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Wasps Mimicry

Wasps - the mimic model, watch carefully you can see its sting at the abdomen tip. 
Wasps have powerful defense mechanism - the painful sting. Wasp are generally not subject to predation. They are large in size and become the model of mimicry for large insects. 
For the wasps mimicry cases we found, beside the colours and body shapes are well resemble, all mimics behave much as the model. Despite the difference in visual acuity and cognitive abilities between human and the insect predators, it is interesting to note that insects predators are likely responsible for visual mimicry that is very accurate to human eyes. 
Followings are the examples that we found so far. 

Wasp-mimic Robber Fly - family Asilidae
In mid summer we found this Wasp Mimic Robber Fly hunting on the ground among the dry leaves in Mt Cotton bushland. At first we thought it was a wasp and put those pictures in our Vespid Wasps page. Rob Longair, University of Calgary, send us email and advised that "It is actually a robber fly (Diptera: Asilidae) mimic of a wasp. The antennae and the stance in the second picture are typical of robber flies." Here we would like to thank Rob again. 

Wasp-mimicking Longicorn Beetle
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This Longicorn Beetle mimics a wasp to gain protection. To mimic a wasp, it has the very short elytra, or wing cover. There are the orange-yellow bands on its abdomen. On its 1st and 2nd abdomen segment there are the yellow edges to make it has the narrow- waisted look. Besides its colours and body shape, the beetle moves like a wasp too. When we came close to the beetle, the beetle put up different wasp-like postures and movement to convince us that it was a wasp. After a few try and failed to scare us, the beetle flied away. More pictures and information please click here

Another Wasp-mimicking Longicorn Beetle
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This beetle is also known as Tiger Longicorn Beetle. Its forewings are bright orange-brown in colour with black pattern. Those pattern mimic the abdomen and 'waist' of a wasp. Besides they look like a wasp, they move like a wasp too. Even we have seen this beetle a few times, when taking the above first picture, we think it was a wasp moving on leaf searching for caterpillars. More information and pictures on this page.

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Last updated: November 06, 2006.