"Israel's Media Watch"

CibleStatement of Aims

Publications news

You are invited to review the op-ed articles, reports and press releases which reflect our criticism, as well as that of others, regarding instances of non-objective reporting, biased and unbalanced news presentation, the freedom of speech, the link between the media and the Israeli GSS, antisemitic/antireligious cartoons and violations of the journalism ethics code by Israel's electronic and written media.

For the Most recent articles (partial) click here

The many documents and publications were classified in nine sections for your convienience.

"Update reports"

Voice of Peace
Freedom of Speech in Israel
Arutz 7

Sheli Yehimowitz
Biased News

GSS agent Avishai Raviv
GSS Agent Avishai Raviv and his IBA's collaborators

Israel's General Elections May 1999

Anti-Semitic and/or Anti-Religious trends in Israeli Media

Articles, op-ed ,

"On the Lookout"
Bulletin of the Friends of"ISRAEL'S MEDIA WATCH" 

IBA's Affairs...

News Items

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P.O.B. 6023 JERUSALEM 91060
Tel:  972-2-623-6425
Fax: 972-2-623-6426
E-mail: isrmedia@netvision.net.il

Chairman - Professor Eli Pollak:cfpollak@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il
Executive Director -  Yisrael Medad: isrmedia@netvision.net.il
Webmaster - Ilan: ilan_ml@oocities.com - www.oocities.org/ilanml


Home Page - Most recent articles - Publications - Update reports - Freedom of Speech - Biased News - GSS Agent Avishai Raviv & his IBA's collaborators - Elections 1999 - Anti-Semitic / Anti-Religious trends in Israeli Media - Cartoons - Articles op-ed Reports - "On the Lookout" - IBA's Affairs - News Items

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