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    FAQ > What material might be helpful for a Black-oriented curriculum?    

There is a great deal of material available, and in the age of the Internet, you can easily obtain material from overseas. You can also make your own.
Here is a list of books you might find useful, and following is a list of some K - 12 scholastic material and their sources:

Sources & Material (for more online sources, go to our Black Curriculum Links page)

Bacon & Hughes (Canadian Bookseller!)

Ladybird Sunstart Reading Scheme (early/pre readers - mid-level readers -- Available from Ladybird UK)

Material only

African Plains (coloring book) by Dianne Gaspas-Ettl - a Dover (1996) publication. 41 illustrations, including captions and 4 double-page spreads. ISBN: 0-486-29230-4 (about $5)

Juba This and Juba That: 100 African-American Games for Children by Dr. Darlene Powell Hopson and Dr. Derek S. Hopson -

Malcom X for Beginners by Bernard Aquina Doctor - (about $10 U.S., $15 Cdn)

Masks of Africa (coloring book) - a part of the Heritage Coloring and Activity Book Series 1-800-969-5698. ISBN 0-95741-00800-2 (about $3)

The Adinkra dictionary: A Visual Primer on the Language of Adinkra by W. Bruce Willis

The Caribbean Experience: An Historical Survey 1450 - 1960 by Douglas Hall - (Heinemann CXC History textbook) ISBN:0-435-98300-8 (about $15)

Reference Material

Black Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia - 2 Volume set by Darlene Clark Hine (Editor), Rosalyn Terborg-Penn (Editor), Elsa B. Brown (Editor)

Black Women in Antiquity by Van Sertima

Center Shift: An African-Centered Approach for the Multicultural Curriculum by J.D. Ratteray Washington D.C. Institute for Independent Education, 1990 (

Nationbuilding: Theory and Practice in Afrikan Centered Education by Kwame Agyei Akoto Pan-Afrikan World Institute, 1992 (

Positive Afrikan Images for Children: A Social Studies Curriculum by Council of Independent Black Institutions (CIBI) Red Sea Press, 1990

Shadd: the life and times of Mary Shadd Cary by Jim Bearden and Linda Jean Butler
Toronto - NC Press Ltd., c1977. -- 233 p. -- ISBN 0919600735

The blacks in Canada by Robin Winks
Montréal - McGill-Queen's University Press, c1971. -- 546 p.-- ISBN 0300013612

The freedom-seekers: blacks in early Canada by Hill, Daniel G
Agincourt - The Book Society of Canada, c1981. -- 242 p. -- ISBN 0772552843

Teaching African-American Literature by Marianna White Davis, Maryemma Graham and Sharon Pineault-Burke

They Came Before Columbus by Van Sertima