reason, we need to use it.

          At this time it is of greater importance to learn to use the ability we each have latent within us. So the direction taken initially is to examine the ability of people who use dreams or visions to foresee. We can know little about the disaster without people who foresee confirming it.
         Some with foresight fail to comprehend the magnitude of what they see or fail to realize their prophetic dreams have a larger audience than themselves. Others have no framework or point of reference within which to fit their dream or vision so it is discarded as an interesting yet often disturbing eyelid movie. They miss seeing the bigger picture. No one, hundreds or thousands of years ago, could do anything about the distant future, except record what they saw. It caused them to puzzle over what they had seen and respond in varying ways to it, including why they had seen it.









         We see comparable things. Some people who have had an ability to foresee have gathered a group around them and misused their ability. Some who knew of future events have taken inappropriate action. Cultic groups (some with a measure of foresight) misunderstood the analogies and used them with varying and often harmful results. They apply the information too often to just themselves in too limited a way. Scenes of a massive global disaster obviously are to be shared widely, not with just a select group.
         So now you can see the potential disaster hanging over our world. The people living in the time when a prophecy is applicable can do something about it. Most times nothing is done, note the times when well known leaders didn't respond to warnings of their impending demise. What people do is up to them, only if they recognize the event in advance AND feel they can do something about it. If they recognize the time as being their time they might do something otherwise the element of caution or warning in prophecies is wasted. So in these pages there is a small amount of information confirming that the time is now. The rest is available in two books being readied for printing. Depending on orders it is expected they will be distributed later this year.

          Few people have an understanding of prophetic scriptural passages and countless more are unable to apply the concepts within the words they read, as a tangible reality. Within dreams we tend to take what we see at face value from the images, not realizing there is another level of understanding to be gained from the words describing what we see as visual analogies. With dreams or prophecies if we fail to relate to them as words conveying a literal analogy to a literal or figurative situation we either become confused or illogical. Knowledge of what was intended or why it was told is unrecognized. Such losses could be crucial to our wellbeing. So in the future when you see hotlinks within these documents going to prophetic passages elsewhere be prepared to deal with the concept in words, and not the images which may accompany them.
         Your dreams' images are also intended to be understood in words and the analogies the words convey.

          Another issue centres on people who have seen the future. Instead of placing the information in a usable format as tangible, credible glimpses at impending realities for other people they are often left in an analogical and puzzling mass, meaning little to anyone. Those who have puzzled over Nostradamus or other sources of prophecies including scriptures can attest to varying levels of bewilderment and confusion. Nostradamus made what was already obscure even more so. It has detracted from its value.
         Without that ability ourselves we await others who are capable of fitting the pieces of information into a framework of meaning. Then we have to hope their understanding and accuracy are high. If we believe we are unable to comprehend the message that depreciates our ability to reason. The Source of them has made them capable of being understood, even if they are not always straightforward or literal in meaning...





          The information being conveyed about disasters is not something we all wanted to hear about, nor is foresight all good news or things we would be pleased to know about. Not all scriptural prophecies tell of disasters but little of the information not about disasters are happy times either. There would be little reason to show that. We seldom need to be cautioned about good times, only bad times. There are some issues which are good or neutral in their value to us. The "timing points" identifying the beginning of a prophecy are often political events. Not all of them are points we see or recognize for what they are or if we do we cannot fathom the rest of it because we cannot relate to the other imagery for the analogies they contain.
         What we come to realize is that although dreams afford us a significant look at the future from a Source many accept is God, prophetic information has a cautionary nature. In other words what some of us see in dreams as massive global disasters are just that. But people have been shown such things for thousands of years, so what? A sense of alarm only arises in us if we think it's now. ("The End of the World" in the sense of a total annihilation, is not coming soon. This is only an end of an era and it could be disastrous) and it is coming soon. What "soon" is will be defined later. People thousands of years ago thought soon was in their day... but obviously wasn't.
         What would we do about it? If they are cautions then we can do something concrete about the warnings. If they are cautions for us to respond in an appropriate way can you accept the value of them? They do more than show how powerless and ineffectual we are. The Creator I know is a partner in our existence and assists us in dealing with our future. What was set in motion at the beginning is not something which God would stop, but He does warn of things we need to know about so we can take appropriate action, whatever that may be. We have to reason our way through the analogies we are given to devise a solution; or waste the warnings given and accept the damage unquestioningly as "an Act of God". I think not... but are we even close to being ready for it? You can't leave the responsibility to one other person. There must be many who can agree on what has been foreseen. Then there is hope for a plan to deal with it.

         Traditional (national & tribal) enemies will soon have to fight a foe threatening them both (and work together). Labels like new-agers, fundamentalist or "they don't believe what we believe" are divisive and unhelpful to working together. There are also people with other plans or there wouldn't be ancient prophecies indicating their intent; and people with little or no knowledge of scriptural prophecies. Without that knowledge they are unable to connect their dreams and visions to the future as completely. There are people who are offended or thrilled by either approach to foresight. We cannot be judgmental about a differing view of the same danger. Some people's ability is better, and other people's knowledge. Such knowledge is flavored by the person recounting it. Just share dreams in terms everyone can relate.
         We are all in this together on our only habitable planet in this small solar system. Whatever your beliefs or disbeliefs there is only one sure way of surviving this time. That's through cooperation, not just with people of your beliefs but with all people who believe. There is only one living God and much of our personalized communication from that Source comes in the form of dreams. Hearing what is said is not enough, it takes practical, well-considered, responsible action too.










         Discovery of our future through dreams shows the Creator speaks to everyone not just to select groups or denominations. Refusing to participate or limiting who you will work with shows you do not believe in God's plan or that you deny His plan could be bigger than your limiting beliefs. If we're going to make it through these next years and past the disaster it will be through tolerance and cooperation, not by bigotry, selfishness or isolating ourselves. As this planet is a long way from the next inhabitable one we all have a vested interest in it's welfare. That includes how we are using our resources, cleaning up after ourselves and treating each other. The Plan, sunshine and dreams are shared with all of us, not just with those who behave in perfect ways. We have the intelligence to protect our world and to make our world a better place to live while we're at it.

         I discovered the information about this approach to dreams by having an abiding hobby of finding what prophecies meant and method to do it. Then I rediscovered a teacher named Jesus originally taught the method. As you can see I share it in a way more people can appreciate, without dogma and rhetoric. (I won't even direct you to prophetic passages of others if they preach dogma, or limiting rhetoric. It is inappropriate to subject intelligent people to such words. Yes, there's a philosophy to this but no dogma. The philosophy is a truth conveyed to prophets of every faith, time and language. Dogma is generated by those who want to control beliefs and yet fail to comprehend prophecy or foresee.) You might question why there's a reference to WORMWOOD in this too. The answer is part of the reason for the concern.

         Occasionally the odd person leading a religious group "on the edge" has a measure of foresight, and a questionable mission; and becomes emotionally unstable or demented. They thought they had all the answers, then misled their audience or became a "one man show". Power and control may be at times necessary yet it has it's own set of difficulties. Good intentions aren't enough, a high degree of integrity is required. The approach you should see being taken here is to share the power and ability with you as quickly as possible. Any other way is not responsible enough. The risks are not eliminated by sharing it with you, it only gives more people a chance to reason for themselves.
         Without adequate corroboration and support people, I will not lead anyone anywhere in something this important. This information does not originate from a specific religious group, nor is there a need to create a religious group. There's already enough. Go to the church, temple, masjid or gurdwara you already know or attend. If there's no response from them then go to ones where there is a response or gather some friends to begin your own development group. Don't blame existing groups for getting it wrong, or be upset about it, the problem started a long time ago.
         It's been a long time since anyone showed a reason for developing foresight. The process of developing foresight enables us to rebuild "the temples" within us. That's where our connection to the Source is so buildings are not where this is taking place, they are only places to meet.









         You may want to discuss this with people you know. Creating an organization to help others benefit from this requires far more than my input. There is no possibility I could ever meet with all the people this will affect. It can only grow with your support. Through my and your understanding of things to come we shape the outcome of what we have been shown as warnings.
         Why, When, How and What can we do about what we see? The future is not a certainty or prophecies would be wasted communication to us, especially as we are capable of responding to cautions. Individually we are unable to respond in an appropriate manner "to do what it takes" to save our world. It is absolutely greater than any one person can do without assistance so this is required to be a collective effort. If it isn't we have the opportunity of having "a blast" that no one wants. A blast referred to in scriptures as a trumpet in both the Bible (most of the 60 times) and 11 times in the Qu'ran. The blast of trumpets referred to in Moses and Joshua's time has the same implications. The impact from the comet then was what parted the Red Sea. You may recall there was city walls which fell and trumpets heard throughout the land. Although the chronology is not accurately conveyed, the events are. Many other city's walls fell in that time. It could be far more serious this time but the blast is still referred to as a trumpet. In the Qu'ran it is seen as a double trumpet reaching from the heavens to the earth, so now you know to expect double trouble.

         If there's a second bottom line to this it's don't believe me. Be skeptical but don't discount it out of hand. Prove foresight to yourself or be convinced with the volume and diversity of corroborating information and its overall integrity. I'd be concerned if you thought I would mislead anyone on something this important. I'd also be concerned if you just accepted it without question. There will be parts you have difficulty with, but we have to start somewhere, and now's the time.
         Consider how the disaster of Chornobyl connects with the body of this, and know that's only one of many bits of corroboration adding to the proof. 12 years ago it would have been meaningless to the explanation of prophecies referring to it and another generation or two into the future would have made it relatively forgotten. So that too is part of the proof of the time being now.

         Scientist's can reevaluate some of their theories which do not coincide with points of view expressed here. Scientists project from facts and logic and to them this would be speculation, although most would accept the approach as logical. They can only agree or disagree on the logic of it until they have developed a testable ability of foresight. A few scientists use the smaller reflections of the future seen in their dreams. Foresight isn't normally about prophesied calamities. It's usual application is to our everyday life. Occasionally calamitous times overlap with our daily life yet fortunately it is rarely as big a natural disaster as this.
         If you still have difficulty with the concepts relate to a hugely devastating warlike attack coming at your country from a distant point which couldn't be identified by informants who had already seen the evidence that this was an event in the works. If you thought it could occur would you:









  • Take a non-active or apathetic approach
    1. Disbelieve and dismiss it
    2. Want it to happen because prophecies warn of it
    3. Accept it could kill you, your family and destroy your home and country
    4. Figure the insurance will cover any damage (fat chance)
    5. Wait for it to happen knowing the evidence is mounting
    6. Do nothing and just "take our lumps".
    7. Don't act until the last minute
    8. Consider it as a remote possibility and let others do what's necessary
    9. Waste your life and resources because you see there's no hope
    10. Panic and rush madly off in all directions
  • Take a proactive position
    1. Investigate it thoroughly and consider the alternatives
    2. Plan a preemptive counterattack which is harmless if it fails (non-nuclear)
    3. Use the forces available and devise alternatives
    4. Implement a program to ensure everything which could be planned was
    5. Plan for water provision, food storage, medical supplies, etc.
    6. Warn others while the distant attack had not yet been detected.
    7. Learn to look into the future so you had firsthand knowledge too
    8. Share what you've seen with others working to resolve this
    9. Work with those with foresight doing something about it
    10. Aid and organize in ways you can, knowing it takes time & money to do this

             This process could be likened to a war in heaven and although it will seem to move in slow motion. The real speed of the marauders is next to lightning fast at up to 200,000 km/hr. Read up on the passage of comet Hale-Bopp to get a more complete idea of the size and speed heavens' monsters can be. It is 40 km wide ball of ice and look at Gaspra, the asteroid pictured here. If it were to hit our world, humankind would be destroyed. An average of 6 new comets are "found" each year and many of the "new" comets have been on a round trip, measuring in the thousands of years. You might also search out the relatively recent photographs of Shoemaker-Levy, the comet which crashed into Jupiter, as that occurrence suddenly makes what I've said seem more real. Hollywood has made many movies trying to convey the magnitude of disaster (with limited success.) I suspect filmwriters have seen these events in dreams too.

             The first really visible appearance of the yet unknown, unnamed comet will be literally as far away as Jupiter. At that distance they develop the coma (cloud of ionized water vapor around the head) and tail which makes them seem so much bigger. Can we photograph the comet as far away as the return of Halley's Comet was taken? Halley's was 3.5 years away when it was first detected.






              We have a time frame; not the specific year and not the point in the sky from which it will appear, although I'm certain that I and others who have foresight already know specifically from where, even if it is too soon to say. The Bible names Orion as the constellation (if the interpretation of that is correct or literal.)
             We have different abilities to aid each other so decide soon what you will do and how you will do it. You haven't read this to just amuse yourself or waste your time. If you're not sure what to do, see what your dreams tell you or write us if you want a part in this. Indicate what you are prepared to do, and if you can already foresee. Some of the basic questions have been answered. It obviously creates many more questions. Having the ability to foresee is a curse if you prefer to take no responsibility for the future and a blessing if you do. Ignorance in the face of this is not bliss yet the truth is not always what we wanted to hear.

             Now the next move is yours. What are you going to do now that you know? I know what needs to be done yet I cannot do it alone (plus my voice is fragile.) We create much of our future by our actions (or inactions). Our future and control of it includes our environment. Everything we do affects the world around us in varying amounts. The combined effect of large numbers of people, overconsuming renewable resources, overfishing, wasting our non-renewable resources or polluting, makes a difference. Ignore or downplay the overall effects because "I cannot see what I'm doing could make any difference" and you become part of the problem, and any solution becomes more difficult to achieve. Subtle effects, attitudes and indifference (like "I'm all right", or "the changes I've seen over the years are to be expected".) Our personal behavior and relationships contribute to the overall effect in terms of health and the emotional effects too. We each impact our world and as big as it seems it is small in relation to the concentrations of humanity in it and the effects we create on our environment and our children. Our world can forgive some of our shortcomings, but not all of them and not endlessly. If we don't respond we
             To respond to this requires vast amounts of financial participation built up by many people who believe in foresight, the role we play in our future and the prudence of responding to an unseen menace in a timely fashion. It will require planning to ensure the results we obtain are what we want. If we fail to plan effectively or in a timely way we can expect the great distruction shown to us in our dreams and scriptural prophecies. If you accept my ability to foresee, my role in this becomes that of a catalyst. As a catalyst I'll make suggestions so we collectively work in harmony on a global scale towards the same end result, to protect life and creativity and personally take greater responsibility for our future.

             If you want to know more, order the books (by e-mail.) The Pacific Way... of Words    &   The End of the Beginning

    The Scenario    Scriptural References     Other References   A Serious Problem   Smaller Problems
    The Man   A Solution    The Second Book   Worst Case Scenario   Foresight   A Warning

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    This page was first posted on Easter 1997 and modified or added to periodically since.