The Howard Beale Center


Abbey HotelJustice spits on graves of Stardust victims

Almost 20 years to the day after the Stardust tragedy when 48 people lost their lives, Judge Michael Connellan restored the dance license to the Abbey Hotel, Donegal Town....only 2 days after he had revoked it after a conviction for overcrowding. Not the first offence of this kind for the hotel, but one of a number.
Proprietor, Jim White, the former Fine Gael TD, was quoted by a number of staff as
***** [*]****** . The hotel has been known for overcrowding, not just under the present managment.
Health and safety regulations have been often breached in Donegal, in one case, according to the complainant,
Removed temorarily
One can perhaps understand people's reluctance to come forward about such breaches of safety regulations etc, etc, when considering that Peter Butterley, proprietor of the Stardust, and the man who many believe to be responsible for the high death toll, received £500,000 in defamation damages from Dublin Corporation after the tragedy. The victims received considerably less.
Judge Connellan hit the headlines this week, when during a judgement in a public disorder case last week, he was reported to have said he did not blame the defendant for hitting a woman, and went on to complain about women "acting like alley cats and fighting like savages".

Lunatic at large in Donegal

Mrs. Olive Dawson, a former lawyer from England has arrived in Donegal to promote the rituals of confession, communion, the rosary and her (our) lady's message. Apparently, according to sources, Mrs. Dawson attracts a large following on her visits to Donegal. Nothing particularly unusual about this, as many Irish people are into this kind of thing, but what is unusual, is that the lady in question claims to have eaten nothing other than the 'holy eucharist' for the last 18 months........and for the last 6 months claims not to have taken any fluids. All with no ill effects.
On second thoughts, perhaps the above headline should read: 'Lunatics at large in Donegal'.
Sales figures for Mrs. Dawson's book are unavailable at this time.

Mary Coughlan awarded Junior Ministry after she denies wrongdoing, but appears to admit doing bugger all.

Mary 'The Babe' Coughlan TD, has been given a Junior Ministry in a cabinet reshuffle after the forced resignation of public heath risk, Ned O'Keeffe from the Ministry of Food
(He's been accused of voting against the banning of meat and bonemeal in animal feed, without admitting that the largest piggery in Ireland, which he owned, was using it). This comes just after she was named as the TD with the third highest number of representations to the Minister for Justice for leniency (mainly traffic offences) in 1999. Defending her actions, she was quoted as saying that the procedure was fairly standard practice and that offhand she was not even aware of what the particulars were. One constituent was quoted as saying, "That explains a lot".
Meanwhile, with no connection whatsoever with Ms.Coughlan, and despite the firm belief of one of the victims, there has been no evidence that a Donegal politician made succesful representations on behalf of the driver in another Philip Sheedy type case, several years ago.
Donegal MEP Pat 'idiot name' Gallagher is expected to try and take back Independent TD Thomas Gildea's seat for Fianna Fail. This will make Ms. Coughlan's position in the next general election, vulnerable. Local sources have questioned whether her ministerial appointment has more to do with this, than any work she is supposed to have done for the constituency.
Man gets 15 months for handling Posh Spice's knickers
In another triumph for British justice, an ex bin-man, 20 has been given a sentence of 15 months for handling the stolen clothes of Victoria Beckham. Meanwhile, convicted terrorists guilty of murder, walk the streets, free men.

Laws of physics broken in Irish Republic
Fish processors in Ireland's largest fishing port, Killybegs in Co.Donegal, are considering recruiting workers from abroad, to combat the serious labour shortage in the town. Latest unemployment figures released last week for Killybegs, show 1,025 on the live register. An increase of 62 from December last year.

School sanctions drowning children from poor families
A primary school in a depressed area in the west of Ireland appears to be sanctioning the drowing of some introducing swimming lessons at a cost of £50 per child, without thought or concession for those parents entirely dependent on social welfare or on low wages.

Posh SpiceG.W. Bush has rewarded the African Americans who voted for him by including them all in his cabinet.

An Irishwoman with Balls

We've got a lot of balls in Ireland. They often come
out of politicians' mouths when they say things like "We're tackling welfare fraud". One woman took them seriously....and left the country......

She'd been a naughty girl and was caught working while on the dole, so she wasn't allowed to sign on monthly at the local Garda station anymore. The good days were over, she was told she had to sign on at the local social welfare office every week, so they could keep tabs on her. Of course, this was most inconvenient for her, and could have cost her financially, as her place of employment was over 20 miles from the welfare office, and she didn't have a car. Not to be outdone (Donegal women are smart) she got a friend to put her form through the letterbox of the SW office on the night before she was due to worked......It worked so well, that she was even able to live and work (illegally) in the United States of America for several months while still collecting Irish welfare payments.

Now that's what I call an Irishwoman with balls.

Anglo Irish Agreement
We've a lot of racism in Ireland, we don't like people of a different ethnic background coming into the country, just like our friends in the UK. At least in the UK, they have good laws to deal with it. Unfortunately, some sections of  the UK media seemed to be immune to these laws when they started to whip the population into a frenzy about men, women and children, who were fleeing for their lives.... 'Asylum Seekers' entering the country.....they even printed petition forms to be sent to the British Home Secretary, Jack Straw, asking him to remove women and children fleeing the religious fanatics in Afghanistan from the country. This all became too much for one man..........

Too many fucking wog immigrants!
Too much fucking crime!
I've had enough!

And with those words of infinite wisdom, and in the full knowledge that his beloved England is about to be invaded by millions of black criminals, (despite the UK being one of the most difficult countries to get into) John Archibald Wittering-Smythe throws down his copy of The Sun 'newspaper' and makes the decision to leave. He gives up his well paid public sector job and sells his 4 bedroom semi in the heartland of London's suburbia and moves his family to the Ireland of the Celtic Tiger. Being a Sun Reader, he doesn't go to Dublin, where there's plenty of work, he goes to the dark and depressed land of Donegal, with 20% unemployment. He's a lot smarter than the average Sun Reader though....he's married to a Donegal woman who has family there and knows the score.
Within a week, he's got a rented house, with half the rent paid for by the health board, a car, the dole and a job with all the overtime he wants. Unfortunately, he'll soon have to move into a mobile home in the field given to him by his brother in as to become eligible to have a new council house built for him in the field, but he knows it'll only be for a short time.

The locals are the £15 a week being sponged from the state by Asylum Seekers.

McDonald's and Disney in abortion scandal

A member of the Mad-as-Hell staff took her children out for a meal in her local McDonald's. [Ed.note: A sacking offence, as I'm sure you'll all agree, but with unemployment in Donegal running at about 20% and the severe shortage of available workers, it's an employee's market]
She bought them some of those happy meal things, where you get a cheap toy...'free'. Interestingly, the toys were on an official Disney theme. Even more interestingly, they were made in China, a country where (although now technically illegal for the purpose) abortion is still used as a means to ensure the birth of male children as opposed to females, along with infanticide when it fails. Also, only recently made illegal, is the practice of state birth control officials, who still continue to murder new-born children of those who break their childbirth quota.
GW Bush has placed sanctions on charities linked with abortion, but continues to do business with China.
If so called pro-life groups are serious about saving lives, why are they not picketing places such as McDonald's or Disneyland?
A spokesperson for McDonald's when asked by Mad-As-Hell.Com for a comment about this article, appeared to be unaware of the situation, saying, "What the hell are you talking about". Oh well, you pay peanuts and..........

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Mad-As-Hell.Com is under major re-construction. We hope to have the site finished soon. If you have any information that that you think we'd be interested in, please let us know. Please bear in mind that because of the strict Irish libel laws, anything published on this site must be verifiable.

IGNORE. JUST TO HELP THE SPIDERS. irish politics,politicians,political,corrupt,corruption, dermot,thomas,gildea,mmds,deflector all total bullshit galore. european,europe,eu,economy,economics, great fun with the celtic tiger fraud,welfare,social,bertie ahern,derossa and more. musings of a pipe smoking man police,celtic,tiger,combined mit mary coughlan garda,gardai,philip sheedy. Ireland. charles haughey.