Deutsche Sprachschule Concordia



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ZDP - "Zentrale Deutschprüfung"    

The “Zentrale Deutschprüfung” (ZDP) grants the students a certificate which documents their competency of the German language at the high school level (Germany). 

The students can use this documentation in their resumés when applying for positions with German businesses in this area. 

The exam comes from the “Bundesverwaltungsamt” (federal administrative agency, dep’t for German schools abroad) and is administered by our school. The exam consists of:

          - a reading selection, an authentic texxt with a teenage perspective
          - a writing exercise, an article or a lletter
          - an interview where the student can prrove
            that he/she can speak a coherent German.
The student receives a certificate which documents their successful participation.
Students who are in LWG CUI and LWA BDI write this exam.

 Deutsch Diplom I

It is designed to test for German competence equal to the first foreign language (for instance, English) competence of a German student at age 15/16 (Mittlere Reife).

The examination is set by the Ministry of Education of Germany and administered  by our German school.  A series of special classes are held after school in preparation for the examination.

The test consists of a written and oral/aural examination.
The written examination is relatively simple, both textually and structurally and consists of a grammatical component as well as a composition on a given topic.

The reading text of the oral exam is generally a description or explanation of a specific subject (e.g., Life of Mozart/ Environmental Problems ). The individual oral report on a topic which the student can choose should be about 5 minutes in length and there are bonus marks for a two-minute questionnaire on facts about Germany.

The Certificate at this level designates reasonable comprehension and communication skills. (For example, you wouldn't need a tourist guide during a visit to a German-speaking country and you are able to follow instructions.) 

It will also allow entry into the German equivalent of Community College Courses without further proof of linguistic competence.

Deutsch Diplom II

It is a very prestigious diploma and therefore consists of a more in-depth course and exam. A student must be between the ages of 17 -21 years.

The certificate at this level means the  German language skills are at a university level. The examination is designed by the Ministry of Education of Germany to test for German as a Foreign Language at the Abitur level. It is administered as a course after classes at our school and the final examination is held in Toronto. 

The examination consists of a written, as well as an aural/oral component.
For the oral examination, you are expected to be able to present and then to argue or explain  or defend a point of view. That is why the topics should have a  literary,  political, historical or scientific dimension. The student will also have to do an oral reading and an aural tape questionnaire.

The written exam consists of a grammar component, a reading selection and a composition on a prescribed topic.

This certificate guarantees that the student has a university standard of German. It means that a year’s German courses (compared to our university literacy and proficiency courses for foreign students) will not be demanded of the student  if other qualifications for a German University Course of Study are in order. 

Both Diplom I as well as Diplom II are a definite asset on a student’s resumé, especially when applying for a position with a company which is German-based or when applying for a university co-op placement in a German-speaking country.

Any student whose knowledge of the German language is adequate for the dipomas is eligible to take the course. The student does not have to be a regular student of our German Language School. For more information contact Mrs M. Matthaes, Schulleiterin.

Cost: there is no cost to the student for the course or the exam, only a registration and administration fee of  approx. $12.00


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