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Where in the World have we been!

As of April 2001, thirty-four (34) classmates have visited one hundred-twenty six (126) countries and islands! The countries are marked with a red dot, click on the map to see who.

, click here to see:
country listed by classmate name

First Name Last Name Married Name Country Geography
Ray Arnold   Cote d'Ivoire Africa
Ray Arnold   Egypt Africa
Ray Arnold   Kenya Africa
Ray Arnold   Monaco Africa
Ray Arnold   Seychelles Africa
Ray Arnold   South Africa Africa
Ray Arnold   Tanzania Africa
Ray Arnold   Tunisia Africa
Ray Arnold   Zanzibar Africa
Joyce Askew Joyce Morocco Africa
Joyce Askew Joyce Morocco (Casablanca) Africa
Charles Chambers   Monaco Africa
Anna Clift Chesnut Egypt Africa
Margaret Goldsmith   Kenya Africa
Jimmy Johnson   Egypt Africa
H.B. Overton   Libya Africa
H.B. Overton   Morocco Africa
Sally Fleming Walker Monaco Africa
Anne Walker Forgey South Africa Africa
Ray Arnold   Cambodia Asia 
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Ray Arnold    China Asia
Ray Arnold   Hong Kong (Before PRC) Asia
Ray Arnold   India Asia
Ray Arnold   Indonesia Asia
Ray Arnold   Japan Asia
Ray Arnold   Kazahkstan Asia
Ray Arnold   Nepal Asia
Ray Arnold   Thailand Asia
Ray Arnold   Vietnam Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce China Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce Hong Kong Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce Japan Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce Thailand Asia
Charles Chambers   China Asia
Charles Chambers   Hong Kong Asia
Charles Chambers   India Asia
Charles Chambers   Japan Asia
Charles Chambers   Korea Asia
Charles Chambers   Malaysia Asia
Charles Chambers   Singapore Asia
Charles Chambers   Taiwan Asia
Charles Chambers   Thailand Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut China Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Hong Kong (Before PRC) Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Japan Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Malaysia Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Taiwan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Alamti, Kazakstan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Asgabd, Turkmenistin Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Bishkek, Kyrgistan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Hojand, Tajikistan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Moscow Asia
Robert Dunmyer   St. Petersburg, Russia Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Tashkent, Uzbekistan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Ukraine Asia
Ivan Faulkenberry   China Asia
Ivan Faulkenberry   Japan Asia
Ivan Faulkenberry   Viet Nam Asia
Mary Germann Marlow Hong Kong Asia
Mary Germann Marlow Japan Asia
Mary Germann Marlow Taiwan. Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Hong Kong Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   India Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Indonesia Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Japan Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Singapore Asia
Bill Hedges   China Asia
Bill Hedges   Hong Kong Asia
Bill Hedges   Japan Asia
Bill Hedges   Korea Asia
Bill Hedges   Singapore Asia
Bill Hedges   Taiwan Asia
Virginia Huth Fowler Japan Asia
Jimmy Johnson   Japan Asia
Jimmy Johnson   Thailand  Asia
Jimmy Johnson   Vietnam Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins China Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins China Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Indonesia Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Singapore Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Singapore Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Thailand Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Thailand Asia
Jerry Phillips   China Asia
Jerry Phillips   Hong Kong (Before PRC) Asia
Jerry Phillips   Indonesia Asia
Jerry Phillips   Japan Asia
Jerry Phillips   Korea Asia
Jerry Phillips   Macau Asia
Jerry Phillips   Malaysia Asia
Jerry Phillips   New Guinea Asia
Jerry Phillips   Singapore Asia
Jerry Phillips   Thailand Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Hong Kong Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Japan Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Korea Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Taiwan Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Thailand Asia
Robert Staggs   China (Hong Kong) Asia
Robert Staggs   Japan Asia
Robert Staggs   South Viet Nam Asia
Robert Staggs   Taiwan Asia
Anne Walker Forgey China Asia
Anne Walker Forgey Hong Kong Asia
Sally Fleming Walker Hong Kong Asia
Sally Fleming Walker Malaysia Asia
Sally Fleming Walker Singapore Asia
Anne Walker Forgey South Korea Asia
Anne Walker Forgey Thailand Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce Bermuda Atlantic Island
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Joyce Askew Joyce Madeira Islands Atlantic Island
Lew Drummond   Bermuda Atlantic Island
Ray Arnold   Australia Australia
Joyce Askew Joyce Australia Australia
Charles Chambers   Australia Australia
Jerry Phillips   Australia Australia
Robert Staggs   Australia Australia
Ray Arnold   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
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Joyce Askew Joyce Bahamas Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Barbados Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Jamaica Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Leeward Islands Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce St. Johns Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce St. Thomas Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Virgin Islands Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Windward Islands Caribbean Island
Glenda Cantrell Luna West Indies Caribbean Island
Claude Chisam   Aruba Caribbean Island
Anna Clift Chesnut Virgin Islands Caribbean Island
Lew Drummond   Bahamas Caribbean Island
Lew Drummond   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Lew Drummond   Virgin Islands Caribbean Island
Robert Dunmyer   Bahamas Caribbean Island
Sue Fowler Tidwell Jamaica Caribbean Island
Mary Germann Marlow Cozumel Caribbean Island
Mary Germann Marlow St. Bart's Caribbean Island
Mary Germann Marlow St. Lucia Caribbean Island
Bill Hedges   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Roger Humphrey   Bahamas Caribbean Island
Jeri Jones McAllister Bahamas Caribbean Island
Jeri Jones McAllister Bahamas Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Bahamas Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Barbados Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Mustique Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   St. Vincent Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Virgin Islands Caribbean Island
Sam Tumminello   Cozumel Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Antigua Caribbean Island
Sally Fleming Walker Bahamas Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Barbados Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Caribbean Islands Caribbean Island
Sally Walker Fleming Caymans Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Grand Cayman Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Islands of the Caribbean Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Jamaica Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Saint Martin Caribbean Island
Claude Chisam   Panama Central America
Jimmy Johnson   Panama Central America
Jerry Phillips   Costa Rica Central America
Ginger Sayers Cochran Okinawa China Sea Island
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Ray Arnold   Armenia Europe
Ray Arnold   Austria Europe
Ray Arnold   Belgium Europe
Ray Arnold   Czechoslovakia Europe
Ray Arnold   England Europe
Ray Arnold   Finland Europe
Ray Arnold   France Europe
Ray Arnold   Germany Europe
Ray Arnold   Holland Europe
Ray Arnold   Hungary Europe
Ray Arnold   Italy Europe
Ray Arnold   Liechtenstein Europe
Ray Arnold   Norway Europe
Ray Arnold   Russia Europe
Ray Arnold   Spain Europe
Ray Arnold   Sweden Europe
Ray Arnold   Switzerland Europe
Ray Arnold   Turkey Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Austria Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce England Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce France Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Germany Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Greece Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Ireland Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Italy Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Portugal Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Scotland Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Spain Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Spain (Cadiz Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Turkey Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Wales Europe
Pete Bentley   Austria Europe
Pete Bentley   Germany Europe
Pete Bentley   Italy Europe
Pete Bentley   Switzerland Europe
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Austria Europe
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Germany Europe
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Italy Europe
Glenda Cantrell Luna France Europe
Charles Chambers   Austria Europe
Charles Chambers   Belgium Europe
Charles Chambers   Denmark Europe
Charles Chambers   England Europe
Charles Chambers   France Europe
Charles Chambers   Germany Europe
Charles Chambers   Holland Europe
Charles Chambers   Italy Europe
Charles Chambers   Liechtenstein Europe
Charles Chambers   Scotland Europe
Charles Chambers   Spain Europe
Charles Chambers   Sweden Europe
Charles Chambers    Switzerland Europe
Charles Chambers   Yugoslavia Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Czechoslovakia Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Denmark Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut England Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Finland Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Germany Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Greece Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Hungary Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Ireland Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Italy Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Portugal Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Switzerland Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Amsterdam Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Austria Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Germany Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Poland Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Turkey Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Austria Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Belgium Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Denmark Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry    England Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   France Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Germany Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Netherlands Europe
Sue Fowler Tidwell England Europe
Sue Fowler Tidwell France Europe
Mary Germann   Belgium. Europe
Mary Germann   England Europe
Mary Germann   France Europe
Mary Germann   Switzerland Europe
Mary Germann   Wales Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Belgium Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Czechoslovakia Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   England Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   France Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Germany Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Holland Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Hungary Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Italy Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Netherlands Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Poland Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Spain Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Switzerland Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Turkey Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Austria Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Belgium Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton England Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton France Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Germany Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Greece Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Holland Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Ireland Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Italy Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Scotland Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Slovenia Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Spain Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Switzerland Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam Belgium Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam France Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam Germany Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam Luxembourg Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam The Netherlands Europe
Bill Hedges   Austria Europe
Bill Hedges   Belgium Europe
Bill Hedges   England Europe
Bill Hedges   France Europe
Bill Hedges   Germany Europe
Bill Hedges   Ireland Europe
Bill Hedges   Italy Europe
Bill Hedges   Luxembourg Europe
Bill Hedges   Netherlands Europe
Bill Hedges   Russia Europe
Bill Hedges   Scotland Europe
Bill Hedges   Sweden Europe
Bill Hedges   Switzerland Europe
Charles Hopson   Austria Europe
Charles Hopson   British Isles (all) Europe
Charles Hopson   Germany Europe
Charles Hopson   Italy Europe
Charles Hopson   Switzerland Europe
Roger Humphrey   England Europe
Roger Humphrey   France Europe
Roger Humphrey   Switzerland Europe
Virginia Huth Fowler France Europe
Virginia Huth Fowler Italy Europe
Jimmy Johnson   France Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Greece Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Ireland Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Scotland Europe
Jimmy Johnson   The Netherlands Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Turkey Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Wales Europe
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson England Europe
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Scotland Europe
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Switzerland Europe
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Wales Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Austria Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister France Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Germany Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Lichtenstein. Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Switzerland Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Switzerland Europe
H.B. Overton   France Europe
H.B. Overton   Greece Europe
H.B. Overton    Ireland Europe
H.B. Overton   Italy Europe
H.B. Overton   Spain Europe
Jerry Phillips   Austria Europe
Jerry Phillips   Belgium Europe
Jerry Phillips   Denmark Europe
Jerry Phillips   England Europe
Jerry Phillips   Finland Europe
Jerry Phillips   France Europe
Jerry Phillips   Germany Europe
Jerry Phillips   Holland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Ireland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Italy Europe
Jerry Phillips   Luxembourg Europe
Jerry Phillips   Northern Ireland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Norway Europe
Jerry Phillips   Poland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Portugal Europe
Jerry Phillips   Scotland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Sicily Europe
Jerry Phillips    Spain Europe
Jerry Phillips   Sweden Europe
Jerry Phillips   Switzerland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Wales Europe
Ginger Sayers Cochran Germany Europe
Ginger Sayers Cochran Switzerland Europe
Sam Tumminello   England Europe
Sam Tumminello   France Europe
Sam Tumminello   Germany Europe
Sam Tumminello    Italy Europe
Sam Tumminello   The Netherlands Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Austria Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Austria Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Belgium Europe
Sally Fleming Walker England Europe
Anne Walker Forgey England Europe
Anne Walker Forgey France Europe
Sally Fleming Walker France Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Germany Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Germany Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Greece Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Ireland Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Italy Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Liechtenstein Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Luxembourg Europe
Anne Walker Forgey North Ireland Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Portugal Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Russia Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Scotland Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Spain Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Spain Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Switzerland Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Switzerland Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Turkey Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Wales Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Austria Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes France Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Germany Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Italy Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Portugal Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Switzerland Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes United Kingdom Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Monaco (Monte Carlo Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Tahiti French Polynesia
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Ray Arnold   Cuba Gulf Mexico Island
Jerry Phillips   Cuba Gulf Mexico Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Crete Island Mediterranean Island
Bill Hedges   Sardenia (Isle.) Mediterranean Island
Ray Arnold   Honduras Mid Americas
Jerry Phillips   Honduras Mid Americas
Joyce Askew Joyce El Salvador Mid-Americas
Joyce Askew Joyce Israel Mid-East
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Glenda Cantrell Luna Israel Mid-East
Anna Clift Chesnut Jordan Mid-East
Anna Clift Chesnut Lebanon Mid-East
Margaret Goldsmith   Israel Mid-East
Margaret Goldsmith   Lebanon Mid-East
Roger Humphrey   Israel Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Iran Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Kuwait Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Lebanon Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Saudi Arabia Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Sudan Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Syria Mid-East
Ray Arnold   Canada North America
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Ray Arnold   Guatemala North America
Ray Arnold   Mexico North America
Joyce Askew Joyce Alaska North America
Joyce Askew Joyce Canada North America
Joyce Askew Joyce Mexico North America
Pete Bentley   Canada North America
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Alaska North America
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Canada North America
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Mexico North America
Glenda Cantrell Luna Canada. North America
Glenda Cantrell Luna Mexico North America
Charles Chambers   Canada North America
Charles Chambers   Mexico North America
Claude Chisam   Canada North America
Claude Chisam   Mexico North America
Anna Clift Chesnut Canada North America
Lew Drummond   Mexico North America
Ivan Faulkenberry   Canada North America
Ivan Faulkenberry   Mexico North America
Sue Fowler Tidwell Mexico North America
Mary Germann Marlow Canada (Manitoba North America
Mary Germann Marlow Canada (Winnipeg North America
Mary Germann Marlow Canada, (Vancouver North America
Mary Germann Marlow Mexico Cancun North America
Margaret Goldsmith   Canada North America
Margaret Goldsmith   Mexico North America
Phyllis Harper Denton Mexico North America
Lera Harwell Chisam Mexico North America
Ed Hedden   Mexico North America
Bill Hedges   Canada North America
Bill Hedges   Mexico North America
Roger Humphrey   Canada North America
Roger Humphrey   Mexico North America
Virginia Huth Fowler Canada North America
Virginia Huth Fowler Mexico North America
Jimmy Johnson   Mexico North America
Jeri Jones McAllister Mexico North America
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Baja North America
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Canada North America
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Mexico North America
Jeri Jones McAllister Canada North America
Jeri Jones McAllister Canada North America
Jerry Phillips   Canada North America
Jerry Phillips   Guatemala North America
Jerry Phillips   Mexico North America
Ginger Sayers Cochran Mexico North America
Robert Staggs   Mexico North America
Faye Stoner Robinson Mexico North America
Sam Tumminello   Canada North America
Sam Tumminello   Mexico North America
Anne Walker Forgey Canada North America
Sally Fleming Walker Canada North America
Anne Walker Forgey Mexico North America
Hattie Webb Hughes Canada North America
Hattie Webb Hughes Mexico North America
Ginger Sayers Cochran Guam Oceania Island
Ginger Sayers Cochran Wake Island Oceania Island
Ray Arnold   New Zealand Pacific Island
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Joyce Askew Joyce Hawaii Pacific Island
Robert Dunmyer   Hawaii Pacific Island
Mary Germann   Kwajalein, MI Pacific Island
Bill Hedges   Hawaii Pacific Island
Roger Humphrey   Hawaii Pacific Island
Jerry Phillips   New Zealand Pacific Island
Faye Stoner Robinson Hawaii Pacific Island
Ray Arnold   Bolivia South America
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Ray Arnold   Chile South America
Ray Arnold   Costa Rica South America
Ray Arnold   Peru South America
Ray Arnold   Venezuela South America
Joyce Askew Joyce Venezuela South America
Charles Chambers   Colombia South America
Claude Chisam   Costa Rica South America
Anna Clift Chesnut Chile South America
Anna Clift Chesnut Columbia South America
Anna Clift Chesnut Peru South America
Robert Dunmyer   Bolivia South America
Margaret Goldsmith   Brazil South America
Margaret Goldsmith   Venezuela South America
Jimmy Johnson   Bolivia South America
Jimmy Johnson   Brazil South America
Jimmy Johnson   Costa Rica South America
Jimmy Johnson   Ecuador South America
Jimmy Johnson   Paraguay South America
Jimmy Johnson    Peru South America
Jimmy Johnson   Trinidad South America
Jerry Phillips   Bolivia South America
Jerry Phillips   Chile South America
Jerry Phillips   Peru South America
Jerry Phillips   Venezuela South America
Anne Walker Forgey Venezuela South America
First Name Last Name Married Name Country Geography
Ray Arnold   Armenia Europe
Ray Arnold   Australia Australia
Ray Arnold   Austria Europe
Ray Arnold   Belgium Europe
Ray Arnold   Bolivia South America
Ray Arnold   Cambodia Asia
Ray Arnold   Canada North America
Ray Arnold   Chile South America
Ray Arnold   China Asia
Ray Arnold   Costa Rica South America
Ray Arnold   Cote d'Ivoire Africa
Ray Arnold   Cuba Gulf Mexico Island
Ray Arnold   Czechoslovakia Europe
Ray Arnold   Egypt Africa
Ray Arnold   England Europe
Ray Arnold   Finland Europe
Ray Arnold   France Europe
Ray Arnold   Germany Europe
Ray Arnold   Guatemala North America
Ray Arnold   Holland Europe
Ray Arnold   Honduras Mid Americas
Ray Arnold   Hong Kong (Before PRC) Asia
Ray Arnold   Hungary Europe
Ray Arnold   India Asia
Ray Arnold   Indonesia Asia
Ray Arnold   Italy Europe
Ray Arnold   Japan Asia
Ray Arnold   Kazakhstan Asia
Ray Arnold   Kenya Africa
Ray Arnold   Liechtenstein Europe
Ray Arnold   Mexico North America
Ray Arnold   Monaco Africa
Ray Arnold   Nepal Asia
Ray Arnold   New Zealand Pacific Island
Ray Arnold   Norway Europe
Ray Arnold Peru South America
Ray Arnold   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Ray Arnold   Russia Europe
Ray Arnold   Seychelles Africa
Ray Arnold   South Africa Africa
Ray Arnold   Spain Europe
Ray Arnold   Sweden Europe
Ray Arnold   Switzerland Europe
Ray Arnold   Tanzania Africa
Ray Arnold   Thailand Asia
Ray Arnold   Tunisia Africa
Ray Arnold   Turkey Europe
Ray Arnold   Venezuela South America
Ray Arnold   Vietnam Asia
Ray Arnold   Zanzibar Africa
Joyce Askew Joyce Alaska North America
Joyce Askew Joyce Australia Australia
Joyce Askew Joyce Austria Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Bahamas Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Barbados Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Bermuda Atlantic Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Canada North America
Joyce Askew Joyce China Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce Crete Island Mediterranean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce El Salvador Mid-Americas
Joyce Askew Joyce England Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce France Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Germany Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Greece Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Hawaii Pacific Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Hong Kong Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce Ireland Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Israel Mid-East
Joyce Askew Joyce Italy Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Jamaica Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Japan Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce Leeward Islands Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Madeira Islands Atlantic Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Mexico North America
Joyce Askew Joyce Monaco (Monte Carlo Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Morocco Africa
Joyce Askew Joyce Morocco (Casablanca) Africa
Joyce Askew Joyce Portugal Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Scotland Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Spain Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Spain (Cadiz Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce St. Johns Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce St. Thomas Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Thailand Asia
Joyce Askew Joyce Turkey Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Venezuela South America
Joyce Askew Joyce Virgin Islands Caribbean Island
Joyce Askew Joyce Wales Europe
Joyce Askew Joyce Windward Islands Caribbean Island
Pete Bentley   Austria Europe
Pete Bentley   Canada North America
Pete Bentley   Germany Europe
Pete Bentley   Italy Europe
Pete Bentley   Switzerland Europe
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Alaska North America
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Austria Europe
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Canada North America
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Germany Europe
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Italy Europe
Charlene Brooks Erbskorn Mexico North America
Glenda Cantrell Luna Canada. North America
Glenda Cantrell Luna France Europe
Glenda Cantrell Luna Israel Mid-East
Glenda Cantrell Luna Mexico North America
Glenda Cantrell Luna West Indies Caribbean Island
Charles Chambers   Australia Australia
Charles Chambers   Austria Europe
Charles Chambers   Belgium Europe
Charles Chambers   Canada North America
Charles Chambers   China Asia
Charles Chambers   Colombia South America
Charles Chambers   Denmark Europe
Charles Chambers   England Europe
Charles Chambers   France Europe
Charles Chambers   Germany Europe
Charles Chambers   Holland Europe
Charles Chambers   Hong Kong Asia
Charles Chambers   India Asia
Charles Chambers   Italy Europe
Charles Chambers   Japan Asia
Charles Chambers   Korea Asia
Charles Chambers   Liechtenstein Europe
Charles Chambers   Malaysia Asia
Charles Chambers   Mexico North America
Charles Chambers   Monaco Africa
Charles Chambers   Scotland Europe
Charles Chambers   Singapore Asia
Charles Chambers   Spain Europe
Charles Chambers   Sweden Europe
Charles Chambers   Switzerland Europe
Charles Chambers   Taiwan Asia
Charles Chambers   Thailand Asia
Charles Chambers   Yugoslavia Europe
Claude Chisam   Aruba Caribbean Island
Claude Chisam   Canada North America
Claude Chisam   Costa Rica South America
Claude Chisam   Mexico North America
Claude Chisam   Panama Central America
Anna Clift Chesnut Canada North America
Anna Clift Chesnut Chile South America
Anna Clift Chesnut China Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Columbia South America
Anna Clift Chesnut Czechoslovakia Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Denmark Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Egypt Africa
Anna Clift Chesnut England Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Finland Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Germany Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Greece Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Hong Kong (Before PRC) Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Hungary Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Ireland Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Italy Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Japan Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Jordan Mid-East
Anna Clift Chesnut Lebanon Mid-East
Anna Clift Chesnut Malaysia Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Peru South America
Anna Clift Chesnut Portugal Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Switzerland Europe
Anna Clift Chesnut Taiwan Asia
Anna Clift Chesnut Virgin Islands Caribbean Island
Lew Drummond   Bahamas Caribbean Island
Lew Drummond   Bermuda Atlantic Island
Lew Drummond   Mexico North America
Lew Drummond   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Lew Drummond   Virgin Islands Caribbean Island
Robert Dunmyer   Alamti, Kazakstan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Amsterdam Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Asgabd, Turkmenistin Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Austria Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Bahamas Caribbean Island
Robert Dunmyer   Bishkek, Kyrgistan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Bolivia South America
Robert Dunmyer   Germany Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Hawaii Pacific Island
Robert Dunmyer   Hojand, Tajikistan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Moscow Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Poland Europe
Robert Dunmyer   St. Petersburg, Russia Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Tashkent, Uzbekistan Asia
Robert Dunmyer   Turkey Europe
Robert Dunmyer   Ukraine Asia
Ivan Faulkenberry   Austria Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Belgium Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Canada North America
Ivan Faulkenberry   China Asia
Ivan Faulkenberry   Denmark Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   England Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   France Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Germany Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Japan Asia
Ivan Faulkenberry   Mexico North America
Ivan Faulkenberry   Netherlands Europe
Ivan Faulkenberry   Viet Nam Asia
Sue Fowler Tidwell England Europe
Sue Fowler Tidwell France Europe
Sue Fowler Tidwell Jamaica Caribbean Island
Sue Fowler Tidwell Mexico North America
Mary Germann Marlow Belgium. Europe
Mary Germann Marlow Canada (Manitoba North America
Mary Germann Marlow Canada (Winnipeg North America
Mary Germann Marlow Canada, (Vancouver North America
Mary Germann Marlow Cozumel Caribbean Island
Mary Germann Marlow England Europe
Mary Germann Marlow France Europe
Mary Germann Marlow Hong Kong Asia
Mary Germann Marlow Japan Asia
Mary Germann Marlow Kwajalein, MI Pacific Island
Mary Germann Marlow Mexico Cancun North America
Mary Germann Marlow St. Bart's Caribbean Island
Mary Germann Marlow St. Lucia Caribbean Island
Mary Germann Marlow Switzerland Europe
Mary Germann Marlow Taiwan. Asia
Mary Germann Marlow Wales Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Belgium Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Brazil South America
Margaret Goldsmith   Canada North America
Margaret Goldsmith   Czechoslovakia Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   England Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   France Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Germany Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Holland Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Hong Kong Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Hungary Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   India Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Indonesia Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Israel Mid-East
Margaret Goldsmith   Italy Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Japan Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Kenya Africa
Margaret Goldsmith   Lebanon Mid-East
Margaret Goldsmith   Mexico North America
Margaret Goldsmith   Netherlands Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Poland Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Singapore Asia
Margaret Goldsmith   Spain Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Switzerland Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Turkey Europe
Margaret Goldsmith   Venezuela South America
Phyllis Harper Denton Austria Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Belgium Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton England Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton France Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Germany Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Greece Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Holland Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Ireland Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Italy Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Mexico North America
Phyllis Harper Denton Scotland Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Slovenia Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Spain Europe
Phyllis Harper Denton Switzerland Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam Belgium Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam France Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam Germany Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam Luxembourg Europe
Lera Harwell Chisam Mexico North America
Lera Harwell Chisam The Netherlands Europe
Ed Hedden   Mexico North America
Bill Hedges   Austria Europe
Bill Hedges   Belgium Europe
Bill Hedges   Canada North America
Bill Hedges   China Asia
Bill Hedges   England Europe
Bill Hedges   France Europe
Bill Hedges   Germany Europe
Bill Hedges   Hawaii Pacific Island
Bill Hedges   Hong Kong Asia
Bill Hedges   Ireland Europe
Bill Hedges   Italy Europe
Bill Hedges   Japan Asia
Bill Hedges   Korea Asia
Bill Hedges   Luxembourg Europe
Bill Hedges   Mexico North America
Bill Hedges   Netherlands Europe
Bill Hedges   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Bill Hedges   Russia Europe
Bill Hedges   Sardenia (Isle.) Mediterranean Island
Bill Hedges   Scotland Europe
Bill Hedges   Singapore Asia
Bill Hedges   Sweden Europe
Bill Hedges   Switzerland Europe
Bill Hedges   Taiwan Asia
Charles Hopson   Austria Europe
Charles Hopson   British Isles (all) Europe
Charles Hopson   Germany Europe
Charles Hopson   Italy Europe
Charles Hopson   Switzerland Europe
Roger Humphrey   Bahamas Caribbean Island
Roger Humphrey   Canada North America
Roger Humphrey   England Europe
Roger Humphrey   France Europe
Roger Humphrey   Hawaii Pacific Island
Roger Humphrey   Israel Mid-East
Roger Humphrey   Mexico North America
Roger Humphrey   Switzerland Europe
Virginia Huth Fowler Canada North America
Virginia Huth Fowler France Europe
Virginia Huth Fowler Italy Europe
Virginia Huth Fowler Japan Asia
Virginia Huth Fowler Mexico North America
Jimmy Johnson   Bolivia South America
Jimmy Johnson   Brazil South America
Jimmy Johnson   Costa Rica South America
Jimmy Johnson   Ecuador South America
Jimmy Johnson   Egypt Africa
Jimmy Johnson   France Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Greece Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Iran Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Ireland Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Japan Asia
Jimmy Johnson   Kuwait Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Lebanon Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Mexico North America
Jimmy Johnson   Panama Central America
Jimmy Johnson   Paraguay South America
Jimmy Johnson   Peru South America
Jimmy Johnson   Saudi Arabia Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Scotland Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Sudan Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Syria Mid-East
Jimmy Johnson   Thailand  Asia
Jimmy Johnson   The Netherlands Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Trinidad South America
Jimmy Johnson   Turkey Europe
Jimmy Johnson   Vietnam Asia
Jimmy Johnson   Wales Europe
Sheila Jones Robbins China Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins China Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Indonesia Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Singapore Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Singapore Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Thailand Asia
Sheila Jones Robbins Thailand Asia
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Baja North America
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Canada North America
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson England Europe
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Mexico North America
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Scotland Europe
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Switzerland Europe
Jane Mathis Mathis-Hopson Wales Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Austria Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Bahamas Caribbean Island
Jeri Jones McAllister Canada North America
Jeri Jones McAllister France Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Germany Europe
Jeri Jones McAllister Liechtenstein Europe
Jeri Jones   McAllister Mexico North America
Jeri Jones McAllister Switzerland Europe
H.B. Overton   France Europe
H.B. Overton   Greece Europe
H.B. Overton   Ireland Europe
H.B. Overton   Italy Europe
H.B. Overton   Libya Africa
H.B. Overton   Morocco Africa
H.B. Overton   Spain Europe
Jerry Phillips   Australia Australia
Jerry Phillips   Austria Europe
Jerry Phillips   Bahamas Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Barbados Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Belgium Europe
Jerry Phillips   Bolivia South America
Jerry Phillips   Canada North America
Jerry Phillips   Chile South America
Jerry Phillips   China Asia
Jerry Phillips   Costa Rica Central America
Jerry Phillips   Cuba Gulf Mexico Island
Jerry Phillips   Denmark Europe
Jerry Phillips   England Europe
Jerry Phillips   Finland Europe
Jerry Phillips   France Europe
Jerry Phillips   Germany Europe
Jerry Phillips   Guatemala North America
Jerry Phillips   Holland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Honduras Mid Americas
Jerry Phillips   Hong Kong (Before PRC) Asia
Jerry Phillips   Indonesia Asia
Jerry Phillips   Ireland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Italy Europe
Jerry Phillips   Japan Asia
Jerry Phillips   Korea Asia
Jerry Phillips   Luxembourg Europe
Jerry Phillips   Macau Asia
Jerry Phillips   Malaysia Asia
Jerry Phillips   Mexico North America
Jerry Phillips   Mustique Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   New Guinea Asia
Jerry Phillips   New Zealand Pacific Island
Jerry Phillips   Northern Ireland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Norway Europe
Jerry Phillips   Peru South America
Jerry Phillips   Poland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Portugal Europe
Jerry Phillips   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Puerto Rico Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Scotland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Sicily Europe
Jerry Phillips   Singapore Asia
Jerry Phillips   Spain Europe
Jerry Phillips   St. Vincent Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Sweden Europe
Jerry Phillips   Switzerland Europe
Jerry Phillips   Thailand Asia
Jerry Phillips   Venezuela South America
Jerry Phillips   Virgin Islands Caribbean Island
Jerry Phillips   Wales Europe
Ginger Sayers Cochran Germany Europe
Ginger Sayers Cochran Guam Oceania Island
Ginger Sayers Cochran Hong Kong Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Japan Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Korea Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Mexico North America
Ginger Sayers Cochran Okinawa China Sea Island
Ginger Sayers Cochran Switzerland Europe
Ginger Sayers Cochran Taiwan Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Thailand Asia
Ginger Sayers Cochran Wake Island Oceania Island
Robert Staggs   Australia Australia
Robert Staggs   China (Hong Kong) Asia
Robert Staggs   Japan Asia
Robert Staggs   Mexico North America
Robert Staggs   South Viet Nam Asia
Robert Staggs   Taiwan Asia
Faye Stoner Robinson Hawaii Pacific Island
Faye Stoner Robinson Mexico North America
Sam Tumminello   Canada North America
Sam Tumminello   Cozumel Caribbean Island
Sam Tumminello   England Europe
Sam Tumminello   France Europe
Sam Tumminello   Germany Europe
Sam Tumminello   Italy Europe
Sam Tumminello   Mexico North America
Sam Tumminello   The Netherlands Europe
Anne Walker Forgery Antigua Caribbean Island
Sally Fleming Walker Austria Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Austria Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Bahamas Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Barbados Caribbean Island
Sally Fleming Walker Belgium Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Canada North America
Sally Fleming Walker Canada North America
Anne Walker Forgey Caribbean Islands Caribbean Island
Sally Fleming Walker Caymans Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey China Asia
Sally Fleming Walker England Europe
Anne Walker Forgey England Europe
Anne Walker Forgey France Europe
Sally Fleming Walker France Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Germany Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Germany Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Grand Cayman Caribbean Island
Sally Fleming Walker Greece Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Hong Kong Asia
Sally Fleming Walker Hong Kong Asia
Anne Walker Forgey Ireland Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Islands of the Caribbean Caribbean Island
Sally Fleming Walker Italy Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Jamaica Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Liechtenstein Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Luxembourg Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Malaysia Asia
Anne Walker Forgey Mexico North America
Sally Fleming Walker Monaco Africa
Anne Walker Forgey North Ireland Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Portugal Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Russia Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Saint Martin Caribbean Island
Anne Walker Forgey Scotland Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Singapore Asia
Anne Walker Forgey South Africa Africa
Anne Walker Forgey South Korea Asia
Anne Walker Forgey Spain Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Spain Europe
Sally Fleming Walker Switzerland Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Switzerland Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Tahiti French Polynesia
Anne Walker Forgey Thailand Asia
Sally Fleming Walker Turkey Europe
Anne Walker Forgey Venezuela South America
Anne Walker Forgey Wales Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Austria Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Canada North America
Hattie Webb Hughes France Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Germany Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Italy Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Mexico North America
Hattie Webb Hughes Portugal Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes Switzerland Europe
Hattie Webb Hughes United Kingdom Europe

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