Protection Program for the Victims of Domestic Violence

For safety and independence

Who we represent:
Victims of Domestic Violence; women and their children

To enable women to live safely and independently with all the rights and opportunities allowed to any American citizen.
These are women who have received services for domestic violence intervention, who have been through the system, who are currently receiving or are eligible to receive welfare and hold a current Order of Protection against their abuser.

What needs to be done:
Women need to be able to apply for and receive a NEW social security number under an assumed name. This would allow them to start over without being traced.
    Just as the witness protection program does for witnesses, the same needs to be available to women and children who are in danger from their abusers.

Overview of Services to be Provided to Client

  • Legal documents pertaining to Name Change
  • Application for Social Security Number
  • Application for Drivers License
  • Employment Consultation
  • Emotional Support: "Removing the Label"
  • Referrals as needed

The Final Step | Bill of Lost Rights | Protection Program for the Victims of Domestic Violence | "New" Social Security Number | Directory of Related Links

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