"Israel's Media Watch"


You are invited to review the op-ed articles, reports and press releases which reflect our criticism, as well as that of others, regarding instances of non-objective reporting, unbalanced news presentation and violations of the journalism ethics code by Israel's electronic media.

GSS Agent Avishai Raviv and his IBA's collaborators
  The Considerations, the Rules and Work Norms of the State Prosecution and GSS in Running Agents.
Israel's Media Watch calls for State Comptroller review of GSS-Raviv-Eyal improprieties (in English and Hebrew )
November 1999
Fake Oren - Raviv swearing-in case - The "secret document" (5) - Yes, There Was a Conspiracy By Israel Harel, Ha'aretz (Hebrew & English) November 1999
Fake Oren - Raviv swearing-in case - The "secret document" (4) - op-ed and Tom Segev, Ha'aretz (Hebrew) November 1999
  Israel Media watch Demands to re-open Fake Oren - Raviv swearing-in case - The "secret document" (III) (Hebrew & English) November 1999
  Court authorizes the publication of the "secret document" on IBA journalist & former GSS agent Raviv (II) - November 1999

Court authorizes the publication of the "secret document" on IBA journalist & former GSS agent Raviv (I) - The full text of the protocol (Hebrew & English) November 1999

  The full text of the protocol (Hebrew )
  Israel Media Watch: is the "secret document" potentially dangerous ?
Website received life threats !
(English & Hebrew) (November 1999)
  Israel Media Watch turns to Supreme Court with "secret document" as evidence (November 1999)
GSS agent Avishai Raviv IMW Lada'at - Publication of Eitan Oren and GSS agent Raviv protocol banned by court and Attorney General, Haaretz, Jerusalem Post, Arutz 7 and IMW comment (November 1999)
  GSS agent provocateur Avishai Raviv pleads "Not guilty" ! (English and Hebrew) (October 1999)
  Israel's Media Watch protests "Lack of Evidence" claim -
Police file closed against television journalist Eitan Oren,
for the staged fake "swearing-in" ceremony
by GSS-agent provocateur Avishai Raviv
(the link was updated 4/07/1999)
  Har-Shefi appeal rejected, Raviv Indicted (April 1999)
  Waiting for Rubinstein (April 1999)

Did Rabin Know? by Uzi Benziman (November 1997)


Raviv says he knew of plan to kill Rabin - By Ari Shavit (December 1998)

"No rest for traitors"

GSS Agent Avishai Raviv to Stand Trial for Not Preventing Yitzchak Rabin Death - Israelwire (October 1998)

Rocks left unturned, By Ari Shavit, Haaretz (December 1998)
Imagine it was disclosed that an FBI agent admitted to very close and continuous ties with Lee Oswald, who had told him time after time that the president John F. Kennedyhad to be killed. [....] These exact questions, in Hebrew translation and adjusted to the circumstances of Rabin's murder, must be presented today to Israel's Shin Bet security service.

"No rest for traitors"

The Lies and Times of Agent Champaign,[GSS agent provocateur Avishai Raviv] ,Yossi Klein Halevi, The Jerusalem Report (November 1998)


The Conspiracy (GSS agent Avishai Raviv) and the Complicity (of IBA) by   Yisrael Medad (November 1998)

  The "Provocateur" and his Collaborators...by Yisrael Medad (November 1997)
The following article was submitted for publication to the Jerusalem Post in November 1997 but was not accepted. A second article on the subject (see above) "The Complicity and the Conspiracy" was published by the paper the following year. The two form one though outlook and we have decided to post the year-old article to complement the second.

Avishai Raviv

Israel's Media Watch Criminal Complaint Being Reviewed  by Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein that at the same time the AG will decide on pressing charges against Avishai Raviv for not preventing the assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, he will also announce his decision regarding IMW 's criminal complaint that Israel's Broadcasting Authority staged a "swearing-in" ceremony with the participation of Raviv shown on Israel TV in September 1995. (IsraelWire-November 2, 1998).
haaretz Cabinet was 'Duped' over Raviv Affair, Minister Charges !
by Gideon Alon, Ha'aretz Knesset Correspondent (October 1998)

Avishai Raviv

Attorney-General Elyakim Rubinstein: State Still Gathering Evidence against Raviv 
by Batsheva Tsur and ITIM, Jerusalem Post (October 1998)

  Fake swearing in
Fake swearing-in

IBA TV Journalist Eitan Oren May be Indicted for Staging a Fake Swearing-In Ceremony of "Eyal" Group VJ News (October 1998)

Avishai Raviv

The Provocateur (Avishai Raviv) and His Collaborators  (i.e. IBA's Staff)
by Yisrael Medad  (February 1998) 

Avishai Raviv

Secret Service Agent-Provocateur Avishai Raviv and His Connections with the Media !!  Based on the Declassified Shamgar Report (November 1997) 
  fake swearing in
Fake swearing-in

"Swearing-In Ceremony" of the Eyal Organization ??? 
Attorney-General orders Police Investigators  to look into complaint of 
Israel's Media Watch on suspected criminal deception by IBA TV crew Did the TV crew staged the "swearing-in ceremony" of the Eyal organization ???

  fake swearing in
Fake swearing-in

"The Israel Government Announces in Shock"
Israel's Media Watch
denounces the lack of journalistic ethics in M. Karpin's film in "Uvda" (May 1997)


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P.O.B. 6023 JERUSALEM 91060
Tel:  972-2-623-6425
Fax: 972-2-623-6426
E-mail: isrmedia@netvision.net.il

Chairman - Professor Eli Pollak:cfpollak@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il
Executive Director -  Yisrael Medad: isrmedia@netvision.net.il
Webmaster - Ilan: ilan_ml@oocities.com - www.ilan.org.il 

Home Page - Most recent articles - Publications - Update reports - Freedom of Speech - Biased News - GSS Agent Avishai Raviv & his IBA's collaborators - Elections 1999 - Anti-Semitic / Anti-Religious trends in Israeli Media - Cartoons - Articles op-ed Reports - "On the Lookout" - IBA's Affairs - News Items

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