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Those we remember.... too many, too soon. 

  Esmond  Adams  (Deceased February, 1989)  

W. Diane Allen Weston  (Deceased Sept. 28, 2001)  

  Clarice  Anne  Bailey  James

Robert Leon Balisok 

  Bernard  Grinder  Bennett 

  Shelby  Berry 

  Jerry  Monroe  Bingham  (Deceased June, 2000)  

Billy Boaz (Deceased Nov. 2003)

Charles M. Chambers (Deceased May 20, 2009)

Samuel C. Chisam (Deceased April 6, 2008)

Patsy Cunningham Pilgrim (Deceased July 7, 2009

Judy Bullard Daniel (Deceased April 2007)

  Morris W.  (Buster)  Frank  (Deceased December, 1998)  

Sue (Fowler) Tidwell (Deceased June 2006)

James E. Hatfield Jr. 
(Deceased December, 2006)  

David Hunt  (Deceased 2003)

Richard  Knight 

  David  Lay 

James Andy Leach (Deceased February, 2002)

  George  M.  Love, Jr.   

Tommy McDougal, (Deceased August 19, 2006)

  Charles  Miller 

Demetra  Morring

  Paul  Camp  Patterson  (Deceased May, 1997)

  John  Payne 

  Joseph  Atkins  Pettus  (Deceased 1998)

  Robert  Pruitt

  Billy  Rawson  (Deceased August, 1999)

  Joseph  Patrick  Rigg  

Paula Lee (Rigg) McKerall, Deceased Feb, 2003

  Sandy  Seymour 

  Doug  Howard  Taylor  (Deceased May 1991)

  Vance  Johnston  Thornton, Jr.  (Deceased March 1991)

  Luther  Dewey  Tidwell  (Deceased March 1990)

  Susanne  Compton  Vaughn  Adams  (Deceased 1994)  

Dan E. Williams (Deceased Feb. 2001)

Gayle (Wilson) Butler (Deceased Nov. 17, 2007)

                Tommy Woodward (Deceased December, 1998)



Recent Obituaries 

Patsy Cunningham Pilgrim  Died July 7, 2009

Patsy Pilgrim of Huntsville passed away Tuesday. 
Mrs. Pilgrim was a devoted Christian lady who gave totally of her time, energy and resources to those in need.
She is survived by her son.
Visitation will be from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Laughlin Service Funeral Home. A graveside service will follow at noon at Maple Hill Cemetery with Pastor Lester Alexander officiating.




Dr. Charles M. Chambers

Dr. CHARLES M. CHAMBERS an innovative educator and visionary leader, passed away on May 20, 2009 at the age of 67, near his home in Alexandria, Virginia, where he had lived since 1970. He was an outstanding professor, lawyer, engineer and administrator who served as the fifth president of Lawrence Technological University (LTU), in Michigan from 1993 to 2006. At LTU, he oversaw the largest expansion of facilities, including solar panels and a Leed green building. He also headed the highest level of fund-raising at LTU for facilities and scholarships, the inauguration of doctorate degrees and the first wireless laptop campus in Michigan. For the ten years prior, he was president of the American Institution of Biological Science headquartered in Washington D C. He served on the faculties of Harvard University, The University of Alabama, and George Washington University where he was dean for graduate evening programs. In the 1960s, he participated as an aerospace engineer with NASA in the Apollo space program that landed men on the moon. An expert in accreditation, Dr. Chambers led numerous accrediting teams visiting universities for the North Central Association. He was a consultant to Congress and numerous federal science and education agencies, major foundations, and other organizations. He served on many professional and educational boards, including the Business Higher Education Forum of the American Council on Education, the Accreditation Review Council of the North Central Association, the Detroit Economic Club, the Engineering Society of Detroit, and the Oakland County Workforce Development Board and Business Roundtable. He was founding director of Automation Alley and served as a director of the Detroit Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He chaired the Education Foundation of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers nominating committee. He presented at international conferences in Bogotá, Colombia; Seoul, Korea; Tokyo, Japan; Brisbane, Australia; Bangalore, India; and Washington, D. C. among others. Dr. Chambers was often quoted as saying "Nothing can compare with the shaping of young minds". He was born in Hampton, Virginia where he lived for 14 years before moving to Huntsville, Alabama. He attended the University of Alabama where he met his wife and received a BS, MS and a PhD in physics. When he returned to Virginia, he received a law degree with honors from George Washington University, and was a member of the Bars of Virginia, the District of Columbia, Michigan, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and the U.S. Supreme Court. He was a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and was president of the American Association of University Administrators and the Engineering and Science Development Foundation. He was a fellow of the Engineering Society of Detroit and in recognition of his accomplishments and service to higher education he was awarded a Doctor of Science degree from LTU in 2006. Dr. Chambers was a licensed commercial pilot with instrument and multi-engine ratings. In his spare time, he enjoyed flying his plane and working on projects around the house. His family swears that he could fix absolutely anything. Charles demonstrated great love and loyalty for his family. He had as much fun riding roller coasters with his children and grandchildren as they did. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Chambers, their four grown children and two grandchildren. There will be a memorial service for Charles Chambers at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, Michigan on June 18th at 10 am. His funeral will be held in Huntsville, Alabama at the Holy Spirit Catholic Church at 11am June 27, 2009. Memorial contributions may be made to Lawrence Technological University's Charles M. Chambers Endowed Scholarship Fund, Office of University Advancement, 21000 W. Ten Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48075-1058.There will be a memorial service for Charles Chambers at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, Michigan on June 18th at 10 am. His funeral will be held in Huntsville, Alabama at the Holy Spirit Catholic Church at 11am June 27, 2009. Memorial contributions may be made to Lawrence Technological University's Charles M. Chambers Endowed Scholarship Fund, Office of University Advancement, 21000 W. Ten Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48075-1058.


Claude Samuel "Sam" Chisam
Died April 6, 2008



Gayle Wilson Butler 
Died Nov. 17, 2007
Gayle Wilson Butler, 66, died Saturday at Huntsville Hospital of complications from cancer. Gayle was preceded in death by her daughter, Julie Butler McGiboney Hill. She is survived by her husband, Jimmy; her son, Jamey, and his wife, Crystal; her grandson, Jay McGiboney, and his sweetheart, Jennifer Barnes; her sisters, Ann Michael and Helen Morgan; her brother, Reek Wilson; and a multitude of in-laws, nieces and nephews. Gayle was born Dec. 23, 1940, in Huntsville and graduated from Huntsville High School. She was hired as one of the first 10 females ever employed by the Huntsville Police Department and worked there until the birth of her son, Jamey. She dove into the role of mother for both Jamey and Julie as they entered school and was room mother countless times. She was president of numerous school related organizations, booster clubs and PTA's throughout their educational years. Throughout her life, Gayle loved her family, both nuclear and extended, more than anything else, and was loyal to a fault. In 1988, she founded Rocket City Bail Bonding and, as the first female owner/operator of a bonding company in Madison County, made it a leader in the bonding community statewide. She was a former president of the Alabama Bail Bonding Association as well as the Professional Bail Bonding Association of Alabama. She and her husband, Jimmy, founded the "Jailbusters" bail bonding chain, which grew to the largest privately held bail bonding franchise in the state of Alabama. She was instrumental in the passage of several laws in relation to bail and electronic monitoring and spent a majority of her time counseling the parents of juveniles and young adults embroiled in the criminal justice system. She retired from active participation in bonding upon the diagnosis of daughter, Julie's, terminal cancer in 2004 and devoted herself to Julie's care until her passing. During her grieving process, Gayle was diagnosed with cancer and devoted the remaining year of her life to her family, living well and sharing her memories with friends and relatives. Gayle often said that she lived a wonderful life. She did "what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted." She credited Jimmy with all his love and hard work that gave her the ability to live the "life of Riley." Her family could not have withstood the ordeal of Julie's passing and Gayle's illness without the constant support of Gayle's sister, Ann Michael. Special friends supporting Gayle throughout her life who hold everlasting places in our hearts are: Gerald Boyd and his wife, Linda, Gary Evans, Michael Cormier and most certainly, Leslie Trahan. Please know that words cannot express the gratefulness the family has felt for the many stories about Gayle and how she has affected her friend's lives. As we now walk down the beach, there is but one set of prints in the sand. Visitation will be from 5 until 8 p.m. today at Berryhill Funeral Home. The funeral service and eulogy will be held at the funeral home chapel at 2 p.m. Tuesday with interment following at Maple Hill Cemetery 


Sue Fowler Tidwell

Dec. 23, 1940 -  June 30, 2006
Sue Fowler Tidwell, 65, of Huntsville died Friday. She was a member of First Baptist Church. Mrs. Tidwell was a very generous and loving wife, mother, grandmother and friend. Survivors include her husband, Billy M. Tidwell of Huntsville; children, Susan Tidwell of Huntsville, Billy Tidwell Jr. and his wife, Lori, of Nashville, and Patrick Tidwell and his wife, Elizabeth, of Huntsville; grandchildren, Lee and Shelby Wolaver; sister, Loretta Breasseale of Knoxville; and brother, Clyde Fowler Jr. of Huntsville. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. today at Laughlin Service Funeral Home.The funeral will be at 10 a.m. Monday at the chapel at the funeral home with Dr. David Hull and Dr. Ralph Langley officiating. Burial will be in Maple Hill Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church Community Benevolence Fund. 


(HHS Coach) Buddy May

Buddy May of Athens, a retired businessman, died Monday [May 13,2002]. He was 70.

Mr. May was a native of Winfield and graduated from Livingston State University. He taught and coached sports in Athens, Pensacola, Fla., and Huntsville before retiring in 1986. He owned The Plant Shoppe on University Drive for many years, purchased Milky Way Farms in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1995 and operated it as a corporate retreat and bed and breakfast inn.

Survivors include his wife, Billie W. May; one daughter, Angie May Robbins of Huntsville; one son, Mike May of Madison; one adopted daughter, Stephanie McDowell of Huntsville; six grandchildren, Alan Potter of Prattville, Jay Robbins of Auburn, John Michael Robbins and Ann Robbins, both of Huntsville, Jenna Kay May and Patrick May, both of Madison; and two great-grandchildren and several cousins.

The funeral was to be today at 2 p.m. at McConnell Funeral Home in Athens with Dr. Stephen Screws officiating. Burial was to be in Athens City Cemetery.


The Huntsville Times
James Andy Leach, Sr. of New Market, a retired U.S. Postal Service worker, died Saturday [2-02-02].  He was 60.  
Mr. Leach was a native of Union Grove and a life-long resident of Madison County.  Mr. Leach was an avid hunter and fisherman and worked for the postal service for 37 years.
Survivors include his wife, Scarlett N. Leach of New Market; three sons, James Andy Leach Jr. and Timothy Leach of Hazel Green, and Troy Shane Leach of Waynesboro, Va; two daughters-in-law, Sandra Wilbourn Leach of Hazel Green and Tracy Leach of Waynesboro, Va.; one sister, Lois Price of Fayetteville, Tenn; and three grandchildren.

Visitation was Mon - Feb.4 at Spry Funeral Home.  Funeral was Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at Spry with Rev. B.R. Jenkins officiating.  Burial was in Maple Hill Cemetery.


Huntsville Times 9/2001

W. Diane Weston of Madison, founder and CEO of Uwohali, Inc., died Friday [Sept. 28, 2001].

Ms. Weston was a native of Huntsville and a graduate of the Florida Research Institute. She was co-founder of both the Women's Economic Development Council and The Village. She was a charter member of the Greater Huntsville Rotary Club and a member of the Chamber of Commerce Women's Business Council, Burritt Museum board of directors and the Biztech board of directors. She was past president of Girls, Inc., former director of the Board of Family Services Center, and founder of the Dallas-Lincoln Revitalization Project.

Ms. Weston helped organize the Americans of Indian Descent and started an Indian Educational Culture Program in Huntsville and Madison County schools.

She was the first woman in modern times to serve as the clan chief of the Echota Cherokee Deer Clan.

Her awards included Small Woman-Owned Business Contractor of the Year, Outstanding Woman of the Year, Outstanding Minority Entrepreneur of the Year Region IV and the Crystal Crown Award, and she was twice nominated for Avon's Women of Enterprise Award. She received special appointments to NASA's Advisory Committee for the International Space Station, the Defense Agency Committee on Women in the Services, the Governor's Committee on Science and Mathematics and the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference.

Survivors include one son, Jim Weston of Huntsville; one daughter, Suzanne Weston of Alexandria, Va.; one sister, Tina J. Johnson of Huntsville; one brother, Don Allen of Melbourne, Fla.; two step-brothers, Lon Guest of Arab and Mitchell Hodges of Guntersville; and three grandchildren.

Laughlin Service Funeral Home will announce arrangements.

Memorials may be made to Girls, Inc., P.O. Box 3066, Huntsville 35810; The Village, 511 Beirne Ave., Huntsville 35801; Dallas-Lincoln Revitalization Project, c/o Johnson, P.O. Box 368, Huntsville 35804; the Diane Weston Scholarship Fund of Women's Economic Development Council or a favorite charity.


Huntsville Times 2/2001

Dan E. Williams  

Dan E. Williams, 59, of Huntsville died Friday [2/16/2001] at a local hospital. The graveside service will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Maple Hill Cemetery with Charles Marshall officiating.

Laughlin Service Funeral Home is in charge.

Mr. Williams was a deacon at Randolph Church of Christ.

Survivors include a daughter, Kristy Williams Holbrook of Huntsville; a son, Sean Williams of Birmingham; a brother, Oliver Beirne Williams Jr. of Huntsville; three grandchildren, Madison Elizabeth Williams of Birmingham, Austin Riley Holbrook and Aaron Taylor Holbrook both of Huntsville.

Visitation will be Monday from 5 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.

Memorials may be made to Randolph Church of Christ.


Huntsville Times 12/31/00

Bill Easterling, [HHS Class 1958] whose columns have drawn readers to this page of The Times since 1979, died Friday at his home, ending a fight with cancer he had shared in powerful and poignant words for 15 months.

He was 60 years old.

His funeral will be today at 2 p.m. at Mt. Zion Baptist Church on Mt. Zion Road in Monrovia.

Visitation will precede it from 10 a.m. until noon at Laughlin-Service Funeral Home in Huntsville.

Frances C.  Roberts

Dr. Roberts was a former Huntsville High School teacher in the 1950's and noted educator. 

Frances Cabaniss Roberts, 83, of Huntsville died Sunday [Nov. 5, 2000] at her home. The funeral will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Episcopal Church of the Nativity with the Rev. Roderic L. Murray and the Rev. A. Emile Joffrion officiating. Burial will be in Maple Hill Cemetery with Laughlin Service Funeral Home in charge. Dr. Roberts was a professor emerita at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and authority on the history of Huntsville, Madison County and the Tennessee Valley. She served on the boards of the Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society, the Burritt Museum, Constitution Hall Village, the Weeden House Museum, the Twickenham Historic District and the Huntsville Historic Commission. She was a published author and served as editor of The Huntsville Historical Review. Survivors include one nephew, Richard Bailey of Gordo; and two great nieces. Visitation will be today from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial donations may be made to the Frances Roberts Scholarship Fund at UAH.

Jerry M. Bingham

HAZEL GREEN - Jerry M. Bingham, 59, died June 2nd, 2000. at his home. The funeral was at Spry Funeral Home chapel.

Mr. Bingham was a lifelong Madison County resident. Survivors include his wife, Sandra G. Bingham of Hazel Green; one son, Lewis Allen Bingham of Hazel Green; one daughter, Sharon Elizabeth Bingham of Florence; his father, Hershel Bingham of Huntsville; and one brother, Don Bingham of Conway, Ark.

Memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society or the Robin Lanier Fund, 201 Sivley Road Suite 200, Huntsville 35810.

William T. Sloan

Willliam Thompson Sloan, 81, died Wednesday, June 14th, 2000,  at his home. The graveside service will be Friday at 10 a.m. at Maple Hill Cemetery with the Rev. Rick Johnson officiating.  Laughlin Service Funeral Home is in charge of burial.

Mr. Sloan was a World War II Army veteran having served five years with the 151st Engineer Band, 414th Army Service Band and the 279th Signal Battalion in Fort Hood, Texas. He was a graduate of Murray State University and the University of Louisville. Mr. Sloan taught band at Huntsville High School and served as both vice president and president of the Alabama Bandmasters Association. He was selected as Distinguished Band Director of America and was inducted into the Hall of Fame at Troy. He was a member of the Elks, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Eagles, Phi Mu Alpha and Phi Beta Mu fraternities and First Baptist Church of Huntsville.

Survivors include his wife, Harriette Weaver Sloan; three daughters, Carolyn Able of Knoxville, Camille Velvet of Madison and Rebecca Valentine of Huntsville; four sons, Jim Sloan and Mike Sloan, both of Madison, and Chuck Sloan and Pat Sloan, both of Huntsville; one sister, Mary Weaver of Huntsville; and 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. 

Memorial donations may be made to Southern Care Hospice, 3322 S. Memorial Parkway Suite 12, Huntsville 35801.


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