
~By Lovely-chan~


Several weeks passed and Sachio had done many advances with his patient. He’d been his teacher, therapist, friend, and even psychologist. Mareo learned many things just by watching images or practicing on his own. He was a fast learner, in fact Sachio was amazed by how fast he had learn to recognize all the letters and even write them down. He was like a little boy hungry to learn all that life neglected him before.

 “So…I got a surprise for you!”

 “What’s a teddy bear?”

 “Ahhh! You don’t even let me tell you!” He laughed in a surprised manner. “Ok, it’s just a toy…cute and soft. Look, you like?” 

“A bear!” He took it. “So soft…is this a real bear? Why doesn’t he move? Is he drugged too?”

 “No, no. It’s a toy. Children play with them, but are only a small, fluffy replica of a real one. A real bear is big and can be dangerous too…but…there are very little bears left on Earth.”

 “I like the fur.” ‘I’ve never played with one when I was little.’ He wouldn’t stop caressing the surface of the teddy bear because he loved it very much. He even snuggled it against his chest and caressed his cheek with it.

 “You can keep it if you like it.” The blue haired sample smiled and nodded. “Ok…now…let’s get to work.”

 “Are we leaving to the gym?”

 “Yes.” Sachio had permission to move the sample out as long as he stayed beside him and the sample behaved properly. Up till now, everything has been perfect, and Sachio was proud of his dear Mareo.


After Mareo’s muscle therapy, Sachio decided to take him to the aquarium. It was an area where the walls were clear and they could see the ocean. He wanted Mareo to see it because he knew the sample had never seen a living animal before. They walked carefully to the room before Sachio spoke. “Ok, don’t get scared. We’re gonna see lots of animals, ok? But none of them can harm us, or even get close because there’s a wall that forbids us to touch them or vice versa. Understand?”

 “Aha.” They walked in and the Mareo’s face reflected amazement with all he just discovered. There was another world besides the one he lived in, a world in the sea where all creatures were free to swim where they wanted. “Wow…so amazing. I want to touch them…” He stuck to the wall watching happily and running from side to side so he wouldn’t miss any of it. “I want to be a fish…they’re free from this walls we live in.”

 “You have a point…I’m sick of these walls too.” ‘I wish I could go to the surface…it’s been years.’

 “How is it? Up in the surface…all I remember is another dark room.”

 ‘Poor Mareo…he’s been locked up all his life.’

 “Don’t worry, I guess I’m used to it ‘cause I don’t know anything else…but you are making me want to see the surface.”

 “So you like all I teach you?” 

“YES! I never walked out of the room before, and now…I’m here looking at the ocean…beautiful ocean, and I can even walk for a long time, not only little steps. Thank you.”

 Sachio smiled widely. He felt so happy to see Mareo at least a little optimistic and happy.

 “They’re not happy either, Sachio…men slaughter them daily.” The happy face of the sample was erased after he felt the sadness coming from the sea. 

“I guess we humans are real beasts…I wish we could have a better world.”

 “We are vanishing from this world, do you know that? I think it would be the best, for all men to die and leave Earth in peace at last…so she’ll become beautiful again.”

 “Maybe you’re right…”

 They left the aquarium after about an hour, going back to the restricted zone. “I wish I could see the stars, the sun, the sky- just like you told me, and like all the pictures you showed me, but I’m sure everything must be prettier up there.” He sighed and sat down on his bed thinking about Earth. “Why don’t you leave this place? You can, you’re free…if I were you I wouldn’t be here.” 

“All I have is my father, and he’s here.”

 “I’m sure he’ll leave if you ask him to. He doesn’t like what he does.”

 “Really? I mean, you must know…you know what he thinks. Tell me.”

 “I can’t tell you more. His thoughts are his secrets and I can’t tell you. I may be able to know everyone’s heart, but I would never tell. No one knows my heart because no one can read my thoughts, at least not that I know.”

 “You’re still the only one. You know, I can take you to the planetarium tomorrow, wanna go?”

 “What’s that?” 

“It’s a dark room with a simulation of space. You can see the stars, the planets, and many other things.”

 “Hum…dark room?”

 “Oh don’t worry, it’s very beautiful…not the real thing, but is the closet thing I can give you.” He smiled and suddenly Mareo jumped from his seat and hugged him. “Mareo!!” A strong feeling suddenly woke up from deep inside him and warmed his face immediately after. ‘Chicken skin.’ 

“Chicken skin??”

 “Hee hee…my skin, looks like chicken skin. I just got a chill, that’s all.”

 “Hum…I got you nervous.” He giggled. “Sorry…but I’m so happy you’re my friend. I though friends were people who put you down and abused you, but you are not like that…you are sweet.” He hung to him tighter feeling how Sachio’s body started shuddering. “Sachio…” ‘What is this feeling?’ “Can I ask you something…?”

 “Aha.” Sachio’s heart beating was increasing and his hands begin to sweat.

 “How are humans born, where do they come from?”

 “Oh my! You don’t know?”

 “Of course not, I’m asking. All I know is that babies born from women, but how they get inside the women? Why can’t men have babies?” Sachio sighed and started explaining the best he could, he even end up showing him some pictures of couples making love from the computer, and then Mareo understood. “So why do men have sex with other men if they can’t reproduce?” 

‘Now where’d that come from??’ 

“Men have sex with me all the time…” He looked down ashamed.

 “Can we put that one on hold?” ‘Now what?’

 “You are the only one who gives me answers, that’s why I ask so much…I learned words by reading other’s people’s thoughts, ‘cause I was too young when I first got here and knew very little things, so basically all I know is from others.”

 “Well, ok. Some men like having sex with other men because they are attracted to other men and feel pleasure by doing it, and there are also women who like having sex with other women. And those having sex with you are a bunch of perverts and heartless people who like to take advantages of defenseless creatures like you.” He sighed. “There, I said it.”

 “…” Mareo had a thoughtful look on his face. “So basically, I can fall in love with a man, right?”

 “Well…I guess.” ‘Are you?’

 ‘I think.’ His eyes shinned by looking at his dear friend’s face. “Are you going now?” Just the thought made him sad.

 “Almost…don’t get sad, you know I can’t stay.” ‘Even if I want.’

 ‘He wants to stay with me!!’

 “Well, it’s time for your nap. I’ll come tomorrow, k?” Sachio left his friend and closed the door leaving a lonely sample snuggling with a teddy bear.

 ‘Sachio…you are my sunshine, the light in my darkness.’


 The door slowly opened and small footsteps walked closer to the blue haired young boy sleeping peacefully on his bed. The tall shadow standing beside him suddenly made a horrifying sound that seemed like a chuckle, and then he covered the sample’s mouth with a handkerchief that contained a substance that produced drowsiness and numbness of the muscles so he wouldn’t be able to move for a while. 

“Your sperm doesn’t work 7, you are sterile. That was something I wasn’t counting on, but…we still have your blood, your skin, your hair, and your being for me to experiment and crate a new perfect human. You know I want my child to be perfect, don’t you? And you are not perfect, but…” He began to laugh. “We can make you perfect!” The boy was taken out of the room and brought to a huge laboratory hidden below the last floor of the hospital. It was like a basement, but no one knew about it, only he knew it and the sample.

 “Now 7, time to play God.” The scientist took a syringe with a yellow fluid inside and slowly injected its contents on the sample’s arm. “Let’s see what happens.” He waited for 15 minutes and then he saw the red eyes glaring at him. “You awake, my child. Good, that means it’s time for the show. Now 7, show me your power.”


 “Do it! You can see through the walls, can’t you? Concentrate, what you see?” Mareo tried looking but it didn’t work, so he just lifted his shoulders and shook his head to the sides. “Impossible!!!! You’re lying!” He slapped the young man and ordered him again,  each time he said he couldn’t see anything he got slapped once again, each time harder. “TELL ME!”

 “I can’t see a damn thing you asshole!!!!!!!!!!!” He lost his patient and for once he spoke to him.

 “You speak up! I’m so glad! That means…you love me!”  The man had a demonic look.


“Now, 7…can you see?” He shook his head again driving mad the man before him. He took a whip and showed it to the sample. “Tell me, or I’ll punish you.”

 Mareo’s eyes widened and he panted heavily with only the sight of his most hated torture. It’s been a while since he last used it, but he definitely remembered it well. It was about a year ago, he was trying for Mareo to fly, and he obviously couldn’t, so he got pissed off ‘cause his experiment hadn’t worked and punished him for something that wasn’t even his fault. The man had been so furious that he’d almost killed him, it took him 6 months to recover completely and he never used it against him again, but now…he was really scared.

 “You remember don’t you pretty one? Do you want to…die this time?” Obviously the sample turned his head side to side vigorously desperately needing to cry, but he held on. “You know it would be a pity if my favorite sample dies…I would be so sad, boo hoo.”

 “Fuck you! You are a lunatic! You are mad, and you should be the one locked up, not me!! I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!!!!” The sample was hysterical; he was loosing his patience and was desperate to get out of that lab. He was tired of it, every night he took him and tried his lousy substances on him. The boy had no idea what the hell they were, but he certainly knew he hated being the bait.

 “You hate papa? You hate me when I love you?” Toru cried and sat on his chair frustrated with all his failures. All he wanted was a perfect human, a perfect generation to rule on land, but all he created were failures and monsters. Suddenly he stopped crying and started laughing like the mad man he was. “You’re lying! You know I love you and are trying to hurt me!” He stood up and took the whip looking evilly to the red eyes. “You’ll pay for your cruelty.”

 ‘Not the hits again!!’

 One arm was held up in the air with a long whip attached to it, glittering eyes mocked at the boy, and teeth clinch tightly against each other. A thunderous sound in the air repeated insistently and become louder and louder while loud cries shook the walls of the entire hospital echoing through its empty walls. A dense cloud of bitterness and anguish was formed, embracing every soul that lived inside Toru’s empire. Bloodstains covered his face and clothing and, in the floor, a small red pool started growing below the sample’s feet.

 “What have I done?!” Toru untied him and quickly took Mareo to the surgery room, calling Dr. Kin on emergency. “Save him or I’ll kill you.”

 When Dr. Kin laid eyes on the sample he was very surprised and shocked with the bloody view. “What’ve you done? He’s…you killed him!”

| Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |