The Atom

Check out the links below for more information about the Mighty Mite.

For a more complete Background/History, follow this link.
For a list of References, click here.
To check the Mighty Mite's vital statistics, click here.

Links out of here

Other Atom Pages

Another Atom page

Another Atom page

Another Atom Web Site, this time written entirely "auf Deutsch". (German)

The "Unofficial" DCU scoop on the Atom!

Off on a Tangent...

Tangent Universe Atom (Not working)

Teen Titans Pages

The Unofficial Teen Titans Homepage (link not working...)

The Unofficial Homepage dedicated to the Titans of the DCU

JLA Pages

The World's Greatest Super-heroes: JLA - has a vague reference to Ray's first appearance in the JLA

The Unofficial Homepage of the Justice League of America - includes a page devoted to the Atom

DC Related Sites

Sadly, Zero Hour MUX home page is no more...

The Comics Archives

To read about the Atom's creative teams

Gardner Fox. 1911-1986.

A short bio on Gil Kane.

For info about the REAL Raymond A. Palmer

The Man Who Invented Flying Saucers is an excellent biography of the Atom's namesake (link not working...)

Brother Raymond and the Flying Saucer Mythos is a unique outlook on Ray Palmer's marketing of the Flying Saucer phenomena

And The Coming of the Saucers: A Documentary Report on Sky Objects That Have Mystified the World by Kenneth Arnold and Ray Palmer, 1952. Is an article written by the famous editor himself

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