©Jesus saves


Welcome to my K9 Page here at Geocities.


Memory of



This is " Tasha " who was rescued by the R.S.P.C.A,
and spent her long life as a loved, and cherished member of our family.


Ouside of a dog, a book is mans best friend.
Inside of a dog, its too dark to read.
Groucho Marx.


By this time,you may or may not of noticed that I have a love for the K9 animal. Dogs have always played a major part in my life, both as a child and as an adult. I have grown up and been around different breeds from the Irish wolf hound that was rescued to the strays brought in by my mother and father.

I became more interested in trainning when we first got Tasha. She was so excitable and bouncy that she was a nightmare to walk around the streets with. I took Tash to one of our local dog training centers called, "The H & M Dog Display Team " where training both of myself and Tasha began. After quite alot of encouragement, hard work, and a few handfulls of hair less, we finally made it into the display team. Tasha retired saddly at the grand age of 16. Both Tahsa, the team and I in that time travelled the UK appearring in numerous demonstrations, on national TV, and also at " Crufts " Englands largest dog show.

Since her retirement I have spent my time both working in a proffesional capacity with dogs, as well as privately with my friends own animals, bringing them to a basic standard of obedience and trainning. ( as well as some of my friends.... !! ) So all in all I have had an excellent grounding into the working mind of the animal, and its owner. So please feel free should you have any problems to send me an email and if i can help you out I shall. But one essential point you must have is a good scence of humour.


Coming soon... The funnier side of the K9 animal

This is a Cat free Zone!




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( Photo's ) ( Rats )( Shepherd ) ( Thanks )
( K - 9 )( Homer )


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