Orient Expedition
7410 Jungle River
Orient Expedition

Orient Expedition
Instruction Scan
Johnny Thunder

Elements: 65

Figures: 1

List Price: $7.99
Johnny Thunder is sailing his small grey boat down the winding jungle river, in search of a clue to the location of the Golden Dragon. He has found a small shrine decorated with 2 of the new elephant trunks. He is towing a crate but he should really be looking out for that treacherous crocodile. This shows that the river is somewhere in the lowlands. 

The small shrine looks pretty good to me. The boat is very fine, especially the chimney. The 1 x 1 Tile on the left side of the chimney is not a new piece. And it is nice to get Lt.Grey boats, even if I would have preferred the larger "Belville"-boat used in 5986 . And the crocodile is back, and even in a relatively small set. It would have been nice if it had had a palm tree (of the old type off course). 

The shrine opens forward maybe to reveal another gem stone. All you have to do is add the river and the scenery around it. 

7410 is already available from Lego Shop@Home.