Stringtown on the Pike


John Uri Lloyd

Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter Number, Title, and the name of the person who typed the chapter.


Contributed on behalf of Carroll M. "Hop" Ewing Florence Mayor, 1961-1981

I. The Vision in the Moonlight

Typed by Diane Whalen, Mayor, City of Florence, Kentucky

II. Cupe's Story and the Omen

Typed by Betsy R. Conrad, Member, Florence City Council, City of Florence, Kentucky

III. The Lost Deed

Typed by Avi Hathor, M. S., M. F. A.

IV. The "Corn Bug" Curses the Parson

V. Judge Elford's Decision

VI. The Dilemma of the "Corn Bug"

VII. "The Best of the Devil and the Law too"

VIII. The Story of the Colonel

Typed by Sharon Franklin, M. L. S., Boone County Public Library; Manager, Walton Branch

IX. The Story of the Parson

X. The Fearful Storm of New Year's Eve, 1863

(To Be Continued)

Chapter One

Stringtown on the Pike: Table of Contents

Florence Kentucky History