<bgsound src="046xmas.mid" loop=infinite>




Thanksgiving is a 
time of gratitude to God,
our Creator and Provider,
whose guidance and care
go before us...
and whose love
is with us forever.

Thanksgiving is a time
to reflect on the changes,
to remember that we, too,
grow and change
from one season of life to another.

Thanksgiving is a time
of changing seasons, 
when leaves turn golden 
in Autumn's wake
and apples are crisp
in the first chill breezes of fall.

Let us remember the true meaning
of  Thanksgiving.
As we see the beauty
of Autumn, let us acknowledge
the many blessings
which are ours...
let us think of our families
and friends..
and let us give thanks in our hearts.

With warm thoughts and special wishes for a very
Happy Thanksgiving.
Cyber Grandma, and Family.


Cyber Grandma wants to remind everybody not to forget all of the people who are less fortunate than us. Be sure and share, even if it is just one can. It can make somebody's life a little brighter. Thank You!


LEAF Thanksgiving on the Farm with Cyber Grandma
LEAF What Thanksgiving means to children
LEAF Funny Thanksgiving Story
LEAF Thanksgiving Links


Labor Day Fourth of July Fathers Day Flag Day Memorial Day Mothers Day Passover Easter St. Patricks Day Presidents Day Valentines Day Groundhog Day Maritn Luther King Jr. New Years Christmas Thanksgiving Veterans Day Halloween Earth Day Grandparents Day


This page last updated on Sunday, November 08, 1998

© 1997 - 1998 CyberGrandma