Truths Gained by Completing Lifetimes of Karma, the Results of which are Stored Within ones Apapsyche [Operational Energy of ones Soul] as Knowledge and Empathetic Understanding, and this is fed to one as "bits" of "intuition" as one is "ready" to awaken to it.

In other words.... Knowledge consists of truths that one has "learned" by experiencing the Yin and Yang aspects of MINDLines dedicated to the storage and release of bits of Karma within ones MIND realm through the process of Esotransmutation .

If this does not make sense, the reason is that modern mental health has for over a century now, denied and ignored two-thirds of Man... and today we as a nation are experiencing the result of this denial of Reality by BS&bp [Behavioral Science and the oxymoron "behavioral psychology"].

Until an individual has risen on the ladder of Life a certain number of rungs, he/she is not capable of accessing the Esoteric realms within him/herself and this means this individual has a limited access to the Spirituality within him/herself, and this means a reduced access to Conscience, Discretion, Intuition and thus, Knowledge consisting of truths that help one to differentiate between ones MIND which is dedicated to the illusion and Reality.

Knowledge and Reality go hand in hand. Knowledge has absolutely nothing to do with intellect, the brain or thinking. A person can be the most brilliant intellect in the world and have no access to Knowledge. The reason is simple. Knowledge is a part of ones Spirituality, and neither ones brain nor ones MIND is of any help in accessing Knowledge.

To access Knowledge one must do so via ones intuition, an aspect and faculty of ones Apapsyche. All of which is only possible when one is able to operate beyond the limitations of ones brain. This means that the vast majority of the nation are limited to the Knowledge they can access because they are confined to the Left-Hemisphere of their brains to relate to Life.