Map and Key to the Rathurbosk

by Shaun Hately

The numbers on this key relate to the map of the Rathurbosk above.

1. Kadrion the Alchemist

A sign depicting a mortar and pestle hang above the door of this building. It is open six days a week (bear in mind that the Rathurbosk uses the eight day calendar of Kurland) from about nine in the morning till about three in the afternoon.

Kadrion is a quietly spoken man, aged about 40. He is slim, has black shoulder length hair and wears a pale grey robe. He is a 7th Rank Herbalist (see The Herbal of the Holy Order of Sycrata, my unofficial rulebook for Dragon Warriors for details on Herbalist characters) by profession but he does not normally reveal this information. He is scrupulously honest in his business dealings.

Kadrion7th Rank Herbalist
ATTACK15Staff (d6,3)
DEFENCE11Armour Factor 0
EVASION510 Health Points
St 15; Rf 13; Int 11; PT 12; Lk 13

2. Badriam the Cartographer

A sign reading 'Maps' in Kurlish is attached to the door of this dwelling. It is open six days a week in the mornings. In the afternoons, Badriam tends to be found in the Flynt Ridd.

Badriam is a Thulander, a former barbarian warrior (4th Rank) who retired to settle on the Rathurbosk about 8 years ago. He is widely travelled and has refined the art of mapmaking over the years. He is able to sell maps of most of the civilised countries of Legend, right down to the level of individual counties for the lands of Ellesland or northern Legend. These maps are expensive - 100 florins is not an unusual price - but they are generally accurate. He makes his real money, however, by his possession of certain maps of Krarth and of the City of Spyte which he never lets out of his possession or copies but allows adventurers to look at (and copy themselves) for a fee of 100 florins an hour. These are very accurate and very useful to anyone attempting to explore Krarth, but he does not normally reveal the fact that he possesses them as he is afraid that certain powers would seek to destroy the maps - or even to destroy him.

Badriam4th Rank Barbarian
ATTACK18Cudgel (d3,3)
DEFENCE7Armour Factor 0
EVASION616 Health Points
St 13; Rf 12; Int 11; PT 13; Lk 9

3. The Tower of Rauk

Rauk's tower is about four stories tall and so rises considerably above the streets of this district. Rauk himself is an elderly Sorcerer (7th Rank) who has set himself up as a sage and general purpose wizard on the Rathurbosk. At anytime he tends to have three or four young apprentices around the tower. These are local children and adolescents drawn from the school for their promise. It is possible the eldest of these (normally a 1st Rank Sorcerer themselves) may be persuaded to join an adventuring party.

4. The School

The Rathurbosk has a policy of educating all its children to be literate. Indeed over 90% of the adult population is able to read and write. The school is a two story building which all children of the Bridge (including those of people staying on the Rathurbosk more than one month) must attend five mornings a week.

Adults may attend the school in the evenings for the purpose of learning the Classic script for a cost of but one Florin per lesson. As per The Lands of Legend, p 95-97, it takes approximately six months of daily lessons to master the Classic script.

5. Home of Gayle the Lawyer

This door bears the Scales of Justice upon it.

The law of the Rathurbosk is quite complex, though reasonably fair. It is to the advantage of any person defending themselves against criminal charges to hire one of the Rathurbosk's lawyers. Gayle, a young and attractive woman, is one of the best, though she is expensive. She charges 10 florins a day when dealing with a case, but she adds 15% to the chance that a case will go the way of the PC concerned (see The Lands of Legend, p115-117). She is honest and will not tolerate bribery or corruption.

GayleNormal Human
ATTACK12Hand (d3,2)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 0
EVASION26 Health Points
St 9; Rf 7; Int 17; PT 12; Lk 16

6. Home of Madrigal of the Stars

There is a wooden sign shaped like a star and coloured silver hanging above the door of this residence.

Inside lives Madrigal Merdeson, a 3rd Rank Air Elementalist with an interest in Astrology and Astronomy. Her astronomical knowledge is profound, and at the GMs discretion, she may have some ability at predicting the future. Such ability, if it exists, will be vague and imprecise.

Madrigal3rd Rank Air Elementalist
ATTACK14Hand (d3+1,3)
DEFENCE6Armour Factor 0
MAGICAL ATTACK199/3/3 Magic Points
EVASION27 Health Points
St 17; Rf 8; Int 17; PT 14; Lk 15

7. Home of Bertrand the Lawyer

The scales of justice hang above the door of this building.

Bertrand is a lawyer, but not a very good one. He has no direct effect on the chance of a case going a clients way, but he is always willing to arrange bribes (at a 10% cut himself). He has access to most of the prominent people of the Bridge in order to make these arrangements, and is also able to 'arrange' for witnesses to appear for a price. He has contacts within the Council of Thieves and may be able to arrange for the removal of witnesses - if the price is right. For the effect of bribes on criminal cases see The Lands of Legend, p114-115). His normal fee, in addition to any mentioned above, is 7 florins per day.

BertrandNormal Human
ATTACK11Hand (d3,2)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 0
EVASION38 Health Points
St 11; Rf 12; Int 9; PT 9; Lk 12

8. Grame the Carpenter

This is the residence and workshop of Grame, a master carpenter. It is open six days a week from dawn to dusk and is the place to go if the PCs need items made of wood.

GrameNormal Human
ATTACK11Hand (d3,3)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 0
EVASION36 Health Points
St 11; Rf 12; Int 9; PT 10; Lk 11

9. The Arena

This is the only place in town where duels may be legally fought. If a duel is desired, both parties must go the High Court and petition the High Justice for permission to fight. This will normally be given. After permission has been received, the law requires two days grace in the hope matters will be resolved peacefully. Notices are posted throughout the bridge informing people of the duel, and when it is held a sizeable crowd will normally gather to witness the duel. The Council of Thieves owns the building along the west side of the arena and have outfitted it as a type of grandstand. They charge 1 florin per person for entry and up to 1000 people can potentially be held inside. It is nearly always possible to lay bets on the outcome of a duel.

Persons fighting a duel are permitted to obtain their weapons from the Bridge Guard for the duration of the duel. If a person is killed or injured in a legally arranged duel, no sanctions exist against the other participant.

10. The Elm Tree

A red lamp hangs in the doorway of this two story, red-painted building.

This is a brothel - run and owned by the Council of Thieves. Without going into unnecessary detail, girls (and men) of various skill and ability work within at prices ranging from 5 florins upwards.

There is a risk of disease associated with this place. Each patron has a 1% chance per 'experience' of contracting a disease identical to the Pox and a 5% chance of contracting a disease similar to the Ague (see The Elven Crystals, p184-185 for details of disease.) Symptoms will not develop for 5d6 days.

11. Home of Basil

There are no signs on this building which looks like any other dilapidated house in this district. But inside lives Basil Cardmon, the Rathurbosk's most successful fence. He will buy and sell almost anything - he pays about 10% of market value for most items (and sells them at about half normal value) and is about the only place in town that weapons can be purchased. These he charges 150% of total value for. If the PCs somehow manage to find out about Basil, all they will be told about his location is that he is 'opposite the Elm Tree'. As there is no elm tree on the bridge this may cause some confusion.

BasilNormal Human
ATTACK11Dagger (d4,3)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 1 (Padded Leather)
EVASION36 Health Points
St 10; Rf 12; Int 12; PT 9; Lk 8

12. Council Guards

This nondescript house serves as one of two guard houses for the council of Thieves (the other is building number 16.) Inside, at any time of day or night lurk 3 men. A 1st Rank Assassin and 2 normal humans armed with swords and hardened leather armour. They will emerge only to protect the guild from attack.

Assassin1st Rank Assassin
ATTACK13Sword (d8+1,4)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 2
EVASION51d6+5 Health Points

GuardNormal Human
ATTACK11Sword (d8,4)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 2
EVASION31d6+2 Health Points

13. The Council of Thieves

This two story building bears no signs but it is reasonably well known that it is the headquarters of the Rathurbosk underworld.

The underworld is small and is headed by Berek Stele, a 5th Rank Assassin who controls the guild with an iron fist. There are approximately 7 other Assassins living and operating on the Bridge and the Council controls their operations, and has in its employ approximately 20 young ruffians of the bridge who act as heavies (normal humans).

14. A Potters Shop

15. The Golden Dragon Brewery

This is one of the Rathurbosk's major employers. This two story building is where Golden Dragon Ale renowned throughout Kurland is brewed. It's a fine ale and the owner and manager of the brewery, Gerold Donovon is extremely wealthy.

Gerold Donovon is known to have contacts with certain of the Magi of Krarth and has in the past acted as an agent for them. He is an excellent first contact for someone who wishes to participate in the Battlepits of Krarth (see The Lands of Legend, p134-135) and act as a champion for one of the Magi.

16. Council Guards

This nondescript house serves as one of two guard houses for the council of Thieves (the other is building number 12.) Inside, at any time of day or night lurk 3 men. A 1st Rank Assassin and 2 normal humans armed with swords and leather armour. They will emerge only to protect the guild from attack.

Assassin1st Rank Assassin
ATTACK13Sword (d8+1,4)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 2
EVASION51d6+5 Health Points

GuardNormal Human
ATTACK11Sword (d8,4)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 2
EVASION31d6+2 Health Points

17. Furrier's Shop

18. The Flynt Ridd Tavern

The Flynt Ridd is a tall building, four stories in height and is the Rathurbosk's only Tavern. As such it is very busy in the evenings, and is an excellent place for people to make contact with each other.

When the inn is entered, the patron will find himself in the Common Room. This serves as the bar, dining room, and a cheap place to sleep at night. Space on the Common Room floor can be had for but 2 pennies a night, or 4 pennies with a straw pallet. There are also a number of rooms on the three higher levels, each overlooking the common room. The most expensive rooms are the four suites on the top floor. These cost 5 florins per night to rent and can sleep 5 people in great comfort. They have running water, baths, and heating facilities and also room service. Below these on the second floor are 10 suites costing 3 florins a night which consist of separate bed rooms surrounding a sitting room. They have basic washing facilities. Finally on the first floor can be found twenty rooms each costing 1 florin a night. These are single rooms with no facilities beyond a bed. Toilet and wash facilities are found at the end of the corridor.

The Flynt Ridd is owned and run by Gutmooto.

19. The Citadel duul Guidor

The Citadel duul Guidor is the administrative centre of the Bridge. With its walls can be found the dungeons (where long term prisoners are incarcerated), the High Court, presided over by Jase duul Guidor, and the living quarters of the duul Guidor clan.

20. The Church of St Petrov

About 800 years ago, the missionary priest, Petrov of Kalistan came north to convert the Heathen. He battled the Dragon Helgryak, and defeated him, and the people of the Bridge converted to the True Faith.

Petrov was later canonised and this large Cathedral, staffed by a Bishop (Vladimir) and two priests is his major shrine. Services are held here as in a normal search.

Residing in a gold casket embedded in the marble altar is the Skull of St Petrov, a Relic with the following powers.

40% chance of sensing evil, +1 bonus to MAGICAL DEFENCE when facing Undead, +2 bonus to MAGICAL DEFENCE when fighting Dragons.

For details on Relics see The Way of Wizardry, p108-109.

Bishop Vladimir may, in extremely dire circumstances which threaten his church of the survival of the Bridge allow the Relic to be used by characters he deems worthy.

21. The Tower of Helgryak

Around 1000 years ago, a Great Dragon, Helgryak, terrorised the people of the Rathurbosk. In tribute to him and as an act of appeasement a great spire was constructed in the centre of the bridge.

This tower is nearly 40 metres tall, made of basalt and it shines in the sunlight. It is topped by a mechanical clock - one of the few in Legend - which keeps excellent time as long as it is wound every day. The inside of the tower is hollow and contains a winding staircase up to the clock tower. It is wound early each morning by an employee of the duul Guidor family.

22. The Public Baths

These were built over 800 years ago and are still an impressive building of marble. The baths are divided into three section - male on the west, female on the east with a mixed bathing area in the middle. Each section contains two pools - one with hot water and one with cold, and a sauna area. The baths are commonly used for business meetings and most prominent people of the bridge use them daily, or at least weekly. Bathing is typically nude which is the reason for the opportunity for segregated bathing.

23. The Great Library of Jastel

This is, as its name indicates, a repository of learning. The library is huge by the standards of Legend, containing over 6000 books on two levels. It is uncatalogued, and the books are found only through the help of Hiabour, the Master Librarian or his three assistants. Almost any information the PCs require may be found within a week of searching beginning, but this does not come cheaply - the Library charges 100 florins per day to do a search and will not normally allow others to do so. The books are nearly always chained to the shelves to prevent easy theft. Most of the books are written in Kurlish, but there is a fair representation of other languages.

24. The Watchhouse

This is a plain red brick building with no windows and only one door. Inside are rows and rows of cells each capable of holding four prisoners. This is the place where prisoners are held for brief periods - either until they sleep off a drinking binge, are awaiting trial, or awaiting a flogging or execution.

The Watchhouse is naturally guarded by members of the Rathurbosk Guard. The guard force normally consists of 1 squad.

All prisoners have the right to see a Lawyer and the Guards will arrange this for a small fee (5 florins). This is on top of the Lawyers normal fees.

25. Home of Chendash The Lawyer

This small, and neat house bears a bronze representation of the Scales of Justice above the door. Chendash is a young lawyer - only about 22 and only recently qualified. Nonetheless what he lacks in experience he has in knowledge of the Law and court procedure. If Chendash is representing someone in a court case he will add (1d20-5)% to their chance of winning the case. This variance occurs because of his relative inexperience.

He is relatively cheap, costing but 8 florins a day to retain and because of his proximity to the Watchhouse he is the lawyer that the guard is most likely to summon to deal with prisoners who have expressed no preference. He will arrange for the character or his friends to have access to people they may wish to bribe but will play no part in the proceedings himself and will not accept payment for it.

ChendashNormal Human
ATTACK11Hand (d4,3)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 0
EVASION38 Health Points
St 9; Rf 12; Int 13; PT 11; Lk 14

26. Home of Aeradian The Leatherworker

Aeradian, a 35 year old man deals in general leathergoods which he is happy to make on commission. He is capable of making various types of leather armour but will charge double the normal amount for these.

AeradianNormal Human
ATTACK11Hand (d3,2)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 1
EVASION43 Health Points
St 12; Rf 14; Int 9; PT 9; Lk 10

27. Home of Vandonia The Barber

A red and white pole stands in the street outside this modest dwelling.

Vandonia is a 27 year old woman with great skill in cutting hair and basic medical care (such as the removal of warts or dentistry.

VandoniaNormal Human
ATTACK12Hand (d3,2)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 0
EVASION34 Health Points
St 15; Rf 12; Int 10; PT 10; Lk 14

28. Stone Mason

29. Home of Dwerra the Locksmith

Dwerra is an elderly man - perhaps in his 70s - and is rumoured to have some elfish blood in his ancestry. Whether this is true or not, he is very dexterous and makes locks of high quality which are available for purchase. He also has a 60% chance of picking any lock brought to him which he will do for 10 florins (which is not refundable in the event of his failure) and one quarter of the contents of the item he opens (or monetary compensation to match that value).

DwerraNormal Human
ATTACK12Hand (d3,2)
DEFENCE7Armour Factor 0
EVASION52 Health Points
St 11; Rf 18; Int 12; PT 10; Lk 12

30. Execution Square

This open area is dominated by a large raised dais on which rests a stone block. Next to the dais is a strong wooden framework.

The framework is used to tie people to in order to be flogged. The dais is where executions - by beheading - are carried out.

31. Justin The Healer

A caduceus (a staff with two snakes entwined around it) is freshly painted on the door of this building.

This is the home of Justin Brooks, a former crusader recently returned to the Rathurbosk (4th Level Knight). During his period away at the crusades, Justin amassed some considerable skill in healing and is able to perform surgery for people who need it. He charges only what they can afford.

Justin4th Rank Knight
ATTACK18Cudgel (d3,3)
DEFENCE10Armour Factor 0
EVASION516 Health Points
St 15; Rf 13; Int 9; PT 10; Lk 8

32. Gwealla The Lawyer

Gwealla, a middle aged, matronly woman is an experienced lawyer, who is nonetheless highly erratic in her performance. At times of great stress she tends to drink heavily and she finds work very stressful. So it is not uncommon for her to be perfectly sober when meeting a client but roaring drunk when she attends court. For this reason, she adds (2d20-20)% to the chance a court case will go in a clients favour. Her fee is 4 florins a day.

GweallaNormal Human
ATTACK11Dagger (d4,3)
DEFENCE4Armour Factor 0
EVASION28 Health Points
St 9; Rf 8; Int 14; PT 13; Lk 10

33. Lobrylla's Jewellers

A large sign depicting a golden ring hangs above the door of this building.

This store (always attended by a 2nd Rank Barbarian Warrior named Banrok who acts as a guard - he wears hardened leather armour and carries s shortsword, and as a dispensation to bear arms) buys and sells jewellery. Lobrylla, a middle aged woman is very honest and will always give a fair price when purchasing - 40% of the items resale value.

LobryllaNormal Human
ATTACK11Hand (d3,2)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 0
EVASION34 Health Points
St 12; Rf 9; Int 16; PT 9; Lk 13

Banrok2nd Rank Barbarian
ATTACK17Shortsword (d8+1,4)
DEFENCE8Armour Factor 2
EVASION512 Health Points
St 17; Rf 9; Int 8; PT 12; Lk 8

34. Greebo's Tea House

A picture depicting a cup and saucer hangs above the door and patrons may purchase tea inside, at between 1 penny and 2 florins per cup depending on the variety. But the major item for purchase is not tea, but rather tahac. Tahac is a powerful narcotic herb much used on the Rathurbosk. It is outlined in The Herbal of the Holy Order of Sycrata, but I have included the relevant game information here as well.

For 2d10 minutes after smoking the persons insight is increased (+1 to Intelligence), but for 1d4 hours after this, a state of distortion ensues and the recipient Intelligence and Psychic Talent drop by 2 from their normal levels. Prolonged use causes the user to collapse into an almost dreamlike trance. Tahac is highly addictive and should be used with care. It can cause overdose, the possibility of which is outlined below, along with the effects of addiction.

Chance of Overdose
If a 20 is rolled on the ability check when administering this herb, the recipient will overdose. Overdose will also occur if tahac is smoked more than once in a 24 hour period. Anyone who overdoses will become insane. See pages 55-61 of The Power of Darkness for details on insanity.

Addiction and Withdrawal
Addiction may occur if tahac weeds are smoked more than once in a two week period. The chance of addiction begins at one in six, but increases by a further one in six each time the herb is used during that two week period.

A tahac addict is extremely lethargic, and finds it very hard to get excited or involved about anything, except another dose of the herb. Their Intelligence and Psychic Talent scores are 1 point lower than normal unless they have smoked tahac in the previous two days. An addict experiencing withdrawal will smoke the herb at any opportunity, unless they make a successful check versus Psychic Talent. A successful check allows them to suppress the craving for 2d6 hours, although they still suffer the Intelligence and Psychic Talent penalties.

Recovery From Addiction
A tahac addict who manages to do without the herb for more than a month will no longer suffer the Intelligence and Psychic Talent penalties, although they will still use the herb at any opportunity unless they make their Psychic Talent check as described above. At this stage, though, a successful save will suppress the craving for 1d4 days. If an addict manages to go an additional 2 months (a total of 3 months) without the herb they will no longer experience this craving. Any use of the herb, after being addicted, will instantly readdict the person.

The tea house is run by Greebo, an elderly man with dark skin and pale green eyes. He is a quiet man and is often in the dreamlike state created by his product.

GreeboNormal Human
ATTACK12Hand (d3,2)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 0
EVASION37 Health Points
St 13; Rf 12; Int 14; PT 10; Lk 12

35. The Market Square

Any person may set up a stall in this market in order to seel their wares. In practice, this is quite rare and only occurs when a local farmer has a surplus beyond the norm, or if someone is selling an unusual item. However the Market Square is surrounded by shops.

36. The Rathurbosk Bank

This bank is always guarded by four warriors equivalent to 4th Rank Knights who wear chain mail and carry swords (they have a special dispensation).

The bank will be happy to store money for the PCs (at a 5% handling fee - both at deposit and withdrawal) and to issue credit notes at a 10% payment.

Guard4th Rank Knight
ATTACK16Sword (d8,4)
DEFENCE10Armour Factor 4
EVASION41d6+11 Health Points

BankerNormal Human
ATTACK11Hand (d3,2)
DEFENCE5Armour Factor 0
EVASION31d6+2 Health Points

37. The Store House

This stone building is guarded by a squad of the Guard at all times wearing chain mail and carrying swords. It is where weapons surrendered at the gate are stored until the owners reclaim them.

38. The Barracks

This is the headquarters of the Rathurbosk Guard, and is also where the Head of the Guard, Trilothi duul Guidor works. Despite it's name the Guard force does not live here although a squad of guards is in attendance at all times.

39. The Stables

The stables will take and care for any horses brought onto the Rathurbosk for a fee of 2 florins per day (paid by the week and in advance - any unused monies will be refunded). The Stable Master is Gworan, a Barbarian Warrior (6th Rank) now in retirement.

Gworan6th Rank Barbarian
ATTACK20Cudgel (d3,3)
DEFENCE11Armour Factor 0
EVASION517 Health Points
St 14; Rf 11; Int 12; PT 13; Lk 12

40. The Warehouse

This building may be hired for 100 florins a week and is only occasionally used for storing merchandise travelling through the Rathurbosk.

41-47 Assorted Shops. These shops can be rented at the Citadel. There tends to be a rapid change in what is being sold here with few shops lasting more than a few months.

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