Happy Valentines

This page is dedicated to the best man in the whole wide world!

HeartsDon Hearts


First I would like to tell you about this very special man in my life, my husband Don. He has dedicated his life to making me happy, what more could a person ask for. He is my best friend, my favorite companion, a devoted father and a devoted grandfather (PaPa). He is always willing to listen when I need to talk, to encourage me when I feel at a loss, to comfort me when times are bad. He is the love of my life and we have stuck together through good and bad times. Our wedding rings are inscribed with the words Forever & A Day, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is the way it will be. I love you Don.


Saint Valentine's Day, a holiday honoring lovers. It is celebrated February 14 by the custom of sending greeting cards or gifts to express affection. The cards known as valentines, are often designed with hearts to symbolize love. It is a day to express love to family, friends, and sweethearts alike.
The holiday probably derives from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalis (February 15). The festival gradually became associated with the feast day (February 14) of two Roman martyrs, both named St. Valentine, who lived in the 3rd century. St. Valentine has tradionally been regarded as the patron saint of lovers.


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