
~By Lovely-chan~



It was morning and one of the security guards was watching the videos since the night before; it had been reported that someone supposedly entered the restricted area at midnight. Sachio really had no idea of how much security they had in the hospital. It was instantly pinpointed the exact hour he had entered. Now they were searching for the intruder. “Bingo…it’s the kid.” 

“I told Rai I didn’t want his kid snooping around…let me see what he did, what he knows…” To Toru’s surprise he saw Sachio having a ‘conversation’ with the only patient that had never said a word, who’d only yell in pain, the one no one had been able to get through to, the one he had his eyes on. “Interesting…” He kept watching and noticed that sample #7777 had some kind of connection with the young boy. “He’s the link to this young boy’s mind.” He quickly left the room and searched for Dr. Kin; he’d instruct him on his new mission.


 “I can’t involve my son with that delusional boy! I can’t! That boy won’t be cured, he’ll never be of any help for us…we should stop torturing him.”

 “Listen to me, Rai. You do as I say, understand? That is an order. If we can control his violence and just use him, things can be very good for us. Your son is the key…he seems to trust him.”

 “He’ll know my son is a decoy…”

 “Not if your son doesn’t know. Tell him he has my permission to enter.” Toru evilly grinned. “We’ll change security in an hour and his fingerprints WILL open the red doors.”


 “It’s final!” He left laughing sarcastically as he slammed the door behind him.

 ‘Bastard! What does he want with 7777…? He’s not a superhuman… What use…? Extrasensory Perception! That could be very convenient for him. I should’ve known.’ Rai called his son immediately knowing how bad things would turn if he didn’t obey. ‘I just hope everything turn fine.’

 “You called pop?”

 “Yes… Toru said you can enter the restricted zone and do research on whatever you please. But be careful. I’ll show you around.”

 ‘YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’  Sachio couldn’t hide his happiness, after the good news he couldn’t stop smiling. ‘I’ll be close to you, Mareo.’ 



The large red door opened immediately after Rai pressed his thumb against the crystal for the new security system. “Security was changed a few hours ago, now only the authorized people would be able to enter.” Sachio looked confused to the door- it had no knob. “Finger prints.” His father explained. “Don’t worry, yours are in the system already.”

 “Ok.” ‘At least I can enter freely now or else my trick wouldn’t work.’

 While his father explained and talked boringly for a long time, Sachio could only look down the hallway wishing they could finally reach the seventh room of the seventh segment in the seventh floor so he could see Mareo, the seventh natural born. When they finally reached the seventh group of the seventh floor, he heard a scream of pain that scared the hell out of him and provoked a thousand chills all over his body. Ignoring all his father’s warnings he immediately ran directly to Mareo’s room. ‘MAREO!!! Don’t hurt Mareo!!’ He reached the room and stopped in front of it. It was then when he saw Mareo. “AH!”

 “AHHHHHHHHHHH!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! NAHHHHHHHHH!!!” The young boy was trying to escape from two huge nurses trying to grab him while he’d been trying to sneak away. “YIAAHHHHH!!!! ARRHHH HAAAAA!” The screams were so loud and high that they could’ve made anyone deaf. It was obvious he was experiencing a torturing moment and felt miserable. “AHHH!!!!!”

 Mareo was slapped several times while one of them tried tiding his arms to the back without much luck. He was able to escape when he bit on the nurse’s nose almost tearing it away from his face. The nurse pushed him away crying in pain as he bleeds. The other nurse tried desperately to hold him down.

 “Mareo…” The young man stared at the door completely shocked with what his eyes were witnessing. He saw the pain his friend was going through as it was breaking his heart in billion pieces. The blue haired sample was yelling in pain, shaking, tossing, and even trying to strangle the other nurse by gripping strongly to the man’s neck.

 Mareo was hurting, he could felt the men’s evil emotions, he knew what they would do to him, he knew exactly how and why. “Drug the brat! He’s gonna kill me!” The taller nurse ordered his partner. 

At that instant, Sachio snapped. “Leave him alone!!” He ran to them and jumped to grab the nurse’s neck trying to defend the sample, but the strong man pushed him against the wall, making him land painfully against the floor. “Mareo!”

 “Drug the brat!!” One of the nurses was finally able to hold him down for a moment.

 “Fine…I can’t believe he still got so much strength.” They drugged 7777 and he immediately stopped moving. His eyes were opened but his body was stiff, his mouth continuously salivated-  it was wide open with his tongue falling slightly to the side. “He’s all yours…”

 “Finally…he’s gonna pay being rude to me.” The nurse smirked.

 “Ahhhhhh…ahhhh” Even when he was drugged, the sample kept making soft noises indicating he was in pain. “Uhhh ahhuhhh”

Sachio was rubbing his head trying to stand up when he saw his father beside him looking disgusted. ‘Damn.’

 “What are you doing, Jan?” Dr. Kin asked immediately, his young son was hurt.

 “Is time for his bath, Doctor. Why do you ask?” Rai glared down to his son and then the nurse knew what he was talking about. “Oh…well, he was trying to kill me!”

 “You were hurting him!!” Sachio yelled when he was finally able to stand.

 “This is my job, boy, so butt out!” The tall nurse responded with a tone of irritation in his voice.

 “I won’t let you hurt him!” The young man was shaking with anger and almost crying looking at just how his friend was being treated.

 “Get used to this, boy if you’re gonna be around.” He left carrying Mareo on his right shoulder like he was a piece of dead meat.

 “Ahhhhhhh…” Mareo cried, he knew what was going to happen to him in the next few minutes, just like every day. “Haaaaaaaaa…aaaahhhh. Nooooo”

 “Mareo… Father, do something!”

 “I’m sorry. I told you this place was horrible. How do you know his name, you haven’t seen his file.” He eyed him in curiosity.

 “…” Sachio was demolished to see how much suffering a sample went through; he not only saw Mareo yell and cry, he also saw many others while he continued the tour around the area. ‘Mareo…how can I take you out of here? It’s impossible! We’re not only guarded everywhere, there is no way I can take you to the surface.’ He felt impotent. There was nothing he could do to save him.




“Now pretty boy…time for a fun bath.” The black nurse smirked as he took off the light fabric covering the young boy’s body and quickly placed him into a large tub. He entered along with him completely bare, abusing the helpless body he was clinching to. “Oh yeah…great little ass you have.” The nurse fucked sample 7777 hard and heavy like all the other times before. Today it was his turn, and he would make it last. 7777 was his favorite fuck, he was very small, light, and fragile- something he loved. Jan had a severe crush with this young boy and would do anything to be the one bathing him. He even changed turns with his friends so he could have him. “Oh…great. You always make me come so good.” He leaned and kissed his cheek while rubbing his hands on him. “Pretty one… If I had you at home…” He proceeded to actually give a bath to the sample and make sure to clean his anal area very well so there would be no leftovers.  “Shinny and new!” After a few more minutes he was brought back to his room where another nurse awaited.

 “You finished him off?” An evil smile spread across his face.

 “Oh yeah… Be kind- he’s my favorite.”

 Mareo was starting to open his eyes when he saw the back of one of the men he hated the most, and from out of nowhere he jumped to him grabbing his neck once again and cutting him with his nails. “AHHRRGGGG!!!”

 “AHHH!!” The nurse lost his balance and hit his face against the door frame leaving the door completely open. 7777 took his chance and ran out, but a siren immediately started ringing and he was surrounded by several employees in less than three seconds. One of them was Rai who tried to calm him down without any luck. Suddenly he spotted Sachio trembling in a corner. Mareo had blood on his gown, his body was shaking and his eyes were completely popped out like a real lunatic, but Sachio understood why.

‘They trapped him! What would they do now?’ The sample’s friend was afraid for what they could possibly do to Mareo, from what he’d seen so far, nothing good would be.

 Mareo looked straight into the eyes of his new friend and it made him change his psycho gaze to complete softness, his aggressive posture to submissive, and slowly lifted his arm to where Sachio was standing letting a tear rolled down his face. “Sachio…” It was the first time he pronounced a name, a complete word. The only other word he had ever said was no, besides that, nothing.

 It surprised Dr. Kin immediately, but he had to punish the sample, so he gave the order. ‘I’m sorry son.’ He didn’t need much of an explanation to understand what was going on- Sachio and Mareo were friends.

 Sample 7777 went down; they shot him with darts of very strong tranquilizers, those were usually used for bigger persons and even animals. Rai send him to another room to make some test on him and his son followed without him noticing. He was concentrated and forgot his son was watching. “Tide him down.” Mareo was laid on a steal table that tied his arms and legs to it with leather laces. “Take blood samples and do all tests again! He’s not supposed to have strength for this! Didn’t you drug him?” He looked at the nurse who previously injected him with a questioning look.

 “Yes. It was a strong dose!”

 “Next time apply a double dose.”

 “Impossible, it will kill him!”

 “Apparently not. He almost killed one of us; maybe it’ll be you or me next time.” He looked up. “No one is allowed to enter that room again unless he is well drugged. Take him to hell.”

 “Yes, Dr. Kin.” The nurse quickly left to prepare the room called hell.

 Hell room was exactly that, Hell. It was a punishment room for the samples when they become violent or disobey. It was terror for them. In Hell only the worst could happen and not many samples had survived it, but Mareo have been there before- many times.

“Father! What is Hell?”

 “SACHIO!” Sorrow possessed him. “I’m sorry you had to see this, but if you’re working inside this walls from now on…you must get used to this. This is just one of the usual.” He left the room without looking into his son’s eyes again.

 “Father…” ‘Where are they taking Mareo? What’s hell? What’s Hell?’ He was besides the sample caressing his pale hair softly while he cried painfully.

  Moments after the nurses took Mareo away to the punishment room. Sachio watched while they tied him to a leaning chair completely naked. His head was held still from behind with grapplers and so was his torso. Suddenly they pressed a button and the pieces holding the legs up and the arms spread apart widely. ‘What on Earth????’ Sachio sobbed watching the horrible scene. The room was horribly cold, the chair was made of steal, and he was completely naked. “You’re going kill him!” He yelled frustrated and trying to set him free, but he was only kicked out. “Mareo! Mareo! MAREO!!!” He punched and punched the door, but it was useless. His friend was trapped once again. “Mareo…”


 ‘I won’t survive this…he would know the monster in me.’ Dr. Kin was in his office crying his heart out. He hated his life. He hated being a monster, a terror to all his patients when all he wanted to do was set them free and cure them. But what mortified him the most was showing that side of him to his son and destroy the good image he used to have in front of him.  “What I’ve become?”

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