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Rotunda d' Sias
The Ländler: The Lyrics


Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with A-B-C
When you sing you begin with do-re-mi

Do-re-mi, do-re-mi
The first three notes just happen to be
Do-re-mi, do-re-mi

spoken Let's see if I can make it easy

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow Sew
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh)

   Maria and Children:
(Repeat above verse twice)


spoken Now children, do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. Once you have these notes in your heads, you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up. Like this.

So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
spoken Can you do that?
So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
So Do La Ti Do Re Do
So Do La Ti Do Re Do
spoken Now, put it all together.

   Maria and Children:
So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do
spoken Good!
spoken But it doesn't mean anything.
spoken So we put in words. One word for every note. Like this.

When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most anything
spoken Together!

   Maria and Children:
When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most anything

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow Sew
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re

Do Mi Mi
Mi So So
Re Fa Fa
La Ti Ti
(Repeat above verse 4x as Maria sings)

When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most anything

   Maria and Children:
Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow Sew
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to

Do . . . So Do
Re . . . La Fa
Mi . . . Mi Do
Fa . . . Re
So . . . So Do
La . . . La Fa
Ti . . . La So Fa Mi Re
Ti Do - oh - oh Ti Do -- So Do

The Sound of Music | Maria | I Have Confidence | Sixteen Going on Seventeen
My Favorite Things | Do-Re-Mi | The Lonely Goatherd
So Long, Farewell | Climb Ev'ry Mountain | Something Good | Edelweiss

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Rotunda d' Sias -- The Ländler: The Lyrics ("Do-Re-Mi")