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Piper lying down by Daddy's gym bag. (Summer 96 7K) You want me to pose sexy? Like this?
What's going on outside, daddy? Piper standing on hind legs looking out the window with Daddy. (Spring 97 7K)
Piper with his leash in his mouth.  (Fall 96 5K)
I'm ready for my walk now.
Daddy's home!!!!!!!
Piper running towards the front door. (Spring 96 7K)
Piper with his fire chief hat on by his soccer ball and fire hydrant. (1/97 7K)
I AM the fire chief! Seriously, though, I feel a little silly in my birthday hat - but I love my new fire hydrant!!.
This birthday party sure was fun!
Picture of Pollo with birthday hat on. (1/97 6K)
Piper sleeping on the couch by Daddy with his hydant in his mouth.  (1/97 7K)

Birthday party fun sure is exhausting!
I learned what the word "Up" means. I looked up and there was this balloon! It tried to get away from me by going higher but I jumped up and got it!
Piper jumping up to get a balloon. (2/97 6K)
Piper chewing on the string from the balloon. (2/97 5K)

Once I caught the balloon I'd chew on that string that was hanging off of. Sometimes I'd let go and it'd go up in the air again. Then I'd have to jump up and get it so I could chew on it some more!

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Author: Vicki Herman
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Last updated: 7/25/99
copyright © 1997 Vicki Herman
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